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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.69 - 64votes)

Drug Candy

Alt Names: alt ドラッグキャンディーalt 드러그캔디
Author: Yi Hyeon-Min
Artist: Yi Hyeon-Min
Genres: [no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ========Batoto Staff Notice=========
Chapters removed due to content
inappropriate for Batoto. Sorry.
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GOD DAMN IT! This could have been Vanilla between a husband and wife! I could have had diabetes from the sweetness instead! WHYYYYYYYYY!? D;

Yeah ... hope things will go well for them ... and the wife is making the first move so the next chapter is truce or war ? can't wait patiently to find out later ...

dat rape face though...

Well, we've already seen the future in which he has sex with the girl which means he probably fell for her, so I doubt he is getting back together with his wife.

Or that too was just a hallucination.

Yush! I'm actually on the Waifu's side here. At least, both of them are trying hard to mend their relationship.
This manga is quite realistic as far as relationships go. It's so sad how both the wife and husband are trying to get things back to normal but in the end they choose to hold it in which is disintegrating their relationship. They are both trying but are not trying it hard enough with so many unsaid things. They are both too afraid of offending the other. Really heartbreaking. People will change but I don't know what would cause them to become so cold towards each other? It's like they are both walking on egg shells.

I can already guess that in the future the wife will cheat on her husband with that carpet store guy and the husband as we all know will do it with that salesgirl. The moment that wife starts cheating is the moment I will stop reading this manga as I just can't digest NTR especially when the husband is indeed trying to get their relationship back on track. Will only come back and read if I find out that in the end the husband and wife stayed together.

I love her.

candy girl is too cute.

I actually love how this guy is trying to fight temptation. I hope he keeps it up and eventually mend things with his wife like how it was before.


Well, we've already seen the future in which he has sex with the girl which means he probably fell for her, so I doubt he is getting back together with his wife.

I actually love how this guy is trying to fight temptation. I hope he keeps it up and eventually mend things with his wife like how it was before.

I have a mixed feelings, from first chapters one may say that husband is at fault but with futher chapter it's not so clear. I hope that soon they will explain when exactly and why wife and husband became cold to each other, besides that candy girl personality wise is similar to his wife from the past ie. cheerful, happy, full of energy, even though his wife is hotter one (my opinion) i would still choose candy girl. She has fine looks and great personality, it's a better deal than hot but cold and emotionless wife.

I feel bad for this guy so far (aside from the end result of him cheating). He's genuinely trying to get that spark back with his wife but he's just too afraid to say anything because he thinks that she won't respect him anymore and he's being run ragged by his job.


I swear to god if he's being NTR'd as well I'll lose it.

I guess NTR is the booming genre nowaday in Manhwa Webtoon eh mmm...~?

And rape via magical TV.

after read chapter 4-5, is clear that wife is going to cheat manager, their married is lost, there are not chemistry between them, for now it is very interesting and not just focus in sex.

thank you for the updated.



Keep going, sir. You've got to make things up with best girl.

Buahaha .. this new chapter was hilarious ... looks like his underling an M and her partner is S




You've got the wrong fetish set. (S & M == sadomasochism, enjoy giving/receiving pain). You've got a Dom/Sub vibe going there. She gets off dominating the situation and humiliating her partner. The MC (her boss) is also a Dom so we've got a train-wreck in the offing. But that's also why it's so much fun watching Han Yura leading him around by by the "leash".

someone want to see the raws?1-17?

Buahaha .. this new chapter was hilarious ... looks like his underling an M and her partner is S




Interesting cheating story. This one actually has intriguing plot which you can sympathize with the characters eventhough you know they've done wrong.


Thats Japan man you go up in Ranks by destroying others.

This is Korean though.

I guess NTR is the booming genre nowaday in Manhwa Webtoon eh mmm...~?

So because she don't like her boss she want to get him fired or worst, wtf.

Thats Japan man you go up in Ranks by destroying others.

So because she don't like her boss she want to get him fired or worst, wtf.

That blue-haired chick will probably try to seduce the Manager to get some dirt on him. And so help me God, please don't have the wife cheat too.

I'm not usually this interested in a cheating manga...

I read the title and the first thing I thought was...



it's early but the story comes better, a cheating husband with hot wife and sweet  fresh girl, this gonna be interesting and hot.
thank for the updated.


thats the premonition in chapter 3 to indicated the wife cheating aswell, but she did it first i guess


i bet the author gonna do that

can almost smell the cliche

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