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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.65 - 17votes)

Tokyo Yamimushi

Alt Names: alt Đông Kinh Ám Trùngalt Tokyo Darkness Insectalt 東京闇虫
Author: Honda Yuuki
Artist: Honda Yuuki
Genres: Drama DramaSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Katou Ryou owes a lot of money that he has no way of repaying. When he's violently kidnapped by thugs, he is terrified that they're finally going to kill him. To his surprise, he is offered a chance to live...by becoming an underling in an organized crime gang. Relieved to have escaped death and impressed by his handler -- the cool and competent Asamura -- Katou rises to the challenge. Now it's sink or swim as the young man embraces this new phase of his life!
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I wonder if some of them also serve as proxy dens for pedophile circles, it sounds like the perfect place for something like that to brew on the background with all the obsession that the anime world has with little girls it wouldn't even be surprising.

Looks like the "king" had to aiba-dicate his throne, eh?

Man you are on point with these. 10/10

Looks like the "king" had to aiba-dicate his throne, eh?

Wait... you are no king, you are just a manwhore...

This is great, looking forward to seeing some more Katoustrophes.

Wow this is good. Better than scouts pimpin hoes in shinjuku swan, this shit is darker. 


Like it, Follow it, Thanks Scanlator ;)

BTW, when Asamura told the guy on the phone that he should act like a Yakuza, what he meant was that the guy was not behaving according to the Yakuza code of conduct. Theoretically, if a Yakuza is caught out making a bad deal like this one, he's supposed to own up, cancel the deal, and offer a fair one as compensation. This is because his actions in this instance is clearly not one sanctioned by his superiors and Asamura knows it. It's another matter if the higher-ups ordered it, but his offer of fake purses pretty much confirms that it's not a sanctioned scam.

I passed this on to the Translator and he said that helped quite a bit with a page on chapter 8, thank you!

BTW, when Asamura told the guy on the phone that he should act like a Yakuza, what he meant was that the guy was not behaving according to the Yakuza code of conduct. Theoretically, if a Yakuza is caught out making a bad deal like this one, he's supposed to own up, cancel the deal, and offer a fair one as compensation. This is because his actions in this instance is clearly not one sanctioned by his superiors and Asamura knows it. It's another matter if the higher-ups ordered it, but his offer of fake purses pretty much confirms that it's not a sanctioned scam.

Is it odd that I was expecting this to be a comedy based on the premise? Probably. It's good either way.
Faces are a little wonky though.

Eh? It IS a comedy. It's an absurdist dark comedy.
Is it odd that I was expecting this to be a comedy based on the premise? Probably. It's good either way.

Faces are a little wonky though.

Haha. I, too, don't know what surprised him (c03, p05). For now I'll just think it's his first time in a net cafe. Damn. I wish the chapters were 40+ pages long.

Maybe it's because it seems he's set up shop, in what seems to be just a normal room in a net cafe. Notice the several computers and boxes and whatnot. It's also quite big.

I still want to know what the flying fuck is up with the situation on Vol. 1's cover page....


And how someone could get himself into that sort of situation...

You'll find out~ 


I still want to know what the flying fuck is up with the situation on Vol. 1's cover page....


And how someone could get himself into that sort of situation...

A breath of fresh air. Original.

This is super interesting, I look forward to more!

Haha. I, too, don't know what surprised him (c03, p05). For now I'll just think it's his first time in a net cafe. Damn. I wish the chapters were 40+ pages long.

Maybe there was a video playing with questionable content.

Haha. I, too, don't know what surprised him (c03, p05). For now I'll just think it's his first time in a net cafe. Damn. I wish the chapters were 40+ pages long.

Quite intriguing. I'm glad you found yourselves a redrawer(?, cause c02 has improved greatly). Hope you don't abandon this project. Thanks!

We did! And we won't! Maybe. Time and life can catch up fast sometimes :/.

Quite intriguing. I'm glad you found yourselves a redrawer(?, cause c02 has improved greatly). Hope you don't abandon this project. Thanks!

Interesting lets see where this goes.

Thanks for picking this up!

Promising start so instafollowed.

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