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* * * * * (4.61 - 408votes)

Fujimi Lovers

Alt Names: alt 不死身ラヴァーズalt Ölümsüz Aşıklaralt Undead lovers
Author: Takagi Yuna
Artist: Takagi Yuna
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A spiral love story.

Kouno Jun is a lively character who lives life with all his might. In kindergarten, he falls in love with Hasebe Rino, the most beautiful girl in his class, and he confesses to her. Hasebe accepts his love, but the moment she gives her answer, she vanishes on the spot. Failing to figure out what's going on, Kouno asks his friends about Hasebe, only to find out that no one remembers a single thing about her. She has just vanished, along with all memories about her, except for those of Kouno.

While Kouno leads a weary and desperate high school life, Hasebe appears again as a transfer student. However, this Hasebe is not exactly the Hasebe he knows...
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So why....




I hope there's a part 2.

Ok so maybe it's like this:



i guess it's more like this: the author doesn't give a fuck anymore since he wasn't as successful as he hoped and got cancelled.

Thanks a whole lot, TSP. I thought I'd never see part 1 completely translated, seeing as the author never seemed to bother continuing.


That was pretty damn heartwarming.


And soul-crushing!

That was such a great, sad, confusing chapter

Ok so maybe it's like this:



That makes as much sense as anything else we've seen, I guess.

What are the rules for this, anyway?



While I think we all get where you're coming from, one needs to draw the line somewhere. For instance, one would have to take a very extreme view to slap a "gender bender" tag on One Piece, but there's a relatively prominent character (amongst dozens of relatively prominent characters) who gender-swaps themselves and others habitually.



Ok so maybe it's like this:



??? Huh? I am now horribly confused...

Maybe he's just changing worlds, and that's why he thinks Hasebe's is disappearing. What he sees is just Hasebe disappearing in front of his eyes, so to him it's no different from changing to a different world/timeline/"your hypothesis", where the Hasebe that fell in love with him was never existing to begin with.

So if the change happens instantly he can't see the difference, between Hasebe ceasing to exists in front of his eyes, and him ceasing to exist in a world where he meets Hasebe that falls in love with him, making it seems like Hasebe's the one disappearing.

That would explain why nobody knows anything of the Hasebe that supposedly "disappeared". And why he remembers them, because he actually had contact with her, just in a different world/etc.

But then it gets harsh for the "Hasebes that fell in love" if he's the one disappearing.


Or maybe I'm just digging too deep, and the answer is too abstract to logically explain it


I think the author is trying to hint at him changing worlds from this chapter... but I wonder how that works. In the first chapter, at the very beginning when Hasebe disappears, the flower vase she was holding falls on the ground and smashes in to pieces. Additionally, if he's just randomly appearing in a new world... why was he doing the stuff he was doing? Why was he homeless after amnesia-Hasebe? Why was he in the kids play after loli-Hasebe? Why was he working at the laundromat? Presumably there was an original version of him in that world, right? Or is he just randomly appearing in the world with fully formed backstories and relationships??


Also he's got that box of Hasebe stuff, like the bear and the middle schooler armband. Where are those coming from? How does the box of all the items from past Hasebes travel with him when he's switching worlds?


On the other hand, I think the author doesn't plan to have a logical/scientific/fantasy explanation for all the super-natural things at all.
But that is sound logic right there.


Like keoss said though, I doubt the author is thinking too hard lol. These series has those super weird surreal moments in Kouno's head all the time.


However, I think there's something to do with UMAs, since it's actually come up before! I don't remember any other instances so I might re-read and look for them, but the one that stood out to me was the page where helmet Hasebe disappears. It's on the sign behind him:



We'll probably remove that whenever we see it. It's kind of spoiler-ish, no?

And this series isn't shounen-ai as a whole anyway. The gender switch is just proving a point.

What are the rules for this, anyway?

If there's gender bending in a manga, regardless if it's even a minor character or it's temporary, the tag usually sticks (except for here, obviously).
If there's romance in a martial arts manga, the romance tag often sticks regardless of the fact that it's not centered on romance.
If there's more than one female support character for a male protagonist, even if there's no actual romance between them, it's automatically a harem manga.
Suggest there's shounen/shoujo-ai in a manga and everyone loses their minds.

Why is tagging on this site so unreasonable? Isn't the purpose of tags supposed to be letting potential readers know what's in the manga, not just the main focus or intent of said manga? There's clearly both gender bending and shounen-ai in this manga. What's so difficult about letting people know that before they get into it?

Imagine there's extremely graphic/uncensored smut in a manga but only for, like, three chapters but you really don't want to be blindsided by that. Or similarly graphic gore and "horror" for, again, only a few chapters but you have no interest in that genre. Wouldn't you like to know? Wouldn't you like to be able to trust a site's tagging system? Wouldn't you like to think you can check a manga's tags for content you don't want to see and not have to worry about the site's politics telling you that your tastes are irrelevant purely because the people with the final say think that if they don't care about certain content in a manga (for which there already exist tags) then neither should anyone else?

This manga is the best troll I've ever know.

And it doesn't even have an ending!

His friend is the best character, tbh.

Maybe he's just changing worlds, and that's why he thinks Hasebe's is disappearing. What he sees is just Hasebe disappearing in front of his eyes, so to him it's no different from changing to a different world/timeline/"your hypothesis", where the Hasebe that fell in love with him was never existing to begin with.
So if the change happens instantly he can't see the difference, between Hasebe ceasing to exists in front of his eyes, and him ceasing to exist in a world where he meets Hasebe that falls in love with him, making it seems like Hasebe's the one disappearing.
That would explain why nobody knows anything of the Hasebe that supposedly "disappeared". And why he remembers them, because he actually had contact with her, just in a different world/etc.
But then it gets harsh for the "Hasebes that fell in love" if he's the one disappearing.
Or maybe I'm just digging too deep, and the answer is too abstract to logically explain it

On the other hand, I think the author doesn't plan to have a logical/scientific/fantasy explanation for all the super-natural things at all.
But that is sound logic right there.

There's going to be a hypercrisis event where all the Hasebe's and all the Kouno's worlds fuse into one. Then they either start a lover's paradise or all fuse and become tang.

Maybe he's just changing worlds, and that's why he thinks Hasebe's is disappearing. What he sees is just Hasebe disappearing in front of his eyes, so to him it's no different from changing to a different world/timeline/"your hypothesis", where the Hasebe that fell in love with him was never existing to begin with.

So if the change happens instantly he can't see the difference, between Hasebe ceasing to exists in front of his eyes, and him ceasing to exist in a world where he meets Hasebe that falls in love with him, making it seems like Hasebe's the one disappearing.

That would explain why nobody knows anything of the Hasebe that supposedly "disappeared". And why he remembers them, because he actually had contact with her, just in a different world/etc.

But then it gets harsh for the "Hasebes that fell in love" if he's the one disappearing.


Or maybe I'm just digging too deep, and the answer is too abstract to logically explain it

Is there still a cap left? I need them to be happy together, pls don't break my kokoro



Of course, this was the only logical manner this story could progress. Also, ???????


or what if it's not hasebe disappearing everytime but jun in to another realm with a different hasebe each time and he fuses with the him of that realm?



yea I've been thinking it's one of...


1.  Hasabe's a guy, so curse is backwards now

2.  Jun's memory loss caused his existence to be weaker

3.  Jun's been travelling to different universes without realizing it

Haha, now Hasebe has the "Eternally Disappearing Destined Lover" disease! Or curse.


Get ready for a lifetime of broken hearts, Hasebe.

or what if it's not hasebe disappearing everytime but jun in to another realm with a different hasebe each time and he fuses with the him of that realm?


there will be a sequel, maybe, someday...


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