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* * * - - (3.4 - 35votes)

Huanxiang Zhi Zhou

Alt Names: alt 幻象之洲alt Vision Land
Author: Magic D
Artist: Magic D
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manhua (Chinese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Explore a new world filled with illusion.

Original Webcomic: http://ac.qq.com/Comic/ComicInfo/id/528172
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Father of the year watches his sons friends get blown the fuck out, doesn't even say hi.

I swear if that guy steals their kill, he'd be a dick.

I felt the title of ch. 8 was a play on how long each chapter "literally" is...

Literally ten seconds? As opposed to metaphorically ten seconds?
Wow, how lucky is that? 1% They should clutch this.

Hes probably going to get 30% of his hp back cause those pants and boop beep boop. get.

I'm pretty sure he should respawn..........

I'm pretty sure he has to wait untill next day to respawn (unless I mixed it up with another MMO-webcom/manga). But I get your point, they are overreacting a bit since it's just a game, however since it's supposed to be realistic (they feel pain etc.) it isn't that weird that they got immersed in the game world.

short chapter just when you think it starts it is over

I'm pretty sure he should respawn..........

Ah mu shoud change to an assassin and can someone tell me the refrence?

It's a dad joke reference, like "liquor? I hardly know her!" but he whiffed on it

Ah mu shoud change to an assassin and can someone tell me the refrence?

I think I have located my ship.


Seems like the kinda story that is best kept simple. But the father worries me. His story, if told, might complicate things beyond what is good for this manhua.

Dude, you don't just go and ask a person whose level isn't even in the double digits to fight you. That's just poor sportsmanship


Eh, who am I kidding. It's an MMO, no one cares about sportsmanship in MMOs

Haha the author's name!


my own "Magic D" is always ready :P

The type of weapon you have can really make a difference. If you possess the shield, your only choice is to defend and endure attacks. On the other hand, spearman live their lives thrusting their weapon at their targets. Spearmans are obviously the dominant ones so you must be using a shield. Is it really that painful having sex? I legitimately don't know.

Jut to say, actually its not a spear the real weapon of men... Its the lance; just ask Rance ;)

The type of weapon you have can really make a difference. If you possess the shield, your only choice is to defend and endure attacks. On the other hand, spearman live their lives thrusting their weapon at their targets. Spearmans are obviously the dominant ones so you must be using a shield. Is it really that painful having sex? I legitimately don't know.


I'm male. And I'll play along with your innuendo:

I use a spear. But sometimes, they have really, really hard shields. 

The type of weapon you have can really make a difference. If you possess the shield, your only choice is to defend and endure attacks. On the other hand, spearman live their lives thrusting their weapon at their targets. Spearmans are obviously the dominant ones so you must be using a shield. Is it really that painful having sex? I legitimately don't know.

Even spears may cry in front of a whip; And no, I'm not talking about ED.

Maintain eye contact to assert dominance? That explains why I'm never on top during sex. It's hard to keep my eyes open when I'm crying.

The type of weapon you have can really make a difference. If you possess the shield, your only choice is to defend and endure attacks. On the other hand, spearman live their lives thrusting their weapon at their targets. Spearmans are obviously the dominant ones so you must be using a shield. Is it really that painful having sex? I legitimately don't know.

Maintain eye contact to assert dominance? That explains why I'm never on top during sex. It's hard to keep my eyes open when I'm crying.

Well graphically it's not bad, 9 pages? That is one heck of a snail's pace.

I don't think I would even want to play this game :/

LMAO! This game... XD

Ugly art, I hope it gets better.

Well the art is okay looking. It's dodgy during some scenes but overall it's passable imo.

This is really slow, I hope that at least it gets really better for it to be okay having only a few pages.

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