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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.58 - 90votes)

Ichiba Kurogane wa Kasegitai

Alt Names: alt 市場クロガネは稼ぎたいalt 赚钱就请交给我市场铁alt Ichiba Kurogane ha Kasegitaialt Ichiba Kurogane Wants to Earn Incomealt Kurogane Ichiba
Author: Gotou Masaki
Artist: Gotou Masaki
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Ichiba Kurogane is tired of living off his parents' wealth and decides to attend Gakuenzono Institute, a school on an island where 300 thousand students are graded by the amount of money they can earn.

Misfortune strikes him as his wallet has been taken into custody and being confronted by Student Council President Amatsuri Hagane. Due to having an unlimited credit card with him, he was charged by the maximum amount possible: 100 million Gakuen.
Will he be able to manage the greatest debt on the island?

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It's interesting, but the entire school premise thing is pretty fucked up. "You have money so you're being fined now lolololol" is a pretty shitty way to get into debt. Then again, this is Japan. You can't expect a plot device to make sense.

It's not really fucked up or anything, but yes, it's infuriating.

This rule does have it's purpose, to stay in this school you have to earn money, yes? But there would be no purpose to leave things as it is, what they want, is for their students to have a fulfilling life after they graduate.


Since our mc, has an absurd amount of cash, they want him to have the same value as that unlimited card. They want him to be able to get unlimited funds by himself, without depending on his family status. Of course, this could screw his entire academic life, but it serves their purpose

3 million gakuen??? Hmm... Oh MC, you can just sell Hana-chan to our PervyChuck here & you'll change from the student with the largest debt to the student with the most gakuen in one night!!!!
Good thing japanese laws don't apply there.....Now no one can stop the loli-trafficking :D
~Now that everyone's distracted, Sneaks off to buy Amatsuri Hagane~


3 million gakuen??? Hmm... Oh MC, you can just sell Hana-chan to our PervyChuck here & you'll change from the student with the largest debt to the student with the most gakuen in one night!!!!

Good thing japanese laws don't apply there.....Now no one can stop the loli-trafficking :D


~Now that everyone's distracted, Sneaks off to buy Amatsuri Hagane~

link for the raw please?

It's interesting, but the entire school premise thing is pretty fucked up. "You have money so you're being fined now lolololol" is a pretty shitty way to get into debt. Then again, this is Japan. You can't expect a plot device to make sense.


At least someone translate this gem, this manga is so interesting..

Though i already bought it locally, but still i want to see it in english..

An interesting read! Love it!

MC : in debt like hayate.

Well he start from hell to the sky then...

First and I like it since it is amusing...

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