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* * * * * (4.5 - 120votes)

Melo Holic

Alt Names: alt 멜로홀릭
Author: Team Getname
Artist: Aruani & Carnby & Team Getname
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy TragedyWebtoon Webtoon[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ====Batoto Staff Notice====
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it ended to soon pouts*
It's a relatively nice read but.. ARGHH!! I'm totally raging over the ending! How could they just end it just like this?! I really hate open endings! Soooooo infuriating!!! D:<
This is the song that plays, right?

Only 1 more year until I become a general of the single army <3 This webcomic is kinda realistic although it has this supernatural side to it.

But in the end it's unnecessary for love to exist in the first place outiside of social bonds ( family, clan or populace, i.e. all meanings of the latin word genus) since people are extremely selfish to begin with and altruism doesn't work outside of this bonds, tending to break relationships apart since there's nothing you can get out of them
[ selfless loving is a thing of fairytales that happens like in 1 of like 1 million relationships that don't share a special bond {i.e. boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, sexfriends, customer/whore-"relationship"; although all 3 are basically the same since they are all founded on sexual desire and nothing else}]
except your personal pleasure and the calming down of the natural beast that roars restlessly inside of us.

Somehow I don't get how everyone can still talk about "love" like it was something out of a fairytale, isn't this already being cynical about reality: prostitution, abnormal sexuality, extreme perversion, salaciousness,breakdown of every bit of dignity and morality, enforced relationships, betrayal and trying to sell yourself high.
This IS reality nowadays. If it's not, why do people change "partners" like clothes, don't tend to marry, waste their virginity on attaining sexual pleasure,are "unfaithful", hit,betray,ignore,damn,violate,ridicule and rape their "loved" ones? Isn't it because
love is but a ridiculous remnant of its former self?Isn't it because "love" is no longer equal with love but rather just another way to obtain delusional "salvation" from a cruel, lonely and cold (human) world?

So that would make this a cynical view of an already cynically used term: "love", the w-power cynism makes this really interesting to read :D
Loved. i finished everything in a just few hours.
But if you want a happy ending, stop at the chapter 56.
10/10. Would read again.
I read it one year ago but then now I decided to re-read it as it is one of the few series which you can conisder for reading again. I especially liked the start,the way author described about love from the protagonist point of view in the start. It was best.
If you studied psychology...... you might not be able to enjoy the latter part.
At least that's what happened to me.
CH 56 - this is not a novel -

It was a pain to read.
I'm a colonel and still ranking up.
this is one of the best manwha i've read and hope that i can find more just as good
there are soo many awesome scenes and many of them made my heart go "kyunn" LOL

but really tho.

and the twist is just too godly!
At first I found it to be really really boring, I almost dropped the series... Good thing I picked it up again. Seriously. It would've been a big mistake if I had dropped it.

Shocking turn of events!! But it was an overall nice read, if I might say, intense.

It's to saaaaaaaaaaaad. I'm cryiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. Why did it have to end in this moooooooooooooooooode?????
Why the smile on the last paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage?????
from ch58 ... all of a sudden it became a horror manhwa ....
Wow, read this in a few hours. Probably the best thing I've read up to date.
Its already been mentioned but seriously, you have to read this.
Really, really good.

Read it in one go and although I'm drop "mangas" really easy even if it's the second to last chapter of a long running one, I never once thought of dropping this.

Amazing work. Highly recommended.
Wow. Just... wow :o
It was definitely worth to spend half a day reading this and doing nothing else. Read it. Seriously.

*goes off to rest her eyes*
Never in all my life have I read a story like this one. I laughed harder than I have in months, became so scared that I couldnt sleep, became more attached to fictional characters than I ever thought possible, and somehow cried from sadness and happiness at the same time. This is nothing short of a masterpiece. If you ever summon the will power to hit that beautiful link that says "Ch.0 Read Online" and power through all the way to that fateful Chapter 73 (I got hooked immediately, got through it in less than two days) , I promise you a type of love story that you'll hear only once in a lifetime.
@grandking3 hahaha try the Higurashi series!! that one's equal to hundred cups of coffee ^^

This manga is a lie, it drags you in with a beautiful tale of new and innocent love and then all of a sudden BAM!! The Face OMG THAT FACE!!!!!!!!! i can't go to sleep anymore T_T
This series definitely belongs to the top tier.

Haven't read Melo Holic?
Well, it's about time you do so!

Plus.. You'd be fortunate enough to be able to read everything in one go. :)

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