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* * * * - (4.02 - 136votes)

Oshioki X-Cute

Alt Names: alt おしおきエクスキュート
Author: Sanshoku Amido
Artist: Sanshoku Amido
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiPsychological PsychologicalSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
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Reminds me of TWGOK but this is ecchi version.


Prank is justice.

OMG Am I the only one who thought of American Horror Story when they saw this?



I thought of Green Man from IASIP

Honestly, what kind of idiot thinks they can determine the quality of a book on such little content?  It's not like all the readers in the world can and do judge books based on a small paragraph or two on a regular basis to determine if they would enjoy reading further.  Yah, that'd be fucked up if people could somehow read a synopsis to make an educated decision like that.  But alas, that's just poppy-cock.


And for the record, one chapter was far more than enough to know this is shit and you're an idiot for even thinking otherwise.

Yea! Its not like the volume cover or the manga name doesn't allude otherwise. I must type something lengthy and show off my e-penis!

This looks like a much more ecchi version of The World God Only Knows. 

  • Innocent character from hell
  • collar/ring forcing MC to complete contract
  • gaps in hearts/"Greed Spots"

I imagine there will be several character arcs as well, unless the story follows this one girl the whole time. (which seems really unlikely)

I like reading one paragraph of a book and then dropping it to. Good choices made me save tons of time from reading the lord of the rings series. That first paragraph was ass. I love it down here on my low horse!


Honestly, what kind of idiot thinks they can determine the quality of a book on such little content?  It's not like all the readers in the world can and do judge books based on a small paragraph or two on a regular basis to determine if they would enjoy reading further.  Yah, that'd be fucked up if people could somehow read a synopsis to make an educated decision like that.  But alas, that's just poppy-cock.


And for the record, one chapter was far more than enough to know this is shit and you're an idiot for even thinking otherwise.

OMG Am I the only one who thought of American Horror Story when they saw this?

My first thought was the criminal silhouette you often see in Detective Conan

Seems a mix of S/M, Love Tyrant and The World Only God Knows... so, followed.

Can be good, very good.

Huh? Where's the description go? I swear there used to be one...

OMG Am I the only one who thought of American Horror Story when they saw this?



Lol I wonder how long till the bully falls for mc.

somehow, it looks like god only knows with an extra bit (a lot) of borderline H.
Only in manga when even bread can do such a thing

Also I feel kind of bad for the girl. Poor thing is too pure for this job.

thank you for the chapter :) lets see how it goes on the next :D

It's like the manga version of Criminal Girls.

Finally !

It took more than half a year just for one chapter

"Hey babe, I need to hit your Greed-spots." LMFAO.jpg
Loli -> Follow

Time is not unlimited and you may have to choose to pick or drop a manga after only one chapter. Get off your high horse.

I like reading one paragraph of a book and then dropping it to. Good choices made me save tons of time from reading the lord of the rings series. That first paragraph was ass.

I love it down here on my low horse!

Looks very much like a perverted version of TWGOK, only lacking in any of the charm, wit, intelligence or humour of the original. Though the art is pretty

Yeah the art looks good
For now, lets just hope it doesn't get dropped^^ and wait

Nice way to judge every aspect of a manga through one chapter

Now please fuck off while I enjoy a borderline H series from a nice H doujin artist

(not that I'm saying you are/will be wrong, but you shouldn't read this with the expectation of it being a charming witty intelligent humorous whateverthefuck manga)

He said it "looks like", not that it "is". Time is not unlimited and you may have to choose to pick or drop a manga after only one chapter. Get off your high horse.

Looks very much like a perverted version of TWGOK, only lacking in any of the charm, wit, intelligence or humour of the original. Though the art is pretty good.

Nice way to judge every aspect of a manga through one chapter

Now please fuck off while I enjoy a borderline H series from a nice H doujin artist

(not that I'm saying you are/will be wrong, but you shouldn't read this with the expectation of it being a charming witty intelligent humorous whateverthefuck manga)

Who can deny a request from cute silver-haired loli?


Hmm... Is this a TWGOK rip off? the MC looks like a useless dude at first and the assistant is a useless girl from hell + that Collar XD

Lets see what happen next.. XD.. I'm in


Looks very much like a perverted version of TWGOK, only lacking in any of the charm, wit, intelligence or humour of the original. Though the art is pretty good.

Hmm... Is this a TWGOK rip off? the MC looks like a useless dude at first and the assistant is a useless girl from hell + that Collar XD

Lets see what happen next.. XD.. I'm in

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