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If You're Gonna Dress Up, Do It Like This

Alt Names: alt Đã ăn diện thì phải ăn diện sao cho đúng.alt Do it this way if you wear the clothesalt 衣服要这么穿alt Fuku wo Kiru Nara Konna Fuu nialt 服を着るならこんなふうに
Author: Shimano Yae
Artist: Shimano Yae
Genres: Comedy ComedySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Yuusuke, an average office worker meets with his friend at a reunion, only to find out that the fashion world has left him behind. Now, with the help of his sister Tamaki, Yuusuke must take his step into the world of trends and charisma.
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"I expected my lifestyle and fashion choices to be validated by a manga, but instead found out that trendy clothing are (surprise) more popular.
Who would have thought that this arbitrary manga that discusses trendy clothing would feature trendy clothing.
/dropped [because my fedora tells me that anybody who conforms to societal pressures is a loser]"

Pssh I don't need a manga to tell me my fedora complements perfectly my cargo shorts and leather trenchcoat.

Can't say you've said much when pretty much everyone is like that....


Unless you actually like things that "aren't to your tastes", which I suppose would make you pretty unique.  But as far as I'm aware, the minute you like something it is by definition "to your tastes".


Eh? There's a difference between the manga's take on fashion catering to someone's taste and the manga as a whole being to someone's tastes. You can disagree with their opinions on fashion but still enjoy it for other reasons. For example: I'll happily read well-written manga about tennis players even though I find the sport mind-numbingly boring to watch.

I kinda want that Meat T-shirt, looks silly and fun mmm...

Why did you wear those clothes in the first place if they ware ugly? how does the numbers of the calander can decide if something is ugly or not?

they can't. and if it was ugly you wouldn't wear it in the first place. sure taste can change, but if your taste is what the papers tell you your teste should be, you are pitifull, and if your taste is indipident of the papers, you can't call yourself fashionable.

when i was a kid i liked chinease cartoons. i still do. i guess just because it is childish doesn't mean it is wrong. you are free to disagree with me and go watch 'mature' content for 'adults' like GoT or something and be off this clearly childish site.

is your appearance your only way to get apreciation from other people? you got no skills, talent, accomplishments? people who can only be as shallow as 'you wear what that super model wore anon, how fashionable', well, you must be really desperate for acknoldement from others.

there are different levels of sheeple, but following trends, even when thats your only sin, is still one of them. it comes along with being a consumer, and many people already spands those days marely to be productive on one part of their day, surrender their earnings on the other, and sleeping in the third.

but believe what you will. its too late to change you. i just kinda pity the kids.

It's clear to me that you have no real concept of what "good fashion" is. You don't have to follow trends to be fashionable, nor do you need to "surrender your earnings". Not everything is black and white either; you can like GoT and still like manga and anime. Neither of these things is mutually exclusive. You can be a complete geek/nerd and have good fashion sense. You can dress well because it makes you feel good without caring about what other people think. 
Man, if you were so confident and loved yourself so much, you wouldn't be sitting behind your computer and insulting other people for their life choices. You're pushing your ideals onto others even as you complain that "fashion" and "trends" push ideas onto consumers. Also, you're a consumer too, so :P



"I want the manga to cater specifically to me and my taste, it doesn't so I don't like it anymore!"

Can't say you've said much when pretty much everyone is like that....


Unless you actually like things that "aren't to your tastes", which I suppose would make you pretty unique.  But as far as I'm aware, the minute you like something it is by definition "to your tastes".

Looks like mothers' weird clothing sense especially for their children is almost universal, huh?

Can confirm, my wardrobe is filled with them. Thank you, mom.

Looks like mothers' weird clothing sense especially for their children is almost universal, huh?

"I expected my lifestyle and fashion choices to be validated by a manga, but instead found out that trendy clothing are (surprise) more popular.
Who would have thought that this arbitrary manga that discusses trendy clothing would feature trendy clothing.

/dropped [because my fedora tells me that anybody who conforms to societal pressures is a loser]"



"I want the manga to cater specifically to me and my taste, it doesn't so I don't like it anymore!"

I expected coardination tips of clothes people already had in thier closet, instead i got 'hurr buy skinny jeans'
but i guess thats to be expected of this manga.


"I expected my lifestyle and fashion choices to be validated by a manga, but instead found out that trendy clothing are (surprise) more popular.
Who would have thought that this arbitrary manga that discusses trendy clothing would feature trendy clothing.

/dropped [because my fedora tells me that anybody who conforms to societal pressures is a loser]"

I just love this. It's reminds me of my little sister and I, particularly the "let's go clothes shopping (save me, sis!)" aspect and the "I'll bribe you with food" part.


Also I love her glasses.

this manga's interesting, I wonder how long the tips will last before we change our fashion standards again..(prob 5/10 years?)


I've read ahead and the things that they suggest are things that have been around for a long time. Well fitting basics have been around forever, some of us just forgot what it means for things to fit well.

This manga made me realize I have horrible fashion taste :( 

Also, skinny fit jeans are top tier, especially black ones. Pair it with a basic regular fit or slim fit shirt and that's enough to look stylish.

I have a hunch this manga will just be a giant ad for various clothes brands and retailers.

And I have a hunch this manga is an ad and sponsored by only one clothes brand - uniqlo and its affiliated companies like GU.
Just have a look at Volume 4 cover. It's GU!


Skinny jeans? Fuck it, I'll gladly be unfashionable for life then.


Also, any female that unceremoniously walks in on a male changing with "HEY HOW IS IT" deserves a punch in the face.

My problem with skinny jeans is how tight the pockets are. I tend to shove anything and everything in my pockets, so my sides look like they're bulging and it's a massive pain to pull things out. Baggy jeans at least hide that problem. And I also don't like how tight it is.

Stretchy skinny jeans are awesome. I have a similar issue as you do - riding a lot of bike, swimming, training muscles left me with a "hourglass" figure that makes it hard to buy pants that don't constrict my thighs. And I always have to use a belt anyway...
This the part where we go "REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! NORMIES GET OUTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!", right?

this manga's interesting, I wonder how long the tips will last before we change our fashion standards again..(prob 5/10 years?)

I have a hunch this manga will just be a giant ad for various clothes brands and retailers.

What does "raising the hem" entail, exactly? I'm pretty clueless whne it comes to these kinds of things :P

It's when you buy pants that are too long, but other than that fit you. So you either ask someone who knows how to do it, or maybe even the store itself, to raise the hem a bit. Hem is that part at the bottom of the pants.


tl;dr makes the pants shorter

I expected coardination tips of clothes people already had in thier closet, instead i got 'hurr buy skinny jeans'
but i guess thats to be expected of this manga.


From the looks of it you're just trying to rile others up, but you're probably not the only one who thinks this way so it's worth saying.


"Okay so take your favorite fedora, ankle length trenchcoat, poorly fitted pants and..."


That's exaggeration, of course, but the point stays the same. If the clothes you own are shite then you need to buy better ones to look good. Better doesn't mean more expensive either, it just means it actually suits your body type and looks good. All of the tips in the world wont save you if all you own are slacks or jeans that look like you've pulled trash bags around your legs.


People who actually know how to coordinate, how true is this chapter? It never really occurred to me but your pants being the base of your look makes a lot of sense.


Stretchy skinny jeans are awesome. I have a similar issue as you do - riding a lot of bike, swimming, training muscles left me with a "hourglass" figure that makes it hard to buy pants that don't constrict my thighs. And I always have to use a belt anyway...


We have to get the hem raised because male pants seem to be made for thin twigs instead of adults.

What does "raising the hem" entail, exactly? I'm pretty clueless whne it comes to these kinds of things :P

A good pair of skinny jeans actually give you plenty of mobility, since the material used by companies nowadays provide a fair bit of stretchiness. Plus, they are lighter than standard fit jeans.

I just can't feel comfortable wearing skinny jeans, at most maybe I can only use slim fit jeans mmm...

I had thought the same thing until I tried them on for myself. I've got a bicycle rider's thighs so I was skeptic about skinny jeans but when I wore them, they're very stretchy and hug your lower body. The manga did it right, you'll often have to get the hem raised after choosing one.

Stretchy skinny jeans are awesome. I have a similar issue as you do - riding a lot of bike, swimming, training muscles left me with a "hourglass" figure that makes it hard to buy pants that don't constrict my thighs. And I always have to use a belt anyway...


We have to get the hem raised because male pants seem to be made for thin twigs instead of adults.

I think I'm pretty good with coordinating outfits (because if my face isn't pretty, at least clothes will be) if you wear skinny jeans, pair it with a baggy top (my staple clothing choice, it's comfy and can be fairly chic), and if you wear baggy jeans, tuck a black T shirt into it and wear a flannel shirt unbuttoned over that

Your statement here... is it for men or women?

Hmm, I don't really like jeans. I don't feel comfortable with their rough texture. 

I think I'm pretty good with coordinating outfits (because if my face isn't pretty, at least clothes will be) if you wear skinny jeans, pair it with a baggy top (my staple clothing choice, it's comfy and can be fairly chic), and if you wear baggy jeans, tuck a black T shirt into it and wear a flannel shirt unbuttoned over that

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