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* * * * - (4.18 - 87votes)

Nonbiri VRMMOki

Alt Names: alt のんびりVRMMO記alt Nonbiri VRMMO-ki
Author: Maguro Neco
Artist: Yamagodiofou
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyCooking CookingEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasySlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In the year 2xxx, the VR technology in Japan advanced by leaps and bounds. Although it was a little strange at first, it soon become commonplace. By the recommendation of his twin sisters Hibari and Hitaki, he started to play the VRMMO [REAL & MAKE]. While being taught by these two people…. Playing a game that doesn’t seem to be a game while feeling both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. Single-mindedly playing, hunting, charmfully taming, producing realistic feats of dexterity and cooking realistic cuisine with the force of a household husband. It is a story of being watched by the players and AI inhabitants of the bulletin board.

(Description from NovelUpdates)

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Can anyone tell me the status of this?  it's been almost a month without a second chapter.  I just want to know if it's still being done or if they got discouraged by all the people complaining about the stats page.



I want more of the adorable upside-down  spider!!

lhtranslation, already translate it

maybe it will take 1 or 2 day until uploaded to batoto

it's better if you go to translator page directly

Can anyone tell me the status of this?  it's been almost a month without a second chapter.  I just want to know if it's still being done or if they got discouraged by all the people complaining about the stats page.



I want more of the adorable upside-down  spider!!


LHmanga already translated chapter 16 / 18 chapters raw in their page in Vietnamese. I already read them all.


I think they still can't find a translator yet.


Simple put this manga is simple slice of life + cooking + all Loli Harem manga with VRMMO theme.

Can anyone tell me the status of this?  it's been almost a month without a second chapter.  I just want to know if it's still being done or if they got discouraged by all the people complaining about the stats page.



I want more of the adorable upside-down  spider!!

Will someone fix the description?

PS: I already visit LHT scans. Their main page is Love Heaven Truyen Tranh (Truyen Tranh is Vietnamese words of Manga).


They are a large Reader group with 4000+ manga.


Just how large is their group if they alone translate nearly the same amount mangas as Reader site host ?


I'm so glad that I live in Vietnam and can read Vietnamese.

nice, if only i can read vietnamese too

hope that page won't get purged, some of the vietnam manga site already closed by some japanese company

like bzland

Hmm... that cooking tag and that spider is what lure me in mmm...

But I got 2 bonus loli too, so I can't help but follow this manga mmm...

PS: I already visit LHT scans. Their main page is Love Heaven Truyen Tranh (Truyen Tranh is Vietnamese words of Manga).


They are a large Reader group with 4000+ manga.


Just how large is their group if they alone translate nearly the same amount mangas as Reader site host ?


I'm so glad that I live in Vietnam and can read Vietnamese.

I already read all 12 chapter.


And my impression of this manga is 100% Death March.


Just simple slice of slice with no plot (in many sense). They process with no hardship nor failure at all.


Main Character is a cooking papa Oniichan and a loli and lolicon magnet.


Story wise, I love OSO LN more.


Lolis and Lolicon and Art wise, I love this Manga more. Even more than Death March.

even fbi interrupt you in this game


so basically this manga is like OSO with loli?


Nice, another slice of life VRMMO series.  However, looks like they need to retrain or look for new editor/typesetter/proofreader or something cause there are some pretty glaring mistakes.  Page 10 stat page, looking at the raw, everything but the stats were swapped and also looks like a translator comment was added in since the raw definitely didn't have a line for [LOL list of stats again].  And the message board part on page 30-31 has major mistakes as well.  Page 30 first two panels should of been the #1 and #8 person talking (which is easy to tell looking at the number of the message  following it), but looks like the text from #37 and #38 from the following page got put there instead.  Also the text for #38 should of started with >>37, not >>38.  These mistakes are ones that are the easy ones to pick up and who knows if there are other mistakes since i didn't want to spend more time looking.

ossan has cooler pets

I'm a nameless lolicon, so yeah, I'll be following those lo- I mean, this series.

The title literally means "Laid-Back/Relaxed VRMMO Story"

Japan : Lolicon is our culture...Lolicon is our life

Never nuke them twice...

Hmmm, interesting :)


Just to signal that on page 10, the twin's stat windows have been swapped ...


(How can an "Apprentice Devil" have "Angel Wings" ?! XD )




EDIT: ... I hadn't read all the comments, so make it that I hadn't said anything ... Great slice-of-life ;)

Meh, why does LHT start so many new mangas? Would rather like to see more progress in the most interesting mangas, which are scanlated by LHT.


This pedo manga seems boring, like a cheap copy of Toaru/OSO.


Did you ever read their credit page ? 


All those manga have different Translators, Editors.


They only have the same Proof-read: Tuffy Mon


They are like a large guild that invite a lot of people.


And I thought Tuffy Mon is the guild leader.

Japan : Lolicon is our culture...Lolicon is our life


is it just me.. or does the spider look upside down after he righted it?
also, calling it now..  he just accidentally tamed it!

Also, calling it now... sisters find spider while brother is sleeping in-game, and proceeds to kill spider
RIP Kumo-sama

Meh, why does LHT start so many new mangas? Would rather like to see more progress in the most interesting mangas, which are scanlated by LHT.
This pedo manga seems boring, like a cheap copy of Toaru/OSO.

Well, some people like doing some mangas more than others. Scanlating (if that's really a word) is a hobby to most people and people aren't getting paid for it. Just be glad they're doing IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

No sense of conflict then?

Considering Nonbiri literally means laid back, let's just hope the name is a play on words or something of the like

Finally, the loli fanservice vrmmo crafting manga that everybody waited is here. More seriously, I saw this manga since some times ago on Alphapolis. If the story is good, I don't mind the pedobear hidden between the tree, but I think we will get a OSO 2. (Only sense online. Basically, the fanservice vrmmo crafting story)
Btw, I think the statuses p10 are mixed up. (number are right but the rest is wrong)

I'm fine with an OSO 2, as long as people don't call each other gay and get the entire comment section modded and swatted.
As for OSO, nobody can really agree if wanting to pound the MC is gay or not.

You'll notice that the text on the left mention a shield, so it appears the left text refers to the image on the right. This way, the angel has feathery wings and the devil has leathery ones.

The stats are still f*cked up, though.

Ever heard of Angel of Death and The Happy Devil?

Tbh made up latter on the spot lol
(But honestly stop commenting about that. SCL already commented about the mistake, he doesn't need 50,000 reminders)






You'll notice that the text on the left mention a shield, so it appears the left text refers to the image on the right. This way, the angel has feathery wings and the devil has leathery ones.


The stats are still f*cked up, though.

They should have turned on PVP... those damn lolicons!

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