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The Sacred Blacksmith

Alt Names: alt 聖劍鍛造師alt 聖剣の刀鍛冶alt Seiken no Blacksmithalt Seiken no Katanakajialt Seiken no Swordsmithalt The Sacred Sword's Blacksmithalt The Sword Blacksmith
Author: Miura Isao
Artist: Yamada Koutarou
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHorror HorrorRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story takes place after an abominable war that foisted a "devil's contract" upon a land. Cecily Campbell, a former noble's daughter who joined a knighthood, encounters a man who dispatches some hoodlums with one sweep of a mysterious sword. The man possesses the power of the same "devil's contract" that has become taboo, now that peace has been restored. Cecily has been searching for a blacksmith who can repair an old sword she inherited from her father, and that mysterious young man happens to be blacksmith named Luke. This encounter launches their adventures together.
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What was with that romance? Auugh, I guess we were expecting it, but I just really can't take Cecily...
That feeling when you read a series for over a year, and after 32 chapters of nothing, the main character suddenly has feelings. Its like watching a movie, only to have it turn into a first-person shooter at the last scene. Somewhat epic, somewhat confusing, 100% unexpected.
wow never knew luke loved her that much like wow kinda blown away i knew he liked her but hes like really in love with her.
sry guys i agree with @Xenoevil, but you shouldnt be impatient either, takes sweat and blood just to produce 5 pages of this. you dont believe I recommend you reading Bakuman!

No, this chapter update was a complete and utter disappointing shit of the highest order. It was a complete cop out. Stop being a kiss ass because that five page chapter was the worst thing that ever came out in manga
@Xenoevil and all the other haters

I'm sorry, but you're ungrateful idiots. Batoto is for manga, YouTube is for trolls. http://www.youtube.com Your presence, as well as your extremely clever comments will be appreciated there.

That said, the worst crime a mangaka could commit is writing an excellent manga and then dropping it on a cliff hanger or climatic scene. I'm quite happy to know the series is still being written and scanalated. Looking forward to more!
My guess is that the "Sacred Sword" takes the life of it's maker. IE: Soul Imbued Katana. It has a lot of power through that sacrifice.
Whiny leechers will whine. Relax, there are 5 more chapters in the current volume.
Not bad not bad, almost a page per month. Keep it up! Onto Volume 7! March!
At first I thought there was an error but then i realised this chapter is only FIVE pages.
6 month wait for 5 pages.
So me and my girlfriend had sex and she thought it was utterly quick and patheitc, then she read this chapter and learned the true meaning of quick and pathetic
FIVE f***in pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the worst crime a mangaka could ever commit.
So... Volume 7 is not scheduled for the July print run by Media Factory. The earliest it'll come out is late August then.
Posted ImageI'm still pissed of that the Anime didn't quite follow the novel...they changed a bit of Cecily's personality. Cecily is a strong smart girl with great leadership skills. The anime portrays her in the opposite. In the anime, most of the jokes are about her over-sized chest and inadequacies.
Hahaha..... Luke ( man ) will create the ' sword ' and the fate of the Campbell family as the sacred sword ' sheath ' ........ Get it ? .... for some reason that kind of thought get into my mind.... Darn , maybe I need to go to that Militant's Power asylum after all..... Posted Image
Just die Cecily. We don't like you anyways. Lolis are better. XP
Just die Cecily. We don't like you anyways. Lolis are better. XP
Better wear that dress before he goes blind... fuuuuuuuuuuu
Actually, I can't believe Siegfried to be truly evil.

Sure, he's doing bad things, but all things considered: what if he's doing all of this because he needs a strong army in a short amount of time in order to fight Valbanil?
so the demon contract is a phenomenon where the demons in the air feed on human farts and cause a huge explosion huh? thats pretty original. rofl
@Rinroken: Yeah, probably, but the way it was portrayed made it look like him vs world. And in that sort of situation, always bet on the one solitary guy.
The picture shows his relevance. The "evil" one we should hate and how much he will mean in this conflict/plot. I think he's just leading his side.

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