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Kino's Journey (Shiomiya)

Alt Names: alt キノの旅 -the Beautiful World-alt Kino no Tabi - the Beautiful Worldalt Kino'nun Yolculuğu - Güzel Dünyaalt Kino's Journey - the Beautiful Worldalt Perjalanan Kino -Indahnya Dunia-
Author: Shigusawa Keiichi
Artist: Shiomiya Iruka
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy FantasyMystery MysterySci-fi Sci-fiShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Destination is a state of mind. A tale of one girl and her bike and the road ahead. Kino wanders around the world on the back of Hermes, her unusual, anthropomorphic motorcycle, only staying in each country for three days. During their adventures, they find happiness, sadness, pain, decadence, violence, beauty, and wisdom. But through it all, they never lose their sense of freedom. They discover that because of the world's imperfections, it is actually a thing of beauty. "The world is not beautiful, therefore it is."


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I have held off on this for a long time but since its starting from the beginning, count me along for the ride

We will continue to release Kino's Journey on Batoto, despite Sense-Scans picking it up. This series is beloved by both me and SiberOwl. That's why there is a certain level of quality we wish to maintain. Sense's release glosses over nuances and is not especially well typeset. I am not trying to be condescending. I am just attempting to justify the reason we won't relinquish the series. Thanks for understanding and reading!

Translating the Japanese is like playing three-dimensional chess while glued to a ship made of rocket science while little insects keep flying into your mouth.


We will continue to release Kino's Journey on Batoto, despite Sense-Scans picking it up. This series is beloved by both me and SiberOwl. That's why there is a certain level of quality we wish to maintain. Sense's release glosses over nuances and is not especially well typeset. I am not trying to be condescending. I am just attempting to justify the reason we won't relinquish the series. Thanks for understanding and reading!

Sense-Scans has released chapter 01: http://sensescans.com/index.php?topic=3767.0

wow, they're only now making a manga adaptation for this classic?


Whelp, followed.

A motorcycle that sasses back, how much more "anthropomorphic" do you want? (Ya' want a Transformer or somethin?)

There's a reason why there are word "MORPH" in anthropomorphic. :P


While 'anthropomorphic' term does still technically correct in this case, i think it would be better if it changed to 'Sentient' instead.

I'm a bit surprised that it got red-tagged. I didn't think there was that much bloodshed in the stories.

I flagged it when adding the series because of content later on in the novels.


I don't know how much the manga will adapt, but better safe than sorry.

Wow, this was fast! I wasn't expecting a prologue! Thanks so much for scanlating this!

Is this based off the anime or the LNs?

There's a bunch of stuff in the LNs which never made it into the anime.


I'm a bit surprised that it got red-tagged. I didn't think there was that much bloodshed in the stories.


There's another short manga, "Kino no Tabi - The Travelers Story - You" that came out in 2005, part short illustrated story, part art-book for Kuroboshi Kouhaku.

So, is the "anthropomorphic" bits at the description only refer to how the motor has human's sentience and can communicate?

A motorcycle that sasses back, how much more "anthropomorphic" do you want? (Ya' want a Transformer or somethin?)

So, is the "anthropomorphic" bits at the description only refer to how the motor has human's sentience and can communicate?

Just heard about this coming out last week, i'm so excited thank you guys!



Kino no tabi? Wow that takes me back.

They've only adapted it to manga now? Talk about a long wait.

Japanese Knight Rider looks wild.

THANK YOU!!! SiberOwl team and mwsmws22!!!


Thank you so much, picking this up so fast was very unexpected!

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