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* * * * - (4.32 - 34votes)

Jinrui Nekoka

Alt Names: alt 人類ネコ科alt Human Cat Family
Author: Mizutani Naoki
Artist: Mizutani Naoki
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The basic story: a high school student (Nanase Hokuto) living away from his parents (who are in Australia) shares an apartment house with three older girls. His exposure to their whimsical and teasing nature leaves him pretty much despising females. However, the high-school idol (Taniyama Maina) ends up having a crush on him. Her best friend is Nakajima Atsumi, your typical sukeban. Hokuto's best friend, Moriyama Syuuichirou, is the young-punk biker. These two friends conspire to hook Hokuto up with Maina, much to Maina's delight and Hokuto's chagrin. Into this setting we interject the jealousy of the rest of the high school, a female rival for Hokuto's attention, a number of fights, the inevitable parents recalling Hokuto, and Maina threatening to run away from home. We could go on, but pretty much everything is in here.
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You've certainly been as good as your word so far!  Thanks for the update!

haha, thanks. I'd like to make this a weekly release for now, but only time will tell if we're able to fit that in with everything else we're doing.

You've certainly been as good as your word so far!  Thanks for the update!

And Volume 2 comes to a close. Only one more volume to go, and I promise we'll try very hard to make the wait be less then 6 years!

For fun I threw together a spoiler montage of some stuff from volume 3, so i'll share it here for all of you as well.


too bad the main heroine sucks so much... Usually I tend to like the obedient cute types but in this case I think that Onee-san from University (Makoto was it?) would match the MC way better (and make the story more interesting, 08/15 school romances tend to get boring way too fast...).


Also,what's with this hair-cutting myth? Do girls really do this if they want to change themselves?

Well, taste that agrees with mine, at any rate.  Whether you can call that "good" . . .


It's good. Trust us. We're your friends. TRUST US.

Well, taste that agrees with mine, at any rate.  Whether you can call that "good" . . .

All the words!

Yay! A favorable comment from Purple Library Guy on a series I'm working on. I choose to take this as a sign that I've got pretty good taste.

Fun.  I like the art fine.  Styles shift but I don't think the art from this is worse or better than current styles.  Less use of background textures and stuff, but on the other hand things like faces are more defined than you get in a lot of modern manga.

The characters seem thinner or less realistic at first because the "types" they belong to aren't quite the same as what you see right now so they jar a little.  But actually a fair amount of characterization starts to creep in after a while.

And is there someone who can tell be if there is some sort of connection with all the armadillos, are they something Mizutani Naoki does a lot, a new invention, or are they somehow connected to something Japanese?


Well I couldn't figure out any obvious connection that they could refer to, so I asked AP if there was some reference that might not be so obvious. Unfortunately he couldn't come up with anything either. I couldn't find much on anything else that Mizutani Naoki might have done either, but I don't think it's a "thing" of the mangaka's.


My guess, it's being used as this manga's random "mascot of an animal", or it's "cute animal reference".


Of course, we're talking about something almost 30 years old so it's not the easiest to find things out about.

Great art style from 1985 with nice detailed backgrounds and characters.


I quite like the art, it's a lot smoother and more reserved than what is usually seen these days. For some reason it just makes me happy.


I quite agree on the art front. It's not that the crisper computer aided imagery that's generated nowadays is bad or anything, it's just kinda nice to read something that uses such a different style every now and then.

Great art style from 1985 with nice detailed backgrounds and characters.  I've been waiting for someone to pick this manga up again.


Thank you DGScans and Braddock!

I quite like the art, it's a lot smoother and more reserved than what is usually seen these days. For some reason it just makes me happy.


And is there someone who can tell be if there is some sort of connection with all the armadillos, are they something Mizutani Naoki does a lot, a new invention, or are they somehow connected to something Japanese? (the flags)(Tried googling to find it out, but I mostly found a woman turning into a pink armadillo)

Really hating how the almost every character sticks out their god damn tongue for everything. Is everyone a f*cking dog?!

Also I hate how the sterotype back then was that men had to be taller then the women. Seriously? Stupid as hell.

haha this stuff is actually funny, the mc isnt a useless loser and is pretty cool :D
LOL, first chapter is reminding me of adachi mangas, the inner monologue of the MC and also the art style

Hallelujah!!! New Jinrui Nekoka!!!

Good to see this being released again! thanks Dragon and Griffin Scans!

Over 6 years later it finally sees a new release.

BTW, we compiled all the chapters for download on our new site, including those done by the now defunct Ton1x, in case you were missing any or wanted to start adding them to your library.

This is a new series for us so if you spot any problems, or have any other questions or comments, please let us know. Or just pop into the comments on our site to say thanks, that's always appreciated!

i really like this older style of manga, its a lot funnier that the newer modern ones as well so i'm hoping someone will pick this up again but chances are slim i guess.

Pretty good stuff
quite the funny manga.
OH YEAH! I was really enjoying Jinrui Nekoka on another site which had it up to chapter 9(?) then stopped. I hope Ton1x and Somllg can complete this.

I enjoy the fresh, hand-drawn art. Its a nice break from the PC stuff.
This really is nice n im lookin forward 2 more
I like it, of course the arts isnt so good like the news but the story is really worth it
The art is crappy because it's really old , but this is a really nice romance manga with good comedy to boost.I loved it alot.Hope you all enjoy it aswell

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