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Inherit the Stars

Alt Names: alt Hoshi o Tsugu Monoalt Hoshi o Tsugumomoalt Hoshi wo Tsugu Monoalt Hoshi wo Tsugumonoalt Lo scheletro impossibilealt 星を継ぐもの
Author: James P. Hogan
Artist: Hoshino Yukinobu
Genres: Fantasy FantasyMystery MysterySci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In 205X, armed forces and conflicts are a thing of the past and people live safe, peaceful lives, all thanks to a cheap, inexhaustible source of energy. One day, something strange is discovered on the moon: an ancient corpse in a spacesuit. The corpse is undeniably human, but it appears to be about 50,000 years old! What does this mean about the history of our species and what effect will this discovery have on current human society?
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Many thanks for continuing this!

Thanks for picking this up, Ignominia Scanlation!

Thank you akamesaotome sama

i think its abandoned, their website last post is on september 2016

The sleeve was abandoned, but it had a total of four volumes, of which only the first was translated, I have the others that are missing, but I can only translate it slowly.

My English is bad, but if they gave me help I could do the English translation as well as the Spanish one.

i think its abandoned, their website last post is on september 2016

No English update.. ;_;

My English is bad, but if they gave me help I could do the English translation as well as the Spanish one.

No English update.. ;_;
Still dead? Sob sob

English translation for chapter 13 please x.x

Cap13 Disponible en español.

This is really quite nostalgic. It is a story straight out of science fiction novels I read as a child and teenager. Full of technical details and rather straightforward characters. I am greatly enjoying it. Pure gold!

This story is all an adaptation of the original books, so it's very much the same.

This is really quite nostalgic. It is a story straight out of science fiction novels I read as a child and teenager. Full of technical details and rather straightforward characters. I am greatly enjoying it. Pure gold!

I wish this manga got regular updates :(

How come no one's mentioning time travel for how the man got on the moon?


, isn't that just the Theia theory, but with a few changes?

How come no one's mentioning time travel for how the man got on the moon?

This is insanely interesting! Loved the guy since two faces of tomorrow and big props to the translators for such accurate work on correcting the scientific nomenclature. Btw I need to read more Hogan, the no moon theory and its support blew me away, truly fascinating!

So happy to see this getting updated again~ :D

Just found this manga, and it's time to read original book. I wonder why I never heard about this author...


p/s It's nice to see classic sci-fi to be adapted into manga, though it happens very rarely.

Can somebody point if there are similar cases? I saw adaptation of Asimov's Foundation, but nobody is translating it.

Space Penis on Ganymede is funny part.


And next, I waited four years to see what's inside that damn spaceship. Every single theory and guesses I had ended up being wrong. I'm not even mad, but happy. This manga just keeps on surprising me. lol


Its just like seeing Pluto for the first time last year XD




Well, this is Popcorn Sci-Fi. If you compare it to hard sci-fi, I would call it talc sci-fi.

As I recall, though, the original books could hardly be described that way.  The manga had been keeping pretty close; pity it had to add in some odd stuff that doesn't make the whole thing any more dramatic or compelling.  It's like "OK, our source material has a bunch of talking heads talking science (in ways that hang together surprisingly well).  We'll fix it--not by adding some action or anything, but by giving the talking heads some BS to say instead!"

About that hairless thing, my understanding is that the current leading hypothesis is pretty much the opposite of what's floated here.  Rather, the notion is that it's an adaptation for radiating heat away, to be able to go out hunting in the height of the day when everything else is holed up in the shade barely able to move.  Woolly hair up top insulating the brain from the sun's heat, dark skin substituting for fur as the blocker of sunlight, allowing skin and sweat glands to export heat without insulating fur trapping it over most of the body, and lack of speed compensated by unusual endurance in running (most animals are faster than us, but not capable of things like marathons)--early hairless hominids could relentlessly chase deer or whatever in the pitiless noon of the savannah until they collapsed of heatstroke, and grab a meal before top cats or hyenas would want to come out from their siesta and push them off the kill.  So, not total wimps.

According to that account, this is why they were dark rather than pale, like mole rats and other underground thingies, and why we have a very well developed sweat gland system, and those sticking-out noses with lots of heat-radiating capillaries.


Mad dogs and hominids go out in the noonday sun.

Well, this is Popcorn Sci-Fi. If you compare it to hard sci-fi, I would call it talc sci-fi. Most of the premises are either extremely naive (like the reasoning for the end of wars) or just plainly stupid (like saying 30-45 years in the future biology will be thought of as outdated by other scientific fields).
Just sit back, relax and turn off your brain while reading it, the plot is interesting even if the sci part of sci-fi is weak.

It's not a trail from the crash, it's a huge dick drawn by aliens!

Space Jockeys!

Hoshino Yukinobu is one of my top tier favorite artists/authors. But some of his work (as much as I like it) is best read while you're not tired or laying down. But then that can be said for just about anything else as well.

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