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* * * * * (4.72 - 417votes)

Sex Manga

Alt Names: alt How I got your mother pregnant with logical deductionalt SEXする漫画alt Tipikal Manga Mesum
Author: Irohara Mitabi
Artist: Irohara Mitabi
Genres: Comedy ComedyOneshot OneshotRomance Romance
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Original pixiv comic: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=41243253
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Topic I wish this BECAME A SERIES!! New Window LimitCycle
  • 2 Replies


must... try... in RL...


*get arrested*

I've been wondering for a while, who the hell is Sakamoto?

That right there is some nobel prize winning man logic


the F did i just read the F did i just read the F did i just read???

Without 90 chapters of harem, nosebleeds, bath house, beach, hotsprings, swimming pool, blushing, punching in response to embarrassment, kisses on cheeks, going out and then realizing it was a date, being dense about each other's feelings, little sisters showing up and falling for the same guy as their onee-san, misunderstanding leading to break up, the looming threat that one person will move away, teaching the other person how to make friends, impressing the other person's family so that they approve and keep trying to put you two together inducing blushes, etc etc etc, how is the average japanese manga reader supposed to know what the fuck this manga is about?

What dafuq? First of all. Why the hell were her clothes ripped. Second How big is penis to impress her so much. Third How can i get that to happen to me? It doesn't have to be in that order but I want answers damnit!

What the fuck did I just read

It was Lucid Dream, now this, thanks for everyone that push this great manga into the high rated series mmm...

What the actual fuck was that?



This manga is supposed to be ecchi, and it is talking about ecchi stuff, but why does it make me feel I have been to a great lecture from a philosopher... Btw, I just felt like I had to read the guy's words really fast. Am I the only one who felt that way?


straight to the point

I've seen this before, I swear, I don't remember if it was this or something else, but it was practically the same thing.. memory pls...


O it was the same thing, didn't check the release date properly.

nailed it

brought tears to my eyes



well that happened........


Wow.... just WOW.....!!! *speechless*

Greatest oneshot ever  (._.)7


This... this is one of the greatest things I have ever read

well... that escalated quickly.


if only real life was like this i'd be having many girls.

And nobody is going to question how hard a sudden gust of wind would be for her clothes to literally be torn apart? Okay. I'll work around it.

well obviously there was no wind

Well shit with that logic he may have gotten me too

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