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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.85 - 331votes)


Alt Names: alt デストピアalt Desutopia
Author: Yamada Yoshinobu
Artist: Yamada Yoshinobu
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: After an incident that left Koh Fujimura grievously injured; losing sight from both eyes, the college student undergoes surgery and miraculously survives. However, this event significantly changes his life, as he gains extrasensory perception abilities. Soon, a woman appears, and the boy's life changes overnight.

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Topic Is it just me or does the policeman's wife look a lot like the flight attendant from Cage of Eden? New Window PieceOfSchmittGames
  • 9 Replies


Emergency heart transplant. calling it now.


Faced with the loss of his woman, Koh goes on the warpath, burning cities and taking every virgin in sight.

are there any differences between the 2 panels (besides the speech bubbles)


Deathtopia will end November 22 in the Evening. The volume 8 (final volume) will be released in December 22

Doubt it



lol wtf if they brought a grenade and then stuff the decapitated head with the grenade and blow it up all of this will end. But I guess anime characters always go for the hardest plan lol






What a heartbreaking chapter.




I'm almost adding the tag "comedy" to the genre field in the series description. I mean, can you think of something more risible than this plot?


What a heartbreaking chapter.

When I saw that heart thing the first thing that came to my mind was 'Brutal Combo' followed immediately by 'Finish Him' ... Ah the horniness of a young male virgin. You take away Koh's puh and you get ... penetrated ... LOL.

I'm almost adding the tag "comedy" to the genre field in the series description. I mean, can you think of something more risible than this plot?

she has survived getting stabbed, shot, electrified and partly skinned. i doubt that little cut will kill her, probibly won't even leave a scar.

aren't these supposed to be based on animals? what's with the shapeshifter?


They keep explicitly calling her 'The Chameleon Girl'. Don't think you're getting any better than that.

aren't these supposed to be based on animals? what's with the shapeshifter?

I don't know what am I reading anymore...

Perhaps if the series' author having previous work we can make a prediction on how it will be in the future. As in this case it's pretty clear the author is doing a rehash of eden no ori with interesting premier and then devolving into B movies type manga. I'll advice you to be careful for his next series if he make one. Probably he will make another interesting premise but don't be deceived for the third times lol.

I agree, of course. I only cut him slack because Cage of Eden was his first serialisation and was axed. After this one is over, I won't touch Mr Yamada's work with a ten-metre pole.

Hey, it's not as if we choose series because they will go to the dogs. We're just that lucky :D If you know a way to foretell whether a beginning series that is good will remain good till the end, tell it to me. Heck, sell it to me!


There's a pattern, though. When I pick a good series and it devolves into the nonsense, I keep translating out of pure spite. It's the case of both of Mori Kouji's series we're doing (in my opinion).


Not Deathtopia, though. It's is nonsense, but at least it's amusing, like a smut version of the Comedy of Errors.


About the notes: in the case of Deathtopia, the mocking officer in charge is the typesetter. In Destroy and revolution, I'm the main perpetrator, though the entire scanlation team hate the series and have fun pouring contempt onto it.


Perhaps if the series' author having previous work we can make a prediction on how it will be in the future. As in this case it's pretty clear the author is doing a rehash of eden no ori with interesting premier and then devolving into B movies type manga. I'll advice you to be careful for his next series if he make one. Probably he will make another interesting premise but don't be deceived for the third times lol.

Hopefully Touru will come in to salvage shit with his hero face. Lightning/electricity users are always supposed to be top-tier, after all. Or maybe he'll bear witness to all the BS and decide to leave and go live the rest of his life peacefully in the South Pole.

Coming back to read this latest chapter and it's.... sooo.... bad.


AT least others in the comments agree this is awful, but just coming back every now and then and shit gets worse.


Seriously, the whole UD shit was stupid, and even the latest chapter where



Everyone's a bad good, who wants to be a good guy....

OMG! This is like a series B manga. Epic failing to the very end.
The gals are superb, also.

I am here to see boobs.

And dead ladies
OMG! This is like a series B manga. Epic failing to the very end.

The gals are superb, also.


May I remind you that they are "cheaters"? :P


Sadly seems that the faintest hint of realism is out of the wack on this manga. Characters break reality depending on the author whims, hope it doesnt give us too much Deux Ex Machina bullcrap

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