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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.25 - 79votes)


Alt Names: alt ●Rec
Author: Hanamizawa Q-Taro
Artist: Hanamizawa Q-Taro
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A salaryman Matsumaru Fumihiko 26, asked his colleague miss Tanaka to watch a movie with him, but she doesn't show up at the movie theater. As he is about to throw away the ticket, a rookie seiyuu girl named Onda Aka aged 20 asked for the ticket and they end up watching the movie together. On their way home they notice that they live near each other. That night, Aka's apartment burns down. Matsumaru offers his help and they end up with Aka living with him. They have to keep it a secret to secure their jobs. What will happen to the relationship that is "more than friends but less than lovers"...

Already Finished at chapter 124 with 16 Volumes
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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One of those guys.  Females can't make mistakes?  Either pure virginal maiden or sleasebag that spreads for anyone, no inbetween?


You even got friggin Rance as your avatar.  Great example of virtue there.  Oh wait, males are suppose to go after sex, therefore he's a real upstanding man, is that it?

Dat burn.

If I was Matsumaru, I would just go get Dat cute mother.


I endorse that tsundere business worker mom with a kinda dominatrix vibe all the way!



He always walks in on the wrong time LOL

Dropped after chapter 25. Such a slut heroine.

One of those guys.  Females can't make mistakes?  Either pure virginal maiden or sleasebag that spreads for anyone, no inbetween?


You even got friggin Rance as your avatar.  Great example of virtue there.  Oh wait, males are suppose to go after sex, therefore he's a real upstanding man, is that it?

*Starts reading*

.... Art... ....

*Checks latest for art change*

*Continues reading Ch 1*

*Looks at page 28*


Dropped after chapter 25. Such a slut heroine.

I deeply apologize for the delays in getting REC out to you guys. We're having some organizational difficulties at the moment and are trying to get back on track. Please bear with us.

Need more... 1 chapter every a few months isn't nearly enough of my Aka dose...

Time to reread the series to refresh my memory.

...Wait, that's not exactly a bad thing now, is it?


Edit: 6 hours later, completely worth.

An update!!!

yeah take all!! first aka then aka's sister and in the end the mother.


now  the last component.......dad  and the  harem is finished!!XDD

"OH SHIT!, they're still living together."

troll grin ftw :D

Another Tsundere Mom....by this i approved this meme



I really do feel for Matsumaru. In a relationship and has only gotten laid once the entire time. It -could- be that the mangaka just isn't showing us, but they've referenced it several times that they've only done it once.

@Silent Crucifix


And if you have a look at the other author works, which are also quite good, the author has no problem with having those scenes in his manga so why no this one? ;(

uh, aka did refuse. but that was still pretty long ago anyways.

This manga could have a bit more "action", if you know what I mean xD



Well, I kind of wonder if maybe they are still doing it, too. However, since it has already been explained that they are sexually active, does the author need to put a few panels of gratuitous sex scenes, every chapter or couple of chapters? I think the author maybe wants us to draw our own conclusions with what is given. Hell, they could be doing it in between chapters. 


Also, (and unless I am thinking of a different manga) wasn't there a part in some semi recent chapter where the MC wanted or tried to initiate some sex but Aka refused for some reason? Or it was an internal monologue the MC had with himself?

I miss Tsundere Mom/Boss already.

This manga could have a bit more "action", if you know what I mean xD


i remember reading this way back..and is it only me but the way the mc looks and actions is so frustrating.

i cant accept him nor like him nor take him seriously. the thing that made me cling to this manga me for a some while was the girls (especially aka, pity/adore her so much) that was really 5 steps ahead of him in awesomeness ==" !! and of course the relationship developments. Plot is somewhat..slow i think?. note that i havent read this is a while.

Mangas with bad/non-cool mc's is something I despise. :/

I've been keeping up with this manga for years. There are some moments where the author deliberately tries to get a rise out of you for dramatic effect, but it's nothing critical to hinder the enjoyment of the story.

@Anyone who's wondering if there's NTR or not

I will start saying outright that in the long run, NTR is not an issue. HOWEVER, the author does use this a couple of times as a plot device early on in the story. I wouldn't worry about it though. It's rather mild and the "rise" you get out of it is very temporary.

This is a great manga and I personally wouldn't want anyone to not read it because of the issue with NTR. I picked it up a few days ago actually and I didn't even read the comments(and I'm glad because I would have backed off). Give this manga a try!
Another shower scene...weeeEeee
WAAAHHHH...... this is too much... too many shower scenes for me to handle.... aaahhhh.... too much good stuff...

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