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Toshishita no Otokonoko (HIRO Chihiro)

Alt Names: alt A Younger Boyalt 年下の男の子 (ひろちひろ)alt 年下的男孩子alt Парень помладше
Author: Hiro Chihiro
Artist: Hiro Chihiro
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: It started like any other day until you turned around...

Nanakusa Mihoro, 2nd Year High Schooler. A big sister with big responsibilities...

Miyao Chiei, 1st Year High Schooler. The man that just happened to turn around.

The cute and unfathomable you...why can't I tear my eyes away?
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Started out okay but now it's starting to get tiring.

Loving that lil bro, haha.

Ummm.. after that 'no' i feel tired and angry and a bit confused because it's fking true..

For me the thing that saved this situation from being entirely cliche was that he immediately told her she shouldn't apologize because she did nothing wrong. And it looked to me that he avoided her because she didn't use his first name-- every time she called to him she was rejecting him again. I can believe he was just too sad to be around her, not deliberately manipulating her.


love it. im all for pushy guys in my shoujo.. a little yan with the dere never hurt anyone.. right??? ... (¬‿¬)

Nothing pisses me off more in shoujo mangas than the whole "WHAT IS THIS FEEL THAT I FEEL" bullshit.

I dunno, the friends who are so dense that they can't see what's going on are what is getting to me. Their role is to shed light on the situation to the dense protagonists or work behind the scenes to help them realize their relationship, but these girls are more dense than the protagonist.

Nothing pisses me off more in shoujo mangas than the whole "WHAT IS THIS FEEL THAT I FEEL" bullshit.

Well, author's human too. He gotta milk the manga somehow.

Next time on Toshishita no otokonoko, heroine will learn the meaning of nakama!! LOOK FORWARD TO IT!!

Oh, for the love of... She has an involuntary startled reaction to the back of her neck being touched, and he just completely shuts down and ignores her for days? Is he an actual child? Setting up an all-or-nothing dynamic where she's only allowed to respond positively towards his advances and actions and the pace is set strictly by him with no room for hesitation, or he'll drop her like a goddamn rock and act like she doesn't exist? That's a good way to, say, indoctrinate someone into a cult, but a really bad start to a healthy relationship. It's not cute, and it's not romantic. It's a red flag.

Kids need to learn how to graciously accept a "no" before they get romantically involved with anyone. If he's going to act like a petulant brat whenever she expresses discomfort or wants to slow down, then it's just plain too soon for him. You can say he's just fifteen, and it's natural for him to be like this, and I would completely agree; it is perfectly normal for him to be too immature for a relationship at this age, and I fully support the both of them growing up a bit more before they start anything remotely serious.

Nothing pisses me off more in shoujo mangas than the whole "WHAT IS THIS FEEL THAT I FEEL" bullshit. That's love you dumb cunt! It's an equivalent of a zombie movie where everyone is "huh, why are these shambling people moaning "brains" trying to bite me?! what is going on?!". Except worse, because while you could imagine people who never encountered the trope of zombies(as unlikely as that is), or even a world where the zombie trope does not exist in the first place, the same cannot be said about love, which is like one of the most fucking fundamental human feelings that half of our culture obsesses about. Literally cannot live past the age of seven without being exposed to this concept and if you ever consume any media in your life you will be bombarded with it fucking daily.


Perhaps more importantly, what is even the point of this bullshit in the context of the story itself? Is this the first time she ever fell in love? Roger, got it, 10-4, oscar mike, you can get that across without her acting like a complete fucking retard. I mean for fuck's sake, imagine you are reading a story about how a guy breaks his leg for the first time and how it affects his life. And in the first chapter he breaks his leg and is like "HMMMM WHAT IS THIS ODD FEELING, WHEN I TRY TO USE MY LEG IT REALLY HURTS AND THERE IS THIS PROTRUSION ON THE SIDE WHICH IS KIND OF WHITE, AND THERE IS THIS RED LIQUID FLOWING OUT, WHAT A CONUNDRUM". This is the level of fucking nonsense we are operating at here. And the point is that it's not fucking necessary for him to ponder that because the story is not about him figuring out what "breaking a leg is", it's about the consequences of him breaking the leg. Just like this fucking story, it's not about a girl figuring out what the fuck love is, it's about her loving a younger guy while having little brother complex or something. Don't fucking add an extra layer of retardation on what is already a retarded genre.


tl;dr: someone whack that ho.

If you don't like the genre then don't read the damn genre while complaining about something that occurs in 99% of the genre

Nothing pisses me off more in shoujo mangas than the whole "WHAT IS THIS FEEL THAT I FEEL" bullshit. That's love you dumb cunt! It's an equivalent of a zombie movie where everyone is "huh, why are these shambling people moaning "brains" trying to bite me?! what is going on?!". Except worse, because while you could imagine people who never encountered the trope of zombies(as unlikely as that is), or even a world where the zombie trope does not exist in the first place, the same cannot be said about love, which is like one of the most fucking fundamental human feelings that half of our culture obsesses about. Literally cannot live past the age of seven without being exposed to this concept and if you ever consume any media in your life you will be bombarded with it fucking daily.


Perhaps more importantly, what is even the point of this bullshit in the context of the story itself? Is this the first time she ever fell in love? Roger, got it, 10-4, oscar mike, you can get that across without her acting like a complete fucking retard. I mean for fuck's sake, imagine you are reading a story about how a guy breaks his leg for the first time and how it affects his life. And in the first chapter he breaks his leg and is like "HMMMM WHAT IS THIS ODD FEELING, WHEN I TRY TO USE MY LEG IT REALLY HURTS AND THERE IS THIS PROTRUSION ON THE SIDE WHICH IS KIND OF WHITE, AND THERE IS THIS RED LIQUID FLOWING OUT, WHAT A CONUNDRUM". This is the level of fucking nonsense we are operating at here. And the point is that it's not fucking necessary for him to ponder that because the story is not about him figuring out what "breaking a leg is", it's about the consequences of him breaking the leg. Just like this fucking story, it's not about a girl figuring out what the fuck love is, it's about her loving a younger guy while having little brother complex or something. Don't fucking add an extra layer of retardation on what is already a retarded genre.


tl;dr: someone whack that ho.

fuckin legendary speech right here people

Both characters have their own cuteness and their interactions can be sweet but with the mentality and mannerisms they've shown I can't help but think that neither of them should be in a relationship. I just foresee a lot of unnecessary and excessive misunderstandings, high running emotions, drama, and overall outpacing themselves. Mind you, with shoujo magic, all of that will most likely become irrelevant and be swept away with happy ending.

Nothing pisses me off more in shoujo mangas than the whole "WHAT IS THIS FEEL THAT I FEEL" bullshit. That's love you dumb cunt! It's an equivalent of a zombie movie where everyone is "huh, why are these shambling people moaning "brains" trying to bite me?! what is going on?!". Except worse, because while you could imagine people who never encountered the trope of zombies(as unlikely as that is), or even a world where the zombie trope does not exist in the first place, the same cannot be said about love, which is like one of the most fucking fundamental human feelings that half of our culture obsesses about. Literally cannot live past the age of seven without being exposed to this concept and if you ever consume any media in your life you will be bombarded with it fucking daily.


Perhaps more importantly, what is even the point of this bullshit in the context of the story itself? Is this the first time she ever fell in love? Roger, got it, 10-4, oscar mike, you can get that across without her acting like a complete fucking retard. I mean for fuck's sake, imagine you are reading a story about how a guy breaks his leg for the first time and how it affects his life. And in the first chapter he breaks his leg and is like "HMMMM WHAT IS THIS ODD FEELING, WHEN I TRY TO USE MY LEG IT REALLY HURTS AND THERE IS THIS PROTRUSION ON THE SIDE WHICH IS KIND OF WHITE, AND THERE IS THIS RED LIQUID FLOWING OUT, WHAT A CONUNDRUM". This is the level of fucking nonsense we are operating at here. And the point is that it's not fucking necessary for him to ponder that because the story is not about him figuring out what "breaking a leg is", it's about the consequences of him breaking the leg. Just like this fucking story, it's not about a girl figuring out what the fuck love is, it's about her loving a younger guy while having little brother complex or something. Don't fucking add an extra layer of retardation on what is already a retarded genre.


tl;dr: someone whack that ho.

Just had a slightly traumatic consent talk at school. Reading this right now makes my heart speed up a little.

I get where people are coming from when they say he's a bit intense/pushy. That is true, and he has a bit of an air of desperation too. However, if I take a step back and think of his age, 15ish, and that he really is taken with this girl, he just might be a bit overly anxious to have her look at him that way and may suffer from a bit of paranoia that if he doesn't act now some other guy may sweep her up. If I think back to when I had crushes at that age, and I think a lot of you will relate, who wasn't a bit creepy, intense, and/or overdramatic? It's part of the package deal pretty much and we don't even realize we are being like that till we have the benefit of retrospect which is subsequently followed by smacking our foreheads in remorse for being such embarrassing idiots. It just comes out even clearer reading this manga as we get to be the third party viewer (aka the friend who was rolling their eyes watching our episodes of outrageousness). Not to say that he couldn't lay off a bit, but I think he is also still in an acceptable range of behavior at this point. The thing I am amazed at is how forward he can be without hesitation, like where and how did you get that much gusto already?

Yeah, he was sweet in the beginning, and he's still cute, but it's getting a little... Like, dude, you just met her a few days ago, she's not going anywhere. You aren't a frustrated childhood friend who's confessed but got told "I don't really see you as a guy", and she isn't so impossibly dense that she doesn't even react to your obvious flirting. This isn't a race, so sit the hell down and take a damn breath. Jeez.

My impression is that there has been a greater time lapse than a few days, more like a few weeks I was thinking (though feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) though it is true that not a lot of time has passed either. As for him racing who knows maybe he is terminally ill with 3 months to live and he's going to make the most of it! LOL, in case anyone wanted the high drama playout :P
Yeah, he was sweet in the beginning, and he's still cute, but it's getting a little... Like, dude, you just met her a few days ago, she's not going anywhere. You aren't a frustrated childhood friend who's confessed but got told "I don't really see you as a guy", and she isn't so impossibly dense that she doesn't even react to your obvious flirting. This isn't a race, so sit the hell down and take a damn breath. Jeez.
What a place to end.... +_+
He is more than a little dominant, and his character is giving this manga a darker feel than I expected... I don't think it will be a shoujo that strays much more down that road though~..

This is so very promising. Definitely following it. It'll be even better if he grows to be a yandere. Ah, sorry. That's just my nature to crave for male yanderes in romance stories

@efu - lmao so how are you liking this now? Cravings being satisfied?

I was really liking this story in the first chapter but Jesus, this guy is so pushy. I'll keep reading and hope he learns to step off a little bit.

He really wants senpai to notice him xD

realizing that there weren't anymore chapters made me go DAMN IT!!!!! i want moooore


thanks senpai scans for the chapters!

He is so good at this, he haven't even used the Kabe-don.

He's a bit (a tiny little bit) creepy...

I couldn't help grinning a fair bit while reading this. It's rather cute how he assertively tries to get closer to and charm our lead lady.


This is so vanilla. 

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