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* * * * - (4.39 - 94votes)

Bullet Armors

Alt Names: alt BULLET ARMORS子彈裝甲alt 불렛 아머즈alt BULLET ARMORS
Author: Moricha
Artist: Moricha
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureMecha MechaSci-fi Sci-fiShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: In this world there are mysterious machines known as TREMORS. The reason they came and who built them are still unknown.The most mysterious part of the tremors, however, would be their ability to continuously EVOLVE.
And in this world a boy is on a journey looking for his missing father.
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  • 11 Replies


"Final Volume"



Please be joking.

It can't just end here.

It's just getting more and more awesome with every chapter.

This is a joke, right?


God of manga, why do you hate us so?! This is one of my favorite shounen in a decade, and there's still so much story to be told! Why must you end it here?!

seems it's really not a joke. which really sucks since there is no way even a rushed ending can happen in 3 chapters + omake. seems like it'll end the same way double arts did. right when the story reaches a turning point. and to me that 100x worse than a rushed ending.

"Final Volume"



Please be joking.

It can't just end here.

It's just getting more and more awesome with every chapter.

This is a joke, right?


God of manga, why do you hate us so?! This is one of my favorite shounen in a decade, and there's still so much story to be told! Why must you end it here?!

Why does manga make my shounen senses tingle so?

Final volume? Things kinda escalated quickly after Selena got captured... guess I'll start with looking forward to this guy's next manga =3

Moaaar plz ?

That older brother is such an ass.

The first time I saw the term 'Baker' in this manga, I was like 'whaaaaaaaat?'

The first time I saw the term 'Breaker' in this manga, I was like 'oh, so that's it'

His older brother armor is so cool.

I posted on Murmur's blog asking about the Breaker-Baker thingy and well it's all down to the kana. Since it's written as "Beika", the closest closest english is Baker, as weird as it maybe. And as asdasdgfrw says,


But given japanese engrish, I'm sure they weren't aiming for baking cakes xD

Either way, It'll stay Baker for a while it seems. Mostly cause it's been baking this way for so long, so no point changing names and causing confusion.

More like...


Belka is an organization/title name, there was no real need to translate it into English.


Take example of BATOTO and pretend it's Japanese.

Now Engrish it... closest is Batoru, or Battle.


This site is now called BATTLE.

Oh. Breaker VS Baker? Welp. On the French official published book, it's written as "Baker".

Liek dis ef yu cri evrtim.




On another note, even though this manga once again proves that it's so shounen that it hurts (in a good way), "That" really kinda pulled a string in my heart. 

Damn, this is probably (IMO) hands down the most promising "super" shounen i have read since i started reading R.A.V.E 10 years ago.

If that little clique moved you....you aren't cut for drama xD

Liek dis ef yu cri evrtim.




On another note, even though this manga once again proves that it's so shounen that it hurts (in a good way), "That" really kinda pulled a string in my heart. 

Damn, this is probably (IMO) hands down the most promising "super" shounen i have read since i started reading R.A.V.E 10 years ago.

I posted on Murmur's blog asking about the Breaker-Baker thingy and well it's all down to the kana. Since it's written as "Beika", the closest closest english is Baker, as weird as it maybe. And as asdasdgfrw says,

Isnt 'Breaker' - 'Bureika'?


But given japanese engrish, I'm sure they weren't aiming for baking cakes xD

Either way, It'll stay Baker for a while it seems. Mostly cause it's been baking this way for so long, so no point changing names and causing confusion.

The phonetic translation is Beika so do what you wan't with that, sense used breakers because they are a gang that break tremors... a gang of bakers sounds like a bad poetry group


Isnt 'Breaker' - 'Bureika'?

The phonetic translation is Beika so do what you wan't with that, sense used breakers because they are a gang that break tremors... a gang of bakers sounds like a bad poetry group

 Yeah, my concerns exactly. I'll try mail Dark Murmur and see what their TL-PR thinks; before the bread gets flat this must be resoled xD

Sorry, but reading the description I can't help but think of the movie series Tremors with Kevin Bacon....... Haha...

Sense's version uses Breakers. See ch15. It seems they have slightly different translations.

The phonetic translation is Beika so do what you wan't with that, sense used breakers because they are a gang that break tremors... a gang of bakers sounds like a bad poetry group



Yup, they've taken on the typical "fanatic" outlook.....all "black and white", no shades of grey to slow down their fanaticism.

Everytime I read the name 'Bakers' I think of them making bread together somewhere in their free time xD Is it how it's written in japanese as well or is it engrish from Breaker? Cause breakers kinda makes sense, you know, people who breaks, machines in this case.


Plus chapter 19 talks a lot about breaking stuff....


Sense's version uses Breakers. See ch15. It seems they have slightly different translations.

Everytime I read the name 'Bakers' I think of them making bread together somewhere in their free time xD Is it how it's written in japanese as well or is it engrish from Breaker? Cause breakers kinda makes sense, you know, people who breaks, machines in this case.


Plus chapter 19 talks a lot about breaking stuff....

Wow. It's pretty rare for a shounen series to make me feel so biased against one side the way this one has. Even though I know the bakers think they're trying to save the world, seeing the way they've treated tremors so far actually really got a rise out of me. The fact that they seem to think of themselves as just for doing so actually makes me dislike them more, rather than less.

And good lordy, that implied backstory. No one in this world has a happy life, do they?

The champ of shounen series continues to impress.

Dat Omake...

Reminds me of WaqWaq. 





"The world of Waq Waq is a place where machines attack the black-blooded humans, whose only defense are the Sakimori, humans chosen to partner up with the Goujin-zou, a race of machines that grow stronger when melded to humans. Shio and his Sakimori father, Al, upon entering a village, are attacked by the machines. As Al falls in battle, he leaves his son to become the new Sakimori and guardian of a mysterious young girl, believed to be a goddess, found at the heart of the battle. Waq Waq is the story of Shio as he battles to protect what was entrusted to him by his father. Let the battle for the goddess begin!"

the fap hand

Right hand*

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