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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.69 - 45votes)


Alt Names: alt カペタalt 极速方程式
Author: Soda Masahito
Artist: Soda Masahito
Genres: Award Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyDrama DramaShounen ShounenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Taira Capeta was a 4th grader boy. He had lost his mother when he had been very little. Although he pretended to be tough in front of his father, actually he felt lonely. One day, his father brought junk parts home from his workplace and made a racing kart. Soon, they went to a circuit to drive the kart. However, Capeta found that its frame was bent and it could hardly run straight. But, with his technique he managed the kart. Furthermore, he followed soon after the fast kart and he could nearly leave it behind. The driver in the kart was Minamoto Naomi, the champion of the East Japan Junior Kart. Looking at their chase, Naomi’s mother, Minamoto Nanako, advised Capeta to take part in the official race.

This manga won the Kodansha Manga Award for shōnen in 2005.
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Ugh, I watched the anime to catch up on the material missed and you can see the hatchet job the tv executives did to the series. Like adding the monkey... completely superfluous character just added for filler content (and possibly merchandising).

What? The monkey is in the manga. The anime is extremely faithful to the manga until the final episode, where they had to make up an ending.

I heard that the Anime covered the volumes 1-11.. soo the scanlators probably skipped it?.. dnt knw if thats the reason tho...

Ugh, I watched the anime to catch up on the material missed and you can see the hatchet job the tv executives did to the series. Like adding the monkey... completely superfluous character just added for filler content (and possibly merchandising).


There's quite a lot of stuff you can see they have added which really detracts from the series. Even the way the characters interact is often changed to make it "more humorous."


I'm thinking they did this because it's published in a Shounen magazine when really the manga is probably aimed more at the Seinen market in terms of it's depiction of a career in racing which is actually fairly grown up.


They'd probably have been better off removing all the gag characters and aiming at a later timeslot than pushing the kiddification of the series and ultimately killing it's longterm viability as an anime. But that would have meant lower ratings earlier even though they would have been steadier so they went for the quick buck just like we've seen with so many Japanese anime adaptions.

How bout vol.6 or Vol.5 Chapter 3? :/

So now a rival team has a Capeta class driver AND a better engine? Looks like this next development is going to be interesting.

Caananba = car number. FYI

Thanks for the update.

Deadbeat-Scans, Thanks for the update

After a year of waiting, the story finally continues!!! I'm ecstatic to be able to read a new chapter of Capeta again...and I'm so disappointed to see Monami with Minamoto :(

It's okay, Capeta likes older women.

Tsunashi first image, the hero of Temprism, the new series of Masahito Soda starting in May in the Spirits:


After a year of waiting, the story finally continues!!! I'm ecstatic to be able to read a new chapter of Capeta again...and I'm so disappointed to see Monami with Minamoto :(

thanks for the update :D

i was hoping for this series chapters

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I heard that the Anime covered the volumes 1-11.. soo the scanlators probably skipped it?.. dnt knw if thats the reason tho...

That IS the reason. But as someone who doesn't watch the anime version I really hate it when they do that. Mad props to Deadbeat scans for filling in the blank :) although really slowly

One of the manga/anime that got me hooked up to anime/manga in the first place! :3

is capeta still on going or is it finished?

It's finished. The last volume is v32.

is capeta still on going or is it finished?

Where can I find the rest of vol.4 to vol.10?

I heard that the Anime covered the volumes 1-11.. soo the scanlators probably skipped it?.. dnt knw if thats the reason tho...

Where can I find the rest of vol.4 to vol.10?

naomi seems like a bitch, he has no manners and is a spoilt little boy, hope he dies

Awesome that we finally get another chapter of the early part of the series.  Thanks Deadbeat Scans!

im insatiable with this manga.... i need more!

waahh! thanks for the upload.. appreciate it... XD
Bummer looks like i need to put this on pause untill the rest of the chapter are translated.
just finished rewatching the anime... and started reading this... looking forward to the next release specially Vol 17
I'm just happy that they started to translate the missing Volumes.
Seems like a good sports related manga. Thanks to the scanlators for getting started on vol 4!

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