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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * - (4.37 - 89votes)

Soutaisei Moteron

Alt Names: alt 相対性モテ論alt Relativity Theory of Being Popularalt Soutaisei Mote Ronalt Soutaisei Mote-ronalt The Special Relativity of Motealt 桃花相对论
Author: Tsukiji Toshihiko
Artist: Maeda Risou
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Tachibana Kazuya, Kumazawa Daigo, and Niinuma Hiroko all want to be popular. But they don't know how to do so! So, they try and create a club to research and find out how to become popular.
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Climax next chapter?

Wait wat?


i don't know about him, but i'd roll with this girl

Yeah, it probably is, and probably a genereic ending where nothing changed, but I really enjoyed it  though, and I wish it would last longer than that.


I think Hiroko will express her feelings to stop Kazuya from marrying, but anyway, this series was good :'( why it has to eeend?? D:

The little sister goes from cute to evil mastermind to a pain in the ass.

It ends pretty decently.

The manga is reaaally good why must it end? is it because it got axed? 

Wait, isn't is ending next chapter? It said "climax" so....


Yeah, it probably is, and probably a genereic ending where nothing changed, but I really enjoyed it  though, and I wish it would last longer than that.

A RIVAL HAS APPEARED! And it's a beautiful ojou-sama! YAY!


Wait, isn't is ending next chapter? It said "climax" so....

A RIVAL HAS APPEARED! And it's a beautiful ojou-sama! YAY!

I always find it interesting when manga characters are able to tell the difference in kanji in a spoken word even if they sound exactly the same... never makes sense.

Do you even speak English?

oh god, he made her totally dere for him! I actually like yuki quite a bit.


Is this from a LN? or just the manga?


It's an original manga.

Is this from a LN? or just the manga?

Showin' some pimping stuffs!!
HAHAHAHA! I really love Yuki!!



Just say "I love you too" and "Yes!"!!! If only it was that simple. :)

Thanks for updating Derek!




The guy's a natural.




harem anyone 

follow this...


Kazuya, dumbass but expanding his harem, capturing girls one at a time.

I always find it interesting when manga characters are able to tell the difference in kanji in a spoken word even if they sound exactly the same... never makes sense.

So you don't find it interesting, when people can do the same in English?
I mean, how do you tell the difference between "hour" and "our", "byte" and "bite", "bit" and "bit", "great" and "grate", or "bus" and "bus"?
"Never makes sense"? Isn't that what people call: "double standard"?

YAY! Finally! An addition to the Harem!! (If there is a harem that is)

Thank you for updating this Derek!

Each time i read this, i was grinning for hours. But when someone reminded me that it's will end shortly, i felt really really down :(

I always find it interesting when manga characters are able to tell the difference in kanji in a spoken word even if they sound exactly the same... never makes sense.

Piece of cake. It is based on the context.

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