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* * * * - (4.29 - 217votes)

Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji

Alt Names: alt オオカミ少女と黒王子alt 狼少女与黑王子alt Kurt Kız ve Kara Prensalt La Chica Lobo y el Principe Negroalt Wolf Girl and Black Prince
Author: Hatta Ayuko
Artist: Hatta Ayuko
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Shinohara Erika, a vain 16-year-old girl, tells her friends about her romantic exploits, though she actually has no boyfriend. She shows them a candid photo of an anonymous guy as her boyfriend, yet it turns out the guy is a schoolmate named Sata Kyouya. She has no choice but to convince him to act as her fake boyfriend. Unfortunately, Kyouya may look like a sweet person, but he is actually an ultra-black-hearted sadist.
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Topic Sata Kyouya is abusive? New Window jaxkels
  • 22 Replies


Erika's possessiveness was a nice touch [icing] at the end :D
lol took that S/M test at the end of the chapter. got 50% M!!

anyway i'm glad this arc is over...
Kamiya definitely is an interesting character/antagonist though.
He only wants to let Sata 'enjoy' the girls (which is stupid in itself)
At the same time he has nothing against Erika, which is an unusual development for an antagonist.
He purely interested only in Sata, and 'no ill will'.
That Kamiya guy sure talks a lot. =_=
defry, I kind of agree with you . . . but not entirely--I don't think Sata refusing to go along with that guy is really out of character. It's a different side from what we normally see, but he's definitely someone who does things his way rather than going along with anyone else's agenda. The only thing that surprises me, really, is that Sata's devilish side hasn't come out--by this time I would have expected him to be getting annoyed enough by this guy's attempts to manipulate him that he'd be flashing a winning smile and making some kind of threat.

I do agree this Kamiya fellow is pretty over the top. Really don't see what he gets out of this; the motivation is unconvincing.
Please punch Kamiya in the face, Sata.
Bah, I really liked Erika at the start but now she lacks a brain it seems and has too naivety, probably the author is making her out that way so that the main guy doesn't look like a jerk with something up his.... anyways, at the start, she seemed somewhat smart for fooling people and etc but now she became the shoujo girl that's a rug asking to be walked upon.
The new main guy is made as a bad guy for no plausible reason to go that far... in the end, the author just compromised and the story became shoujo cliche to the max.

The art is still ok I guess. I watched this at the start allot and didn't mind the Erika being persistent in her love but now she's just dumb and the main guy enduring all that is ridiculous compared to how he was at the start. The change is a disappointing.
Great new chapter, thanks Keijo Shoujo Scans
Argh I hate that Kamiya dude. Irritating max.
wtf that play boy is so irritating, what's up with him trying so hard. It's like he's preaching a religion or something, he's already happy with his way of life and Kyouya is happy with his, so everyone's happy no need to force his views on Kyouya...

I'm really glad there wasn't a misunderstanding, unlike a certain series that shall remain unnamed, like Erika walking in on Sata Kyouya or something . And I'm also glad that the play boy didn't suddenly fall for Erika for no reason.
God that playboy guy is annoying Posted Image
But it makes the plot more interesting!!! I like it!!!
Thanks for the new chapter Keijo Shoujo Scans!!

A great development I think. The appearance of someone who might even be a bigger heel than Kyouya might mean he can start learning to be a different, better person.
le wild playboy appears! cliché lvl: maximum. now things are gonna get better
Michi: Oh, for Pete's sake, take some responsibility for your words. Disingenuous much? Didn't point it at anyone, ya whatever. Like anyone's going to believe that. Kind of an unworthy way of ducking IMO. I have no respect for people who want to be able to overreact to others' comments by sneering, insulting and laughing at them, and then if they get a comeback it's all "Oh, you're overreacting and anyway I didn't really say what I said". You want to say something, have the guts to stand behind it.
I would so dump him. Straight away. No thoughts, no regrets. But I guess the girl probably leans towards the M side, huh.
Let's stop wasting space kids, send me a pm, either of you or both, I'm glad to continue this discussion.

The fact that this story is a fiction is completely related to everything. Isn't it normal if Kyouya looks like he is a teaser or abuser given the fact that his character is dubbed as the "Sadist Prince"? I think that you're taking it too far with your paragraphs on how "abusive" Kyouya is being - he is a fictional character, for God's sake. Can you really compare a fictional murderer who killed 1000 people to a real murderer?

I don't mind if you (as in anyone) don't like this series - it's your choice - but please refrain from writing short essays on "why this story is so bad" or overly comparing it to what you think "being abusive to someone in real life is" on public website or forum. Some people love the series and may find your openly-stated opinion offensive, if you're wondering why. I know free speech exists, but that doesn't mean that you can just say whatever you want without considering other people's feelings. That's common sense right there.

My dear, you're way too sensitive lol. The only thing I pointed out that was targetted at you was your sexist comment on how its okay for girls to be tsundere but if guys do it then they're just being a jerk. Lol!

Other than that I didn't point it at anyone. Heck I didn't even mention you in the first place.. you replied me assuming everything was targetted at you.. o.o
All I did was state an opinion. You came straight at me personally.
Grouchy little hater who need to chill out? think about it.
1) lol oh I'm sorry. I thought for sure everyone would know all the grouchy little haters from mangafox who are anal about everything. Oops.

2) er you can have your opinion for all I care but because its not real, take a step back and chill out, yo. Lol. Why take this so seriously? ?.?

3) lol ok. But how exactly is Kyouya and Erika's relationship abusive? Lol Erika has already proven her point that if he takes it one step too far, she wont be hesitant in leaving him, right? And she's in quite high demand too, don't you think? Abusive r/s... Kyouya never hit her or yelled abusive things at her. Lol . If you're referring to the "dog" part then its because she started out agreeing to be his slave, remember? Chapter 1?

4) you're being sexist because you can tolerate girls who act like this, yet when Kyouya/any other guy does it , its being a jerk lol. Are you some extreme feminist or something? I wonder..

5) advice* lol. I really don't understand your kind of people.. you say you hate xxx or yyy or just the whole manga in general, yet you continue reading it and hating on it. Lol. Someone's got a little too much time on their hands~ anyway, if you're gonna do this then wouldn't it be nicer for everyone to just stop posting/reading altogether? Haha. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".
1) I have no idea what your MFox comment has to do with anything.
2)Does the fact this is fiction have anything to do with an opinion?
3)Yes, I've seen abusive relationships. It's subjective, the people involved didn't ever think they were abusive, no matter what everyone around them thought.
4)Sexist? If you say so, but again, what's that got to do with it?
5)Thanks for the advise but I'm perfectly capable of cutting this manga once I've had enough. BTW, "pollute the internet"? Give me a break.
Lol hi teru<3
I second that. Really. Do you guys happen to be part of that hatin' crew on mangafox? Lol Haha. Idk how some of you can call this abusive? O.o have you guys seen abusive relationships?

Anw. To the one who said "tsundere girls are cute but on a guy, that's just being a jerk" lol@you. Sexist much? Rofl. Some Japanese site commented that Kyouya had the perfect balance between being tsun and dere Haha, which is kinda true! I mean he's just so totally lovable.

Anyway to people who really hate Kyouya and his attitude so much, word of advice... just stop reading the manga. No need to pollute the internet with your negativity. Lol!
Obviously, your definition of a good manga is those stereotypical "woo I got a boyfriend lets be loveydovey and nice to each other forever and everrrrrr!!1!"

Ookami shoujo to kuro ouji is one manga that I'd classify as realistic. Its something that people do not see on the surface, yet it happens on reality. Like how Kyouya and Erika seem so loveydovey on the exterior but inside there used to be so much trouble and such. Lol.
This is a work of fiction. Just saying.
This was a cute story for a while but it's really pretty ugly to look at now. It's really just an abusive relationship. Tsundere is cute BECAUSE it's the girl, a guy doing the same is just a jerk. She's convinced herself she has to stay and he's taking advantage of her because he can. Make no mistake, the abuser may love the one they abuse but that doesn't change the the reality of how they treat them.The victim always eventually comes to beleive the abuse is their own fault no matter how unjustified, just like this chapter.
Kyouya reminds me of a little boy on the verge of adolescence...

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