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* * * * * (4.58 - 90votes)

Ichiba Kurogane wa Kasegitai

Alt Names: alt 市場クロガネは稼ぎたいalt 赚钱就请交给我市场铁alt Ichiba Kurogane ha Kasegitaialt Ichiba Kurogane Wants to Earn Incomealt Kurogane Ichiba
Author: Gotou Masaki
Artist: Gotou Masaki
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Ichiba Kurogane is tired of living off his parents' wealth and decides to attend Gakuenzono Institute, a school on an island where 300 thousand students are graded by the amount of money they can earn.

Misfortune strikes him as his wallet has been taken into custody and being confronted by Student Council President Amatsuri Hagane. Due to having an unlimited credit card with him, he was charged by the maximum amount possible: 100 million Gakuen.
Will he be able to manage the greatest debt on the island?

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I don't get what people are bitching about. In their society, bringing money from outside source is a heavy offense,as it should be. Although worthless on the island, it is still a valid form of currency in Japan and thus is usable and easily can be manipulated to achieve wealth on the island, thus making the form of independent education invalid.

He's a bit too happy for his situation. xD I love it.

I assume nobody quality checked page 22... Second panel's dialog is messed up as fuck.

Seems like some people don't like this manga saying its cliche and others. But hey, almost 500 followers within 24hours shows that more people is enjoying it. I did enjoy it. Don't sweat the small details, read it with a neutral opinion and just have fun. Thanks to the scanlator for giving us a good read.

Was anyone else secretly hoping the president was viewed as trash to his eyes?

Yes, would've made for a far better story. Now she's basically set up as a character we're supposed to like and the end to all there is. 


@losif, bad comparison, try harder.

Was anyone else secretly hoping the president was viewed as trash to his eyes?

You can spin it however you want, it's borderline retarded and absolutely absurd. It's a typical case of "absurdly powerful student council" except here it's the disciplinary comitee that basically does whatever they want and we're quite likely supposed to eventually come to like that girl. It's bad writing, clichee and a horrible way to set up the hurdle he "has to overcome".


It's as if you start school with minus grades, instead of a blank slate you get handed a frigging Z and then you're supposed to work to get it back into the positives, you'd need an absurd ammount of A's just to get it remotely into a range where you'd prolly pass and you'd have to work yourself to death to remotely reach anything decent if it would be possible at all, while others with far less effort will easily breeze through.


Well, go to school the first day of class with a gun or drugs and get caught carrying them, not even using them, see how great you do.

Inb4 guns and drugs are not the same as a credit card, to that bitch they are.


Before I forget, congratulations! You found the interesting point of this manga's plot!

That's true, But I don't see how that's have something to do with the situation in the manga. I also don't see how making a MC into debt can make a manga become a Hayate ripoff.

I cant see it either. Even i havnt read
Hayate Combat for several years but i know theres a HUGE difference how they got in debt and where the story went.

Hayate: debt because of parents and works as part time then butler to pay it off (typical setting)

Kurogane: debt because of strict money making education school rules and pays it off using tactics money making strategy within the clubs/business (just guessing)

Not difficult to miss...

This reminds me more of [C], without the alternative battle world, with a mix of Baka2test money making level abilities.

Or Baka2test with mix of [C] a school education based on making money.

They didn't accuse him of using it, they accused him of having it. It doesn't matter whether or not he used it.


It's the same thing with trafficking drugs or child porn, they care shit about whether you use it or not, the point is "that shit is illegal and offensive here".

You can spin it however you want, it's borderline retarded and absolutely absurd. It's a typical case of "absurdly powerful student council" except here it's the disciplinary comitee that basically does whatever they want and we're quite likely supposed to eventually come to like that girl. It's bad writing, clichee and a horrible way to set up the hurdle he "has to overcome".


It's as if you start school with minus grades, instead of a blank slate you get handed a frigging Z and then you're supposed to work to get it back into the positives, you'd need an absurd ammount of A's just to get it remotely into a range where you'd prolly pass and you'd have to work yourself to death to remotely reach anything decent if it would be possible at all, while others with far less effort will easily breeze through.

Thanks for the comments brahs. Like you may already know this is my first time doing scanlation so seeing any feedback truly give me a feeling of excitement. I may need to ask you guys for proofreading because I don't want to continue disgust y'all with my grammar lmao.

Honestly, I expect this to turn into a "Conquer them all" kind of manga, with him going from run down/brink of closure clubs, and making money with them. That means clichéd plots, and not really much character development... That is to say my prediction is that it will be just a comedy manga...

Chracter development won't disappoint you mate, especially Hagane's. she became like this later:



It IS pretty fucked up because "earn money" is relative. ANYONE who goes into a low-profit margin business would obviously get fucked over, no matter how critical of a job it is.
Who here wants to be a farmer? No one? Ok, everyone starves then! Oh now we have volunteers? Ok, just keep in mind that you volunteers will be treated as third-class citizens because you earn next to nothing/LOSE money if/when the harvest fails. Still want to volunteer?
Who here wants to be a hedge fund manage-WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! ONE AT A TIME PEOPLE!
That said, the "comedy" in this story is just plain horrible. Its like the author ripped of Hayate the Combat Butler, threw it into a straight high school setting and expected it to funny.

That's true, But I don't see how that's have something to do with the situation in the manga. I also don't see how making a MC into debt can make a manga become a Hayate ripoff.

The mc remind me of someone

I wonder what he would do if he saw hayate.

well i kinda like what the the plot is going LOL :3

It's not really fucked up or anything, but yes, it's infuriating.

This rule does have it's purpose, to stay in this school you have to earn money, yes? But there would be no purpose to leave things as it is, what they want, is for their students to have a fulfilling life after they graduate.


Since our mc, has an absurd amount of cash, they want him to have the same value as that unlimited card. They want him to be able to get unlimited funds by himself, without depending on his family status. Of course, this could screw his entire academic life, but it serves their purpose

It IS pretty fucked up because "earn money" is relative. ANYONE who goes into a low-profit margin business would obviously get fucked over, no matter how critical of a job it is.


Who here wants to be a farmer? No one? Ok, everyone starves then! Oh now we have volunteers? Ok, just keep in mind that you volunteers will be treated as third-class citizens because you earn next to nothing/LOSE money if/when the harvest fails. Still want to volunteer?


Who here wants to be a hedge fund manage-WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! ONE AT A TIME PEOPLE!


That said, the "comedy" in this story is just plain horrible. Its like the author ripped of Hayate the Combat Butler, threw it into a straight high school setting and expected it to funny.

that so messed up, after they has confiscated his wallet.


then they accuse him using the "unlimited credit card" which found in his wallet.

when did he use that credit card anyway?


prety dumb.

They didn't accuse him of using it, they accused him of having it. It doesn't matter whether or not he used it.


It's the same thing with trafficking drugs or child porn, they care shit about whether you use it or not, the point is "that shit is illegal and offensive here".

that so messed up, after they has confiscated his wallet.


then they accuse him using the "unlimited credit card" which found in his wallet.

when did he use that credit card anyway?


prety dumb.

Can someone who has respectable grammar skills make a new description? I swear it's 100 million not 1 billion guys.


(I'm not sure if it's Gakuen or Gaku-yen though lmao)

I rather the author choose a cliche way to saddle the MC with debt

(taking on another student's debt etc.) than 'I brought a wallet to school so now I owe them 100 million' which is just dumb.


I also don't see the point of the hairclip part, it only works if the MC is about to do something 'clever' - which he hasn't done so far.


The concept is good though, I hope this is a more intelligent manga than just plain comedy which the tags suggest.


Honestly, I expect this to turn into a "Conquer them all" kind of manga, with him going from run down/brink of closure clubs, and making money with them. That means clichéd plots, and not really much character development... That is to say my prediction is that it will be just a comedy manga...

I never realized that a girl can be so cute even if she has horrible hwitch hands.


This is different thanks for bringing this to us.

I rather the author choose a cliche way to saddle the MC with debt

(taking on another student's debt etc.) than 'I brought a wallet to school so now I owe them 100 million' which is just dumb.


I also don't see the point of the hairclip part, it only works if the MC is about to do something 'clever' - which he hasn't done so far.


The concept is good though, I hope this is a more intelligent manga than just plain comedy which the tags suggest.

a hundred million for carrying some prohibited item? really? to a new student? really?

I really enjoyed this, need moar @__@

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