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Kine-san no 1-ri de Cinema

Alt Names: alt I love cinema, I am lonely.alt Kine-san no Hitori de Cinemaalt Kine-san's Cinema Alonealt 木根さんの1人でキネマ
Author: Asai
Artist: Asai
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Kine Machiko is a thirty-something office worker, who loves nothing more than watching movies and writing her review blog. She hides her passion for movies from her co-workers due to unpleasant past experiences, but she still wants friends with whom she can share her love of movies. What will be the next movie she watches? What dark, geeky secret will haunt her next? Will she ever make any movie friends?

Latest Chapter: http://www.younganimal-densi.com/ttop?id=41
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A true Star Wars fan only cares about the original trilogy. I knew this girl was just a poser :P

You know, I watched the Phantom Menace in middle school and kind of liked it. I mean, special effects were nice and I didn't think about the plot and characters too much. To the kid me, this movie and the sequel were awesome because they had lots of action and cool moments, so I remembered it rather fondly.


And then, I watched the whole series again in college with my friend who never saw any of those...


Pain, humiliation, total corruption of my childhood memories and that eternal sense of shame. It was the same with the "Batman & Robin" movie: fun as a kid, total disappointment later. Strangely, my friend enjoyed it for the same reason as I did in the past: special effects.


So, when he dragged me to watch the Force Awakens, I liked it. Maybe because my expectations were low, to begin with, but this movie was good. Not exceptional, mind you, but it sure could've been worse. To me, it's one of those movies I probably will never watch again.

"Sequels weren't simply tacked on" SURE, AUTHOR. At least he acknowledges how shitty they were.

Honestly thanks for scanlating this ScorSX. I quite enjoy these small niche manga and am pretty sad when they're dropped. 

Waiting on updates = pure agonising oblivion

Wait? There was hidden message in Bad Boys II? Is she saying Michael Bay is more than a brainless movie director who makes movies with actions, boobs and explosions?!


Kine went through a Typhoon to watch the Phantom Menace? That Mad woman!


Also, i now ship Kine with her coworker. May they may be more than just movie buffs friends!

Bay DOES make movies with more than action, boobs, and explosions. He makes movies with action, explosions, boobs, explosions, tasteless jokes, explosions, and then some explosions.  Oh, and don't forget explosions. "God of Explosions" is the best description of his directorial style I have ever seen.




And as someone very close to Kine's age, I feel obliged to point out that we all thought Phantom Menace was a gift from the gods until we saw it. I would've rode my bike through a typhoon to watch it too, and it would've seemed like the right decision at the time. I would've regretted it later, as I am sure Kine does, but... by god, they made a fourth Star Wars movie and darn near everyone was going to watch it or die trying.



It is hard to overstate how big a deal it was. I mean, OTHER MOVIES advertised it. "If you see only one movie this year... make it Star Wars. But if you see two, see Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me." That was a real thing that actually happened.

That there was trash inside that treasure chest was a bitter surprise to us all in the days before Facebook or Rotten Tomatoes or even text messaging(it was 1999, and some of us had beepers). It was a surprise that persisted for weeks, as word of mouth traveled at the relatively sluggish speed of sound.


Actually, "trash inside the treasure chest" is a perfect description of the Phantom Menace experience.

Just donated for this! Please continue translating it!

Wait? There was hidden message in Bad Boys II? Is she saying Michael Bay is more than a brainless movie director who makes movies with actions, boobs and explosions?!


Kine went through a Typhoon to watch the Phantom Menace? That Mad woman!


Also, i now ship Kine with her coworker. May they may be more than just movie buffs friends!

this is good


Oh nice, I saw the series on Bookwalker when browsing but nobody was translating it. Thanks for the chapters.

whatcha gonna do


michael bay hardcore fans

now i want to know her honest opinion on transformer 3 and 4



I have found a new manga to follow.

Followed. Waiting for her to review Mad Max.

I would read.

And laugh.

And read again!

So many movie references. I'm in looooove
Just love this, can really feel the author'a love for movies oozing out of the pages. Also in chapter 3 I like to imagine after that inspiring talk about Indiana Jones, they went to see the Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull in theatres.

wait till we get to Kelly's Heroes

Followed. Waiting for her to review Mad Max.

This is highly amusing. I'm really enjoying this.

Finding kids born in mid 90s-2000s invading and social media been invented


That cheating bastard.  I'm glad I pick up this series. It is funny reading it. Also I wouldn't mind seeing the neighbor more. Him showing up more could be funny in so many ways.

That moment when she went outdoors. 0.0

Movie review manga, new one I guess.

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