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Kine-san no 1-ri de Cinema

Alt Names: alt I love cinema, I am lonely.alt Kine-san no Hitori de Cinemaalt Kine-san's Cinema Alonealt 木根さんの1人でキネマ
Author: Asai
Artist: Asai
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Kine Machiko is a thirty-something office worker, who loves nothing more than watching movies and writing her review blog. She hides her passion for movies from her co-workers due to unpleasant past experiences, but she still wants friends with whom she can share her love of movies. What will be the next movie she watches? What dark, geeky secret will haunt her next? Will she ever make any movie friends?

Latest Chapter: http://www.younganimal-densi.com/ttop?id=41
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Perfectly encapsulates the fall, rise, and fall again of the zombie movie genre.

Second page typo - "Hotori" instead of "Hitori".

Pod racing and fucking cancer that is Jar Jar Binks make this false.

Pod race was the best part of Phantom Menace.

This is admittedly damning with faint praise, but... 

I'm more interested in her emotions after watching it

Just found this and woooo I think I'll be following.


I sort of but not really have a similar opinion to her in that I can enjoy objectively bad movies and hate objectively good ones.


The new Kong movie, Battlefield Los Angeles and The Expendables (only the first one) are fucking awful movies but I thought they were fun. Hell even Predator is a pretty piss poor movie when you look at it but it is a god damn classic I will never tire of. 


Meanwhile Citizen Kane, The Godfather, Casablanca, Seven Samurai and a whole host of other movies that always make it into top 10 lists had me waiting for the end so I could do something more productive like masturbate to centaur porn. 


Of course those are just some exceptions as I generally like highly rated movies and dislike poorly rated ones but I don't apologise when I don't.

I want to tell her that Han Solo d----

..idn't shoot first?

Pod racing and fucking cancer that is Jar Jar Binks make this false.

Shit was better than TFA.

Star wars eh?


I like that part when Luke kill his own father, Dumbledore.

And become the greatest pirate on the space.

I also have the strange interest in the somewhat odd movie/t.v. show preference.  On the lower scale, I used to collect pretty bad Asian movies, like Machine Gun Girl, Volcano High (with the MTV dub), Cashern, and others.  On the higher side, one of my favorite movies is My Sassy Girl.  I also enjoyed movies like Memento.

Amazing office lady panty lines truly awakened the force in me.

Thanks for picking this up, @Scored Manga! This was one of those series that everyone seemed to want to release at once and then simultaneously dropped, so glad to see scanlations resume!

I got to ask, is it really THAT hard to find friends into Western movies in Japan? I can believe her school days but I find it a little hard to believe she went through college and weirded everyone out with her love of movies.


Its not that she likes western movies, its the genres that she is into that could maker her look as an film otaku. Slashers, zombie movies, action films and so on.

I got to ask, is it really THAT hard to find friends into Western movies in Japan? I can believe her school days but I find it a little hard to believe she went through college and weirded everyone out with her love of movies.

And as someone very close to Kine's age, I feel obliged to point out that we all thought Phantom Menace was a gift from the gods until we saw it. I would've rode my bike through a typhoon to watch it too, and it would've seemed like the right decision at the time. I would've regretted it later, as I am sure Kine does, but... by god, they made a fourth Star Wars movie and darn near everyone was going to watch it or die trying.



It is hard to overstate how big a deal it was. I mean, OTHER MOVIES advertised it. "If you see only one movie this year... make it Star Wars. But if you see two, see Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me." That was a real thing that actually happened.

That there was trash inside that treasure chest was a bitter surprise to us all in the days before Facebook or Rotten Tomatoes or even text messaging(it was 1999, and some of us had beepers). It was a surprise that persisted for weeks, as word of mouth traveled at the relatively sluggish speed of sound.


Actually, "trash inside the treasure chest" is a perfect description of the Phantom Menace experience.



oooooh I was only 7 when Phantom Menace came out, wasn't into movies or Star Wars and was only occasionally allowed to use my Dad's old Aptiva with terrible dial up and I remember hearing the cries of disappointed Star Wars fans.

Everyone is talking about Star wars  and I'm just looking at dat ass

suddenly comment section talk about starwars

so that trivia is true

starwars fans outnumber christ's believers

dude Jesus is in the main cast of starwars

Of course a recent movie adaption series have more fan than the original book written 2000 yr ago

I want to tell her that Han Solo d----

suddenly comment section talk about starwars

so that trivia is true

starwars fans outnumber christ's believers

I'd say that comparing crap A and crap B to deterimine which is crappier would be kinda pointless, but I have to say that TFA irks me more than Phantom Menace simply because it made me watch a movie that I've already watched in inferior form.

Pod racing and fucking cancer that is Jar Jar Binks make this false.

Noting two flaws in one while several more were noted within the other doesn't make the assessment that the latter is worse false. It just means the former, too, had its flaws but not nearly as many as the latter.

Personally, the only things I liked at all about FA were the cameos, Finn, and the foreshadowing that maybe (just maybe) if we get a new episode in the series that it won't just be another fight between angsty teens with the skill level of toddlers and gratuitous "muh ferce am bigr n yers cuz rezns!" Mary Sue plot holes.

There were several things I didn't like about PM, either. You noted two of them. I also wasn't a fan of how much more needlessly vibrant and mirthful it was compared to the OT, both visually and in its storytelling. It felt more like a children's movie than I believe it should have. I wasn't particularly fond of some of the cast, even beyond JJB.

All that said, I would rather watch Phantom Menace many times over again than sit through Force Awakens one more time.

Phantom Menace was better than Force Awakens. 

Pod racing and fucking cancer that is Jar Jar Binks make this false.

I always say to watch in the production order because it's how it was established. A New Hope establishes the world and mythos of Star Wars, meanwhile Phantom Menace is made with that knowledge in mind and expands on it (For better or worse).

oh yeah..

2015 did have alot of sequels now i think about it

I'm always ready for those kinds of questions. Basically, what I say is, just watch them whichever standard order you see fit, as I - III is action-driven while IV - VI is story-driven. You can't go wrong with either. Personally though, I'd begin with the older films, so that once I finish the newer ones, you'll have the incentive to rewatch the older ones and appreciate it better. Also, Rogue One is a must watch. It's so good I nearly cried.
Phantom Menace was better than Force Awakens. Force Awakens was like an internet meme-ridden fanfiction crossed with any of the 100 identical Marvel movies. It made the original trilogy pointless (Empire is stronger, and can accomplish feats that had taken decades before, far quicker). Ancient evil, poor fight choreography where the victor is decided solely by coincidence surpassing skill differences, horrible meme dialogue, a childish plot ("what if we made a super duper giant death star" is a screenplay I wrote at age six in crayon).

The entire thing was a 2 hour long handjob for the fans. If it was your first star wars movie it simply wouldn't make sense, the references practically bordering on 4th wall breakage. Menace at least added lore, some of it fucking stupid, but lore nonetheless (the political lore was particularly enjoyable). I'm sure you can contest that Menace had far more flaws, but Awakens was insulting to me as a viewer.
It's like they wanted me to eat shit and thank them for it, whereas Menace was an accidental shit with no malcontent.

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