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* * * * * (4.5 - 58votes)

Devil's Line

Alt Names: alt デビルズラインalt Devil's Linealt 魔性之线
Author: Hanada Ryou
Artist: Hanada Ryou
Genres: Action ActionRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Anzai, half vampire, and Tsukasa, a normal school girl.
Vampires seem to be living among humans. Of course the government does not know of their existence, because their appearance does not differ from humans. They also do not need to drink blood, but when they get a craving or get angry, they can become uncontrollable monsters.
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To cute, they are so cute!

Wow. I ship these two SO FRIGGIN' MUCH. They're so cute! Minus the whole Anzai-wants-to-suck-Tsukasa's-blood-dry every time he gets horny. But nonetheless. This ship is going on a long luxury cruise. Just...no icebergs, please. Please?

The main girl is a constant victim I dont think my heart can take it her being constantly assaulted by random dudes lol

    • Ada likes this
This manga is sometimes scary but uber cute at the same time.

I feel like this now needs the Josei tag. Also, has anyone else ever thought series that deserve the Josei tag don't end up getting it [the tag], and when you search for josei you end up missing really good qualifying josei manga because of this??


Well, scanlation tradition is that demographic tags (shounen, shoujo, seinen, josei) are used to signify the target audience the manga was officially or semi-officially published for.


This is sometimes notably different from the demographics that are likely to enjoy them. For instance, Black Butler and Prince of Tennis were both nominally shounen series, but you mightn't think so from looking at the fanbases.

I feel like this now needs the Josei tag. Also, has anyone else ever thought series that deserve the Josei tag don't end up getting it [the tag], and when you search for josei you end up missing really good qualifying josei manga because of this??

The art is honestly really fitting for this manga for some reason. It really draws the reader in, no pun intended.

I love this manga, thanks again! <3

Awesome chapter, look forward for the next. Btw, the raws are up to ch 33 and it's f*** awesome. Thaks again lol scans.

yup. I needed this in my life. 

I like it! But i wonder why his shirt is cut out around the nipple on the cover?

Nice art

It was just a translation preference. No need to get so pissy about what your "model vampire" looks like. Jesus, there's no reason to be argumentative over something so minor.

Great manga, can't wait for the rest to be translated. Thanks LoLScans. (beer)

why not just call the monsters something else other than vampire??? you take all the qualities that vampires are known for away, and they don't have to be vampires anymore!! (they CAN'T be vampires). In fact, this whole angry thing is more related to werewolves...

'Cause vampires are "pop"

I have to agree. Some alterations on what is a vampire are acceptable sometimes, but "no need to drink blood" is like saying: well, he may look like a dog, but he is human, ok?


Edit: read chapter, for this one, the description dont really match, no?  It's the normal "he can survive without it for a time, until..."

vampire doesn't drink blood or suck energy or whatever , it's not a vampire ...

But what if it sparkles in sunlight? Don't tell that you hate on the zombie-are-people-too stories. :P

why not just call the monsters something else other than vampire??? you take all the qualities that vampires are known for away, and they don't have to be vampires anymore!! (they CAN'T be vampires). In fact, this whole angry thing is more related to werewolves...


why not just call the monsters something else other than vampire??? you take all the qualities that vampires are known for away, and they don't have to be vampires anymore!! (they CAN'T be vampires). In fact, this whole angry thing is more related to werewolves...

vampire doesn't drink blood or suck energy or whatever , it's not a vampire ...

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