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* * * * - (4.12 - 33votes)


Alt Names: alt 17 Sai (KAMATA Youji)alt 17 years old.alt 17sai. Joshikousei Kankin Satsujinalt 17ę­³ć€‚
Author: Fujii Seiji
Artist: Kamata Youji
Genres: Drama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: This is the story of a terrible kidnapping and gang rape crime committed against a 17-old-girl, by 17-year-old boys. Why did such a thing happen? Why was no one able to prevent it?

BIG WARNING: Not for the faint hearted, based on a real life case.
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Read through the real life story of what happened and seriously people, What the fuck is wrong with the world :/ I am looking forward to the rest of the manga now to understand how these sick fucks got away with what they are going to do( Shit fucking happens) If anyone would like to read the real story Google Junko Furuta
Been a while :>
thanks for uploading
DonĀ“t think I have the balls to read this. Even if I did, would have hard time accepting that I would enjoy it in anyway.

Still, an important event that should be known to the world. So points for the translation team to stomach it enough to translate the whole thing.
In reall life most of those guys are out of jail now. I wish someone would go out and do some real vigilante justice on them'(Rape and severe mutilation). They clearly haven't learned their lesson yet even after the little jailtime they got. One of them is back in prison because he assaulted another female.
just read the wikipedia page on the real life story. wish i hadn't.
The incident that happened in real life is worse. And to think that those guys were out of prison this day and living a normal life, in my opinion, is unfair.
for those who are wondering about how it ends
chapter 25 is essentially the turning point of the series.
I am so upset right now... I can't believe I actually read this... FML I need something extremely happy now.
@ShaiHH like 12ish or so
This one is really testing my imits of how much I can take. How much longer is it anyway?
@Blackcaim, true! There's still more going to happen, so it may escalate too.

yes it is.. I agree on whatever impressions or reaction you guys have on this anime. Reality is cruel, and sometimes justice is not even serve. I'm sure.. for people like them.. THERE'S A LOT OF ROOM IN HELL.
Is there a way to wipe out these guys without killing them?

I don't think this manga actually lessened the violence..
after all, the things that you mentioned has yet to happen, as we are only in day 9 of her kidnapping...
unless you've already read the raws, and posted your comment with that knowledge..
Point is, there is a good chance that the terrible things may still be portrayed later..
Am I hallucinating or did I really see mickey mouse?
I seriously don't think I can stomach this filth further, I realize this is true and it......it just disgusts and pisses me off so much that this happened and still happens to this day. I don't mean to rant, but it pisses me off more is the fact that they give more rights to convited criminals and such than the victoms of these horrible acts done to them. Death is not even enough for this filth......I personally feel that whatever they commit should be inflicted upon them as it truely might stop this.........and I hope that the worst parts of hell await them soon.
Sorry, I don't think I can stomach reading this manga.
You know what's even more fucked up? This mangaka making money off this girls tragic story.
this sounds soooo fucked up, like the real crime.
damn, I feel like beating the shit out of any those guys. god this is just sick!
Life is brutal for everyone, everyone believes their reality is harsh but there is always someone that is worst off...how raw it is portrayed by the author is amazing
@Abdifatah Aden its complete in japan but we're still working on finishing translating it
this manga gives me the creeps :S just thinking that this is based on a real case, it makes me think" what kind of fucked up bastards would do this?"
So it's not actually complete.
This manga was inspired by the real life rape case of Junko Furuta. In reality the real life cased, the manga actually lessened the violence and brutality, with a lot more and worse torture going on (such as inserting scissors inside her privates) and such. Even though the manga lessened it, it is so realistic and I can literally barely read it because of how brutal it is.

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