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* * * * * (4.67 - 168votes)

Saenai Kanojo (Heroine) no Sodatekata - Koisuru Metronome

Alt Names: alt 冴えない彼女の育てかた 恋するメトロノーム
Author: Maruto Fumiaki
Artist: Musha Sabu
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Alternate Story with Kasumigaoka Utaha as Main Heroine.

Original Story:

> Saenai Kanojo (Heroine) no Sodatekata
( http://www.bato.to/comic/_/comics/saenai-kanojo-heroine-no-sodatekata-r9674 )

Another Alternate Story:

> Saenai Kanojo (Heroine) no Sodatekata ~egoistic-lily~
( http://www.bato.to/comic/_/comics/saenai-kanojo-heroine-no-sodatekata-egoistic-lily-r9675 )
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I am so confused. What was she so mad about when he said he wasn't Machida? What was going on with that whole speech in front of her door and when she said to go home? All the moments where it was the LN characters instead made me so confused.


Well the whole speech in front of her door was Morals trying to apologize to her while giving her a plot for the harem romantic comedy light novel at the same time. As for why she was mad when he said she wasn't Machida, I have no clue either.

I am so confused. What was she so mad about when he said he wasn't Machida? What was going on with that whole speech in front of her door and when she said to go home? All the moments where it was the LN characters instead made me so confused.

I think we all know what her right hand was doing 

You can do anything you want!
....while thinking of him.... on your bed...
Last page brought up a good question though, where IS her right hand?


+1 for Miyuki.

This is weakening my resolve for Generic Moe.

You can do anything you want!
....while thinking of him.... on your bed...
Last page brought up a good question though, where IS her right hand?


That ... last pannel doe.

utaha <3

she wants a romcom development with Rinri-kun while she plays the role of all the girls in the harem.

Utaha senpai is so adorable! It's so obvious that she wants to be spoiled by Morals-kun.


all i can see is

did katou appear in this chapter??


I hereby declare Kasumigaoka Utaha as best girl.
Well, her rivals are either an annoying tsundere or a girl that lacks any personality. So it wasn't a very hard competition.


I would like to cite http://megatokyo.com/strip/1174  page 3 of this third chapter.

I'm hoping for an actual romantic conclusion or at the very least romantic development.  I know it's naive of me to hope for one, considering it is the alternate story of a harem light novel, but I can still hope dammit


I think that would be hard, because this story is before the main story begin, also maybe they mix in a moment, but I think this story is more likely to get us thinking that she's indeed the best girl and then the main story ends with her being main girl :D (and we will know why xD.. also in the main manga another girl appears xD, for the music part of the game)

the dude looks just like the MC (same hair) i bet its either a delusion or when he was sleeping she took the pic and showed him or put it on his phone or worst case shes just your typical highschool skank and the Mc got hit by some NTR lol hope its the ladder she is (was) my fav girl haha

Most likely him. Nobody sleeps with their glasses on.

I hereby declare Kasumigaoka Utaha as best girl.


Well, her rivals are either an annoying tsundere or a girl that lacks any personality. So it wasn't a very hard competition.

I'm hoping for an actual romantic conclusion or at the very least romantic development.  I know it's naive of me to hope for one, considering it is the alternate story of a harem light novel, but I can still hope dammit

Well, poor Utaha for having to capture a dense blockhead otaku.

and that aquarium is very important indeed...

Where is this from?
I've read the raws for both the original series and this one and I don't remember seeing this in either one.

Koisuru Metronome only has 3 raw chapters out unless I am mistaken.

Its from the light novel.

My thought after chapters 2 where very simple.

"What a retard"

Wasted opportunity right there. 

the dude looks just like the MC (same hair) i bet its either a delusion or when he was sleeping she took the pic and showed him or put it on his phone or worst case shes just your typical highschool skank and the Mc got hit by some NTR lol hope its the ladder she is (was) my fav girl haha

I highly doubt that seeing how this series have multiple stories to show the love between the different girls in the story. Well thats what i think. Would help if I had the actually raw too read ><

I just love Utaha-senpai better. Tomoya spoiling her is adorable; she also desires relationship progress, and she pursues that progress without being obvious.

the dude looks just like the MC (same hair) i bet its either a delusion or when he was sleeping she took the pic and showed him or put it on his phone or worst case shes just your typical highschool skank and the Mc got hit by some NTR lol hope its the ladder she is (was) my fav girl haha


I seriously doubt the latter, since it was rather obvious she was being pretty awkward around the MC (page 22-23 in chapter 2) as well as other people (her previous editor ran away).

When she tried to hide her awkwardness around the MC, her effort ended up passing by as teasing/flirting with the MC. Ok, this is just my two cents, gathered from similar heroines from other works.

This story is way better that the Egoistic Lily and the Original One... But the MC drawing is a little more dull, it didn't have the feeling from the others MCs in the other stories...


yep, this centers a lot more in the drawing of the heroine and the assistant xD, the mc is portrayed more relaxed, maybe that's why he is being drawed more dull.

also, I like Utaha more in this one, but the mc is a lot more dense in this version too (maybe because he's younger in this story).

This story is way better that the Egoistic Lily and the Original One... But the MC drawing is a little more dull, it didn't have the feeling from the others MCs in the other stories...

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