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* * * * - (4.02 - 91votes)

Komori-chan wa Yaruki o Dase

Alt Names: alt こもりちゃんはヤる気を出せ
Author: Konno Tohiro
Artist: Konno Tohiro
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A gag comedy depicting the everyday life of Komori-chan, a little girl whose laziness knows no bounds.
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Isn't that actually the first page of the next chapter?

Well, that was certainly a bad place to end the chapter...

Well that escalated quickly.

This is already better than Umaru.

That last page came outta nowhere.


Not that I'm complaining

The only way Komori can become lazier is if she finds it too much of a pain to appear in a chapter...


Kouta, there is a dangerous(ly hot) woman heading your way. She's coming to stamp out your V card, and have you stamp hers out too. Now, how is Komori, who I think may be bi-curious, ruin this plan?

the best ending for a chapter.


that is what it is.

Now the question is, will that ending guarantee of what's to come next chapter...?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

what's with that ending? .-.

the best ending for a chapter.


that is what it is.

what's with that ending? .-.


Boobs. Boobs is with that ending.

what's with that ending? .-.

I must admit a dark secret! I have yet to get that far into JoJo. So you're probably right. I'm only one translator and there's just too much anime... I know I know JoJo isn't just a series you skip... I'll finish it someday...

 Nah don't worry, everybody else is too busy for that too. It's a meme. Zaa Warudo meme.

"the Internet? Did you learn that from the Internet?" Lol, where else is one to learn such things?



it's a fact that 80% of kids learns about those stuff in school before they learn it on the internet.

mmm... this bring 'lazy' to the next level... unimaginably lazy... lol...

I wonder if "The World" was a JoJo reference that the translator didn't get.

I must admit a dark secret! I have yet to get that far into JoJo. So you're probably right. I'm only one translator and there's just too much anime... I know I know JoJo isn't just a series you skip... I'll finish it someday...
The difference between this and Umaru is Komori is so shy and lazy that it's funny, whereas Umaru is just self-indulgent and obnoxious. Making the bad behavior over-the-top (not chewing for herself, not crying because it's too much trouble) makes it funny, whereas keeping it slightly realistic just lets you remember how irritating it would be in real life.

"the Internet? Did you learn that from the Internet?" Lol, where else is one to learn such things?

Nah its reuse the plot of umaru,
.Hello Plagiarism

Wahahahah! He didn't search the published date at all . Many people are like this so its normal i guess

I can tell Komori and Umaru are going to BFFs if they ever meet.

Meanwhile, I'm worried what will happen if Komori ever gets together with Tanaka-kun...


Watching "Sasami-san Ganbaranai" after reading this manga ...

(at least there are some story in Sasami anime, it still not really good anime either)

I wonder if "The World" was a JoJo reference that the translator didn't get.

I can tell Komori and Umaru are going to BFFs if they ever meet.


A crossover manga will be nice. Double chibi, double the fun! (and of course, double dose of scoldings)

you could say they're exact opposites.
PS: I like this small-chibi Komori-chan, she's so cute.

But to be honest dealing with he seems like a pain so I'd rather not. I guess likes repel and opposites attract.

I'm not saying she isn't cute, just that I find the other one cuter.

"Crying is too much a pain"


Okay that part cracked me up.

Nah its reuse the plot of umaru,





Hello Plagiarism

Jokes on you.

-This was actually made first before Umaru.

-Komori's afraid of outside world while Umaru's actually a top student.

-Komori's actual body is petite while Umaru's actual body is normal.

-Komori stays at chibi-form while Umaru needs her hoodie.


Your plagiarism accuse is INVALID and REJECTED.


Now everyone, i know the knowledge of published date of mangas is not something people would commonly knows easily, so let's forgive those who comments this plagiarize Umaru just for the sake of commenting previously, but from here onward, i hope all of us can refrain from posting the same mistake.

Nah its reuse the plot of umaru,





Hello Plagiarism

Pffft lol even I do research 1st before calling something out gtfo dude

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