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If You're Gonna Dress Up, Do It Like This

Alt Names: alt Đã ăn diện thì phải ăn diện sao cho đúng.alt Do it this way if you wear the clothesalt 衣服要这么穿alt Fuku wo Kiru Nara Konna Fuu nialt 服を着るならこんなふうに
Author: Shimano Yae
Artist: Shimano Yae
Genres: Comedy ComedySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Yuusuke, an average office worker meets with his friend at a reunion, only to find out that the fashion world has left him behind. Now, with the help of his sister Tamaki, Yuusuke must take his step into the world of trends and charisma.
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I expected coardination tips of clothes people already had in thier closet, instead i got 'hurr buy skinny jeans'
but i guess thats to be expected of this manga.

What needs to be said has already been said guys, stop replying to that one guy. He's probably just a troll.

People who actually know how to coordinate, how true is this chapter? It never really occurred to me but your pants being the base of your look makes a lot of sense.

For me personally, very true. As a skinny guy I look like a failed rapper going somewhere to sell drugs if I wear baggy pants. So for me baggy is a no-no. I'd say a good skinny jeans would be 70% of the look and almost any t-shirt would look fine with it.

I refuse to buy skinny jeans. I prefer mobility than a tight fit. 


I had thought the same thing until I tried them on for myself. I've got a bicycle rider's thighs so I was skeptic about skinny jeans but when I wore them, they're very stretchy and hug your lower body. The manga did it right, you'll often have to get the hem raised after choosing one.

You need to buy stuff when they go on sale! End of summer or winter are where you can get some good and stylish clothes for cheap.

In the U.S. IF you already know quality and what looks good on you, you can get wonderful stuff at thrift shops. That's truly recreational shopping though since you may or may not find anything.

People who actually know how to coordinate, how true is this chapter? It never really occurred to me but your pants being the base of your look makes a lot of sense.

He's doing it wrong, full Rick is the way to go.

Why did you wear those clothes in the first place if they ware ugly? how does the numbers of the calander can decide if something is ugly or not?
they can't. and if it was ugly you wouldn't wear it in the first place. sure taste can change, but if your taste is what the papers tell you your teste should be, you are pitifull, and if your taste is indipident of the papers, you can't call yourself fashionable.
when i was a kid i liked chinease cartoons. i still do. i guess just because it is childish doesn't mean it is wrong. you are free to disagree with me and go watch 'mature' content for 'adults' like GoT or something and be off this clearly childish site.
is your appearance your only way to get apreciation from other people? you got no skills, talent, accomplishments? people who can only be as shallow as 'you wear what that super model wore anon, how fashionable', well, you must be really desperate for acknoldement from others.
there are different levels of sheeple, but following trends, even when thats your only sin, is still one of them. it comes along with being a consumer, and many people already spands those days marely to be productive on one part of their day, surrender their earnings on the other, and sleeping in the third.
but believe what you will. its too late to change you. i just kinda pity the kids.

It may surprise you, but my life doesn't revolve around fashion. Most of my money gets spent on travelling and on books for university.
Where did I say it is wrong being childish? But thanks for confirming it that you are an overly edgy teenager, because you lack basic reading comprehension.
Skills, talents? I manage to write better sentences than you and my English and writing skills are atrocious. Accomplishments? I got into the university I want and I am studying food- and biotechnology now. Decent accomplishment for me I guess.
I feel sorry that you need to project your insecurities onto me, but why me? I am a pitiful sinner, a sheeple, desperate for other's attention and I am too deep in the hole to be saved, plus I am poor student too who wastes his hard earned money only on clothes.
Drop that edgy act. You are not superior nor cool by being so edgy and going against social norms. In fact, you come off as obnoxious. I hope you feel better criticising others for their fashion choices, because apparently you got nothing going for yourself except your "superior intellect".
Get out of your mom's basement for a while. Shave your neckbeard and throw that fedora away.

Why did you wear those clothes in the first place if they ware ugly? how does the numbers of the calander can decide if something is ugly or not?

they can't. and if it was ugly you wouldn't wear it in the first place. sure taste can change, but if your taste is what the papers tell you your teste should be, you are pitifull, and if your taste is indipident of the papers, you can't call yourself fashionable.

when i was a kid i liked chinease cartoons. i still do. i guess just because it is childish doesn't mean it is wrong. you are free to disagree with me and go watch 'mature' content for 'adults' like GoT or something and be off this clearly childish site.

is your appearance your only way to get apreciation from other people? you got no skills, talent, accomplishments? people who can only be as shallow as 'you wear what that super model wore anon, how fashionable', well, you must be really desperate for acknoldement from others.

there are different levels of sheeple, but following trends, even when thats your only sin, is still one of them. it comes along with being a consumer, and many people already spands those days marely to be productive on one part of their day, surrender their earnings on the other, and sleeping in the third.

but believe what you will. its too late to change you. i just kinda pity the kids.


Yikes. Run spellcheck before you post, my dude. It really undermines your argument when one in every ten words is misspelled and you don't use proper capitalization. At least use a browser that will highlight misspelled words for you...


Anyway, I pity you for thinking like you're so special and superior because for some reason you hate fashion. I'm detecting very strong chuunibyou-vibes from you.


Not sure why you think it's impossible for people to want to dress up for themselves and not out of any desire to impress someone else. Would you say the same to someone who likes to dress in goth-lolita style? They certainly aren't catering to the general masses (most people will think they're weirdos), but they are dressing how they like and being "fashionable" in goth-loli style. They care about their appearance and enjoy making themselves look good.


A lot of the time trends become trends because people like them. People will imitate styles they think look nice, and it becomes a trend. Are there people who will read a fashion magazine that says "Wearing your shirt inside-out is the coolest new trend! LOL!" and start wearing their shirt inside-out? Yes. But styles that don't look good don't catch on for very long nor do they spread beyond those few people who are avid followers of that trend.


Not sure what your tangent about Chinese cartoons was about, but you do indeed seem to have a very childish mindset. I hope you learn that not everything that seems "narcissistic" or superficial is driven by some sort of capitalist scheme exploiting social paradigms to profit off the ignorant masses (AKA "sheeple"). Sometimes people just like stuff.

I refuse to buy skinny jeans. I prefer mobility than a tight fit.

A good pair of skinny jeans actually give you plenty of mobility, since the material used by companies nowadays provide a fair bit of stretchiness.

Plus, they are lighter than standard fit jeans.

That tear on her knee is bothering me. It's physics-defying.

Can you get good stuff at that price? When I tried all the shirts felt like they didn't use enough material.

You need to buy stuff when they go on sale! End of summer or winter are where you can get some good and stylish clothes for cheap.

Whoa... Uniqlo sponsored that chapter or what?


The brand is not censored, meaning they have their approval.

I refuse to buy skinny jeans. I prefer mobility than a tight fit. 

We have a proofreader, so chapter 1 is reuploaded. Please enjoy chapter 2 while I cry over the redraw needed for chapter 3.

This is a bit eerily similar to my life, where I dress in a hoodie in jeans but then my younger sister helps me pick out more fashionable clothes and coordinate.

That tear on her knee is bothering me. It's physics-defying.


In fact most of clothes I bought are under 10€ with some exceptions.

Can you get good stuff at that price? When I tried all the shirts felt like they didn't use enough material.

This will be educational. Hopefully it teach me why people choose clothes that make them feel hot, heavy or thin. They're just clothes right? Not like it increase speed, resistant to damage, poison or anti magic.

Stop if it is ugly? Yes, and there is nothing wrong with that.
I had the same mindset as you when I was younger, but it changed overtime. Now I like dressing up nicely for myself and getting complimented for it from time to time. I don't live for people's acception, but is that wrong?
In the end I agree with that: "The point Im trying to make is, you shouldn't need other people love to love yourself."
But drop that "humans submit to society through fashion"-mindset. Most people I have met who had that mindset, where either edgy teenagers or bitter adults (generalising). Not everyone is a sheeple just because they like to follow recent fashion trends. If you truly don't care, good for you.


Why did you wear those clothes in the first place if they ware ugly? how does the numbers of the calander can decide if something is ugly or not?

they can't. and if it was ugly you wouldn't wear it in the first place. sure taste can change, but if your taste is what the papers tell you your teste should be, you are pitifull, and if your taste is indipident of the papers, you can't call yourself fashionable.

when i was a kid i liked chinease cartoons. i still do. i guess just because it is childish doesn't mean it is wrong. you are free to disagree with me and go watch 'mature' content for 'adults' like GoT or something and be off this clearly childish site.

is your appearance your only way to get apreciation from other people? you got no skills, talent, accomplishments? people who can only be as shallow as 'you wear what that super model wore anon, how fashionable', well, you must be really desperate for acknoldement from others.

there are different levels of sheeple, but following trends, even when thats your only sin, is still one of them. it comes along with being a consumer, and many people already spands those days marely to be productive on one part of their day, surrender their earnings on the other, and sleeping in the third.

but believe what you will. its too late to change you. i just kinda pity the kids.

Fashion = dressing up + TRENDS.
Fashion changes by the time. so does personal taste. does your tastes changes by the latest fashion magazines? do you stop dressing up a certain way if the currents deemed them ugly?

Stop if it is ugly? Yes, and there is nothing wrong with that.
I had the same mindset as you when I was younger, but it changed overtime. Now I like dressing up nicely for myself and getting complimented for it from time to time. I don't live for people's acception, but is that wrong?
In the end I agree with that: "The point Im trying to make is, you shouldn't need other people love to love yourself."
But drop that "humans submit to society through fashion"-mindset. Most people I have met who had that mindset, where either edgy teenagers or bitter adults (generalising). Not everyone is a sheeple just because they like to follow recent fashion trends. If you truly don't care, good for you.

What kind of twisted view do you have of fashion? I am not trying to impress anyone. I like dressing up nicely for myself and also like to give my girlfriend something to look at. One can be still stylish without wasting a 3-month salary on accessories. In fact most of clothes I bought are under 10€ with some exceptions.


Fashion = dressing up + TRENDS.

Fashion changes by the time. so does personal taste. does your tastes changes by the latest fashion magazines? do you stop dressing up a certain way if the currents deemed them ugly?

What is wrong with a little bit narcissism? if you can't love yourself you won't be able to love anything.
(font relat- oh, there is no narkisim font on batoto. what. a. bummer.)
Clothes make the men, but clothes (unlike the human tongue) are men-made. men make the clothes that makes the men I.E fashion is just another mediumby which we humans submit to society. you guys who worry about appearances, who are you trying to impress with 3-month salary accessories? I hope they are worth it.
The point Im trying to make is, you shouldn't need other people love to love yourself.

What kind of twisted view do you have of fashion? I am not trying to impress anyone. I like dressing up nicely for myself and also like to give my girlfriend something to look at. One can be still stylish without wasting a 3-month salary on accessories. In fact most of clothes I bought are under 10€ with some exceptions.

Ahah, this MC is the same as me.


I don't really care about fashion too, i just go casual most of time, and i don't really care what the others think about it.

look at all those Japanese running around with either mobile phones from Samseong or Apple



Idk, taste can be pretty serious at time though, my mom forced to go almost have vegetarian diet because of health reason and sometimes she's just stressed because she can't eat some of her favourite food mmm...

I believe he's replying to that edgelord's statement on fashion with a similar analogy laden with sarcasm. In any case, at least one should dress decently and comfortably depending on the situation.

Converse Allstars are so overdone nowadays. 

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