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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.9 - 61votes)

Kyouhaku DOG’s -Another Secret-

Alt Names: alt キョウハクDOG’s -Another Secret-alt MENACING DOG'S: ANOTHER SECRET
Author: Shaa
Artist: Shaa
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: When you're the most notorious delinquent at school you have one hell of an image to maintain. The last thing you need is to be seen taking orders from an innocent puppy-eyed girl. But unfortunately for Keiji Sendai, he finds himself in this exact predicament when, Setsuna Yatsusaki, the shyest girl in school (as well as being the biggest klutz) finds out about Keiji's deepest and darkest secret... that he's a hardcore otaku! With her new trump card, Setsuna blackmails Keiji into becoming her slave. But just how long can a weak naive young girl keep such a dangerous young man as her pet dog? Join in on Setsuna's secret as she sets out to "train" a notorious thug in this unorthodox love story.
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The cover looks like Asuna.

First : 3

It should be a good series... hopefully... I've had the raws for AGES! X3

Boy oh boy, thank you so much waterflame mmm...~!

Let us know if you have any other translation questions, I'm sure everyone here want to read and is grateful for even the attempt when no one else is doing it.

Same here. I'm willing to lend a hand. Here:


Couldn't it be used as unreliable ? Well I haven't read much of the series.. then again she does seem like she wouldn't be unreliable just very clumsy doing the task at hand.. Thank you for pointing this out.

No.  Dodgy means suspicious or criminal.  Dodgy in terms of "unreliable" tends to me mean purposely unreliable.  The type of person you think would steal your stuff if you let them in your house and weren't keeping an eye on them.  The type of person who knows something is wrong with a car (engine, brakes) and is not telling the buyer that the car has a problem or giving them a discount.  
Its meaning could be stretched to consistently unreliable in that if you ask them to do something like pick you up from the hospital, they'll decide not to and be playing video games instead while you wait for hours.  (they don't forget, they just decide not to and like and say they forget).  

Let us know if you have any other translation questions, I'm sure everyone here want to read and is grateful for even the attempt when no one else is doing it.

It's not "dodgy girl" it's "dojikko".

Dojikko (ドジっ子) is Japanese for "clumsy" with the feminine suffix "-ko" added on the end. In other words: "clumsy child". The word can be used to describe people of both genders.


"Dodgy" means dishonest or unreliable.

Example "a dodgy secondhand car salesman"


It cannot ever, EVER, be used for a clumsy girl. EVER!


Also: Did you get the pun? Hachiko (her nickname) vs Dojikko?

Couldn't it be used as unreliable ? Well I haven't read much of the series.. then again she does seem like she wouldn't be unreliable just very clumsy doing the task at hand.. Thank you for pointing this out.

It's not "dodgy girl" it's "dojikko".

Dojikko (ドジっ子) is Japanese for "clumsy" with the feminine suffix "-ko" added on the end. In other words: "clumsy child". The word can be used to describe people of both genders.


"Dodgy" means dishonest or unreliable.

Example "a dodgy secondhand car salesman"


It cannot ever, EVER, be used for a clumsy girl. EVER!


Also: Did you get the pun? Hachiko (her nickname) vs Dojikko?





maybe this author have hobby to cosplay his character to another series character ?

yuuto from nogizaka haruka no himitsu!


I didn't know he had a classmate like this lol XD


lol reverse Nogizaka haruka no himitsu plot.(except with the blackmail)

Is this like the prequel to ^?

is she cosplaying or will we have some rpg-like action in this manga?

pls no

is she cosplaying or will we have some rpg-like action in this manga?

Could you explain me what you meant with 5 and it meaning something?

To build on what @KaiKinE said. They are comparing cover art I believe.

Vol. 1



Vol. 5


Could you explain me what you meant with 5 and it meaning something?


Oh HECK yeah. All official localizations of this petered out, so it'd be great to finally see more of this.

I was confused about the art difference, but then I saw the 5 and realized there's gonna be some art evolution.

Could you explain me what you meant with 5 and it meaning something?

I was confused about the art difference, but then I saw the 5 and realized there's gonna be some art evolution.

Certainly a person like him could have just grabbed the phone and deleted the file? If he has such a reputation with just her word to back her up he could just convince everyone that she is lying?

up to volume 5 already, haha it'll be a long way to heaven

She's so cute! Let the moe...begin!
That art style, those uniforms, "Innocent smile" magazine...Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu?

I want this kind of dog...


Those dog ears... ^w^


Good to see it's not one of those stereotypical blackmail situations so far. (You know, a character with an annoying personality blackmailing the MC because of *insert reason here*, ugh...)


Thank you for the new series. :)

look at the front cover....eh??!!!asuna is that you??!!!

Need, sustenance... New manga... followed...



Looks interesting... Ill give it a shot :)

First : 3

It should be a good series... hopefully... I've had the raws for AGES! X3

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