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* * * * * (4.61 - 155votes)

Chihoukishi Hans no Junan

Alt Names: alt 地方騎士ハンズの受難alt Chihou Kishi Hans no Junanalt The Suffering of Local Knight Hans
Author: Amara
Artist: Sutarou Hanao
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyCooking CookingDrama DramaFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Sick of the trickery in the royal court, former knight captain Hans now serves at a remote station in the countryside. But his peaceful and idyllic days end when some Japanese people with superhuman abilities suddenly show up.
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Potential romantic interest on the cover!

Wincest, maybe?

Quick, we need to sacrifice our firstborn sons and daughters to /ak/ scans. They have, again, given us their blessing, in form of a new chapter.

i think you mean 'natives', neither arifureta nor Konjiki are games, even if they seem game like sometimes.


That's why I put those quotation marks. :P

I'm waiting plot twist where "Japan" are well known by royalty

Potential romantic interest on the cover!

It's like Arifureta or Konjiki no Wordmaster, but with the POV twisted towards "NPCs". xD

i think you mean 'natives', neither arifureta nor Konjiki are games, even if they seem game like sometimes.

ah, hans is so cute. this is fun.

I like the fact that rather than being your usual edgy, 'badass' anti-heroes just filled with angst and emo, or self-righteous 'hero' caricatures without an ounce of self-awareness or forethought, the people from Japan are just nice, honest people trying to make their way in life. It's really refreshing.XD 

Aw man, no old man badass. But this is almost even more interesting.

Despite all the series with similar settings I've read recently, I must admit this one mixes everything up enough to keep me really interested. I'm looking forward to more.

The Japanese are Coming from Another World, Aren't They?
If the mc was into music from the 1920's, would he be jazz hans?

hahaha his normal days are now over!

I believe Yoshida Kenichi have a hidden ability that make physics not work on his hair I mean look at that stuff it's stretching so far and without hair products.

Ok, lets wait for anime now...

It's like Arifureta or Konjiki no Wordmaster, but with the POV twisted towards "NPCs". xD

lol who added the Mecha-tag? Just kidding, I made that up. But because of me someone will add it now.
Also, I agree that /ak/ scanalations should be a genre.

Super-powered teens: the scourge of many a fantasy universe.



in short this is mondaijitachi version where Izayoi is a girl and kuro usagi is a guy huh?


no it's not... 

I mean, seriously? how in the flying spicy fried chicken of hell does this series remind you of mondaiji-tachi anyway? when I read this manga, mondaijitachi doesn't even flashed one bit in my memory



in short this is mondaijitachi version where Izayoi is a girl and kuro usagi is a guy huh?

that old guy... don't tell me he's japan secret intelligence..

At this rate Hans'll be crowned king because he's supposedly the only one who can control those "monstrous humans from a different dimension".

Poor Hans, getting involved with all these crazies. Wish the pace would slow down just a little, though.

There should be a special category for these "transported to fantasy rpg game" thing

Clearly the category "Scanned by AK" should be a thing.

There should be a special category for these "transported to fantasy rpg game" thing

LOL good luck han

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