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* * * * - (4.44 - 63votes)

Let's Fight Ghost

Alt Names: alt 싸우자귀신아
Author: Im Man-Sup
Artist: Im Man-Sup
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy TragedyWebtoon Webtoon[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ====Batoto Staff Notice====
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why is it that I when I read a webcomic it always ends at the most important part of the story?
I guess you're also..."a young and healthy youth"...
@ Theoderich

I believe I can see "ghosts" I already accepted the truth...I lost too much already but I still feel blessed with my life.

I think people can't accept the truth is because it might force them to make a change or changes they aren't willing to make. They have settled pretty comfortably on an [arranged] truth which would allow them to maintain their old mindset upon which they have always functioned and they won't accept anything that could alter that. So as far as they're concerned there's no other truth than the one they have embraced. Is it Because the truth usually destroys our desired reality and points out our natural shortcomings and faults or because the truth may force people to take a look at themselves which they don't want to see or acknowledge. Maybe because truth is sometimes too hard to handle or they can't handle the truth it means they might have to change.
We've seen two faces of the medal so far, hope and despair. I wonder how the artist will conclude the story...
Well,at least the story is really good and interesting, let's see what happens next.

And by the way, those who can't handle the absolute despair in this story seem to have been enlightened. This story is only for intelligent people with a strong personality who can handle the truth of the world. Only the foolish people can live being "happy" 24/7 since the truth is always cruel and people tend to bend it for that reason, to be something they can accept.
Unless you're a really strong person (one that can exclude oneself from drifting away through "pleasures", the real opium for the people) you won't be able to see the truth until your protective delusional wall is broken apart by absolute despair.

In that sense, the ability to see ghosts in this story is a metaphor for being able to see and accept the truth, since most people don't want to see the truth but a rather "retold tale"-version of it[with as little truth in it as possible],that's why we have this screwed up society with those story-tellers in the media,politics,school,at home that tell us tales far from the truth and allow us to indulge ourselves in countless "pleasures" that obnubilate our senses.
In former times there were great people who broke through this cloud since it wasn't made that thick yet, forming great words of truth like :"memento mori". Hearing and understanding this means absolute despair since it's an unavoidable truth : That you WILL die in the future, no matter what.

Yet one can still obtain happiness knowing this truth,as long as noone secludes themselves from the world of truth. The only reason why people who know the truth have to suffer is because the people who don't want to know the truth exclude them,ridicule them,hurt them, let them become victims of their sedition, immure them,etc....
If everyone could accept the truth,noone would have to suffer and the people would be really free, no longer prisoners to their own selfishness, to what other people tell them or whatever "pleasures" are presented them by the devil himself in exchange for their truth.

So what about you, can you see the truth or are you one of those who see "ghosts"? :D
@Kyojin, Doesn't that seem more like Akira's face of death note :D?

Posted Image
@chapter 10 near the end
Damn. I just did a straight run-through and I am loving this series. The author can convey emotion like I have rarely ever seen. I think this series will end well and many man-tears will be shed as the story is unraveled.
This manga goes straight into your soul ...... it creeps me out...... but I LIKE IT!!!
I'm so glad to see someone's translating this again. Thank You KidCongo. I know the series finished, but ther are still over 90 chapters waiting for nice people who can share them with us. I Liked the humor, but the serious turn really stepped up my love for this series.
I'm so glad to see someone's translating this again. Thank You KidCongo. I know the series finished, but ther are still over 90 chapters waiting for nice people who can share them with us. I Liked the humor, but the serious turn really stepped up my love for this series.
this is really awesome.
i love it.
Man that's some deep stuff, makes you think of things you would rather not think about like "what is the purpose of life?"

Great manhwa.
sweet new update
Well shit. That was depressing.
guys keep on reading.
Its Episode 2 where it gets intensely emotional...
It got over 2 million views per chapter when it was being serialized
Plot twist much :P
so far so good, fist few chapters was rly funny afterward it become serious but still its good
Cool a ghost manga were the main character can touch ghosts... wtf is this..... OMGLOL!... wait, what?... PSHSNORTLOL!

Yeah, it's kinda like that.
such emotion..... :( made me wonder if the author suffered the same fate.....a bitter sweet tale of life....
this manhwa has two stage.
laugh your heart off and bleed through it
I like the art,on the later chapies, it reminds me of Annarasumanara
The first half dozen or so chapters were funny. Then all the comedy stopped and it got seriously mopey for the next 20 chapters, and who knows how much more after that.

Screw this crap. Out.
Every time i read this manhwa i feel like slitting my wrists...
this series serialised long ago right?But this is awesome stuff.
From what I've read, this comic seems to be small stories put into a story that swallows them up, and so far it has been very good. I like the art, humor, and the emotional parts.I hopes for this comic.

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