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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.83 - 75votes)


Alt Names: alt 나성기의 스터디alt Sex Study
Author: Edge Edge
Artist: Husky Guy
Genres: [no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ========Batoto Staff Notice=========
Chapters removed due to content
inappropriate for Batoto. Sorry.
========Staff Notice End==========
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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So far it's been nothing more than softcore porn. Sweet Guy at least has some decent comedy and legit drama, nothing of that is here (yet).

What to study in chapter 5 :


These guys are old holy cow.
I'd rather thinking about marriage if I was in my 30s rather than how to pimpin out girls.

Steady job first.

These guys are old holy cow.


I'd rather thinking about marriage if I was in my 30s rather than how to pimpin out girls.

Imma start hanging glowstick around my neck..
Bitches love glowstick.


I'm pretty sure bitches love cannons, just sayin

"But I used mechanical pencil", Is what went through my mind.

Of course she's prettier when naked! :D

uh... okay... this is getting WAY too explicit.


not that im complaining... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

when u realized you skipped chapter 4 and confused of what you read D:

I think this is a secret plot to reduce the number of exam competitors.


What you're saying is, I should've gone to college in Korea, then? 

Well fuck.

HMMM! I just caught up to DomeKano the other day, still following Sweet Guy, and now this?


The plot... the plots are just...



That being said... WHAT IS UP WITH KOREAN WEBTOONS LATELY??? It's like almost everything they come up with is about SEX, SEX, and SEX!


I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna say no to these, but...


They're all from the same website... naturally, with one being translated and brought out, everyone wants to find the source, and people who are interested start translating the other webcomics.

HMMM! I just caught up to DomeKano the other day, still following Sweet Guy, and now this?


The plot... the plots are just...



That being said... WHAT IS UP WITH KOREAN WEBTOONS LATELY??? It's like almost everything they come up with is about SEX, SEX, and SEX!


I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna say no to these, but...


Goddammit, Lucifer and his Apple is at it again!!

OK I'm calling it, the douche club president is actually a pimp and the study club is a front and the girls(including MC's supposed gf) are actually just whores.

Seems you were right up until the "whores" part. Well, for now, at least.

The best thing about Sextudies is that when you take the girl with you it means you have "homework" to do.


I need to start looking for a sextudy STUDY group..........

OK I'm calling it, the douche club president is actually a pimp and the study club is a front and the girls(including MC's supposed gf) are actually just whores.

Oh I see. He's giving her vagina an "Orientation" with his fingers. I get it.

It's not like I'm reading this for any reason other than research and Science or anything like that... B-b-baka!



I understand that this is just some dumb smutty manwha and it's undoubtedly a guilty pleasure for most people, myself included, but man the comments took no time at all to get kinda skeezy.







I wish they introduce this punishment system in school/college - Pretty sure the results will be an all time high! :D

Hmm, so this club is for swingers mc dislikes the president for being a "player". I am expecting some drama with mc and main girl revolving around the club and president.



Also chapter 2 is up on the translator's site. 


Of course I want it! No need to hurry, take your time~

Study group?

Its more like orgy party

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