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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.6 - 55votes)

Ikinokore! Shachiku-chan

Alt Names: alt いきのこれ! 社畜ちゃんalt Survive! Corporate Slave-chanalt Survive! Sachiku-chanalt 活着!社畜酱
Author: Vitaone
Artist: Yuuki
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedySlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
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That's right Kouhai-chan. Boobs are engineered.

I almost thought Kouhai-san was the replacement for Peon-san.

So.....manga Dilbert?
If they were such senpai in my office, everyone will overtime for sure

Anyone else notice the hand reaching out to grab Sales-kun from behind at the end of chapter two? xD

Let the oppai cleanse your weary soul!

Minus all the jokes, yes
But who needs content when you have cute girls right? /s

- "jokes"
+ oppai

We'll call it even.

So.... this is basically Japanese Dilbert or something?


Minus all the jokes, yes


But who needs content when you have cute girls right? /s

Lucky Peon-san.

Will we know the real name of corporate slave-chan?

Sachiku? No. I think she is IA with more "fillings".

Thanks SwitchLoop for scanlating this series mmm...~!

people always abuse the IT guy.


im guessing the only thing that might be inaccurate is there is not enough of "working" by going on youtube and amazon

Is this supposed to cheer up jobless neets or something? sorry, seeing other people being miserable doesn't make me feel better.


It's just light schadenfreude mate, loosen up. Heck, it's funnier to those in similar situations (aka not being jobless neets) because they can relate to it.

Is this supposed to cheer up jobless neets or something? sorry, seeing other people being miserable doesn't make me feel better.

Kind of sucks having to work in that heat. Also, wouldn't it be dangerous if the computers overheat and they lose their work?

Yes, but thats management for you. Its cheaper to yell at your staff and have them redo the work if something goes wrong than it is to have backups and keep the air conditioning on.

Kind of sucks having to work in that heat. Also, wouldn't it be dangerous if the computers overheat and they lose their work?

So.... this is basically Japanese Dilbert or something?


As a systems engineer myself, this really hits a little close to home...

So.... this is basically Japanese Dilbert or something?

The art looks so crisp and on point. Makes the character look really nice

She's cute

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