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* * * * * (4.9 - 41votes)

Atom - The Beginning

Alt Names: alt Astro Boy - The Beginningalt アトム ザ・ビギニングalt Tetsuwan Atom - The Beginning
Author: Tezuka Makoto & Yuuki Masami
Artist: Kasahara Tetsuro
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMecha MechaSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The manga tells the story of what happens up until the birth of Astro Boy and is considered an "episode zero" story.
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May 07 2017 09:00 PM

There's 5 volumes out ... but it seems the translators don't like it that much?

Too much heavy dialouge?

Those Mars bots have elements from Z.O.E.'s Jehuty.


Also liking this manga.

Apr 17 2017 03:18 AM

q.q saw the anime fell in love. Now here!







I'm afraid to what will happen to A106 in the future, since they never ever mentioned him at all in Atom.

Link to the series, or are you talking about original Astro Boy?

I'm afraid to what will happen to A106 in the future, since they never ever mentioned him at all in Atom.

Maybe A106 is Atom, just slowly gets upgraded into him.

I'm afraid to what will happen to A106 in the future, since they never ever mentioned him at all in Atom.

This might sound weird, but does anyone else think that Mars might be a predecessor to Pluto (from The Greatest Robot in the World), the same way that A106 is to Atom/Astro?


Honestly he seems a lot closer to Hercules in terms of role and backstory.


Thanks for the release, can you guys explain what  Six meant on page 36?
It doesn't makes much sense to me, because someone who is really alone wouldn't have no one to say farewells to.


It's kind? Sentient AI's.. Now they're going to bring about an uprising. :)

This is getting better and better. I can't wait for the next chapter, because WHAT THE FUCK?!
This might sound weird, but does anyone else think that Mars might be a predecessor to Pluto (from The Greatest Robot in the World), the same way that A106 is to Atom/Astro?
Thanks for the release, can you guys explain what  Six meant on page 36?
It doesn't makes much sense to me, because someone who is really alone wouldn't have no one to say farewells to.

Real Steel ?


This is the best... <3

Tezuka's son and the guy that made Birdy? I'm sold!

This bromance is too good to last.

So basically lab one is a bunch of dicks, and were responsible for the events of chapter two.

An epic masterpiece reborn again, enjoyable no matter what.

Woah, I knew Dr.Tenma and Prof Ochanomizu were friends in the past but I didn't expect them to be  this close.

Enjoyable and I do really like the artstyle.


Their booping is enjoyable.

Well I think its quite nice even though i have never read Astro boy manga.

at the very least i know that the umataro guy is the one who created Astro boy...

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