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* * * * * (4.6 - 102votes)


Alt Names: alt ゴッドスピードalt 갓스피드alt God Speedalt GODSPEED
Author: Takabatake Enaga
Artist: Takabatake Enaga
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Akira is one of the children living in the special walled Sanctuary where they are looked after by the Angels. They are told that they need to stay inside the Sanctuary for their own protection or Demons will eat them. When they turn 14, they are taken through a special door which supposedly leads to paradise, but the children who enter paradise are never seen again...
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Up to what chapter is the raws right now?

The series is complete with 10 chapters.

Up to what chapter is the raws right now?

Holy Akira Badass Form..hahaha.. Goooo...!!

Considering that all the sources you gave are western ones (xecpt 7th garden), isn't it refreshing to see angels as evil in manga for a change? original, even?


Anyway, who thinks 'doing wrong due to being misguided' is evil?

A person without evil intentions isn't inherently evil.

[they could still be antagonists (A.K.A 'the bad guys'), but saying all antagonists are evil is stupid.]



Considering that all the sources you gave are western ones (xecpt 7th garden), isn't it refreshing to see angels as evil in manga for a change? original, even?


Anyway, who thinks 'doing wrong due to being misguided' is evil?

A person without evil intentions isn't inherently evil.

[they could still be antagonists (A.K.A 'the bad guys'), but saying all antagonists are evil is stupid.]

It's not even close to original, even for manga.  Plus it also depends on your level of evil, are we talking full on "destroy the world just because we can evil" or "kill an innocent to save the world evil"?

Somehow when i saw that giant smiling angel hugging two children i started to think about what is the meaning of life, humanity and the universe. After that, for some reason, my father called me and told "Congratulations". What a strange day huh...

the term 'evil' nowadays usually denotes beings that aims to do harm due to either random misguided reasons or being told to do so especially against innocents. by that definition, a few movies, tv shows, games, manga etc.

Legion, Supernatural, Gabriel, Constantine, Dominion, Darksiders, Diablo 3, 7th Garden etc.

when angels appear in any form of media, it's becoming more frequent for them to either be outright evil or have some hidden agenda of some kind.

Considering that all the sources you gave are western ones (xecpt 7th garden), isn't it refreshing to see angels as evil in manga for a change? original, even?


Anyway, who thinks 'doing wrong due to being misguided' is evil?

A person without evil intentions isn't inherently evil.

[they could still be antagonists (A.K.A 'the bad guys'), but saying all antagonists are evil is stupid.]


Though though though!!! I'm sorry, I just needed to correct you.

The evil angel troupe is still interesting to me. It is like the "too nice" type thing. The angels believe they are nice and kind, but in truth they are more demonic than demons themselves. Kind of how certain people with mental problems appear to be. Or even kids who act kind but do very mean things to innocent animals.

tho. :)

to be honest, most angels in work of fiction aren't evil, they just aren't as saintly as they ought to be. in most cases they still serve the forces of good, even if they are not entirely on the right track when doing so.


unless the trope is very popular in western media, which im not very good with.


so, can you name 5 stories in which angels are actively evil?

the term 'evil' nowadays usually denotes beings that aims to do harm due to either random misguided reasons or being told to do so especially against innocents. by that definition, a few movies, tv shows, games, manga etc.

Legion, Supernatural, Gabriel, Constantine, Dominion, Darksiders, Diablo 3, 7th Garden etc.

when angels appear in any form of media, it's becoming more frequent for them to either be outright evil or have some hidden agenda of some kind.

seriously, the 'evil angels' trope is so overused. the whole thing has become mainstream. i won't even be surprised if in a few years, people of a new generation won't see angels as good and the demons' enemy. it's more likely they'll see them as the demons' evil, beautiful, but more secretive cousin. closet perverts basically.


still tho, even tho it's overused and cliche, it's still interesting and there's alot of truth in it too. sometimes, the beautiful ones are the most treacherous and that the winners are the ones who shape and bend the stories that the current generation know as history.

to be honest, most angels in work of fiction aren't evil, they just aren't as saintly as they ought to be. in most cases they still serve the forces of good, even if they are not entirely on the right track when doing so.


unless the trope is very popular in western media, which im not very good with.


so, can you name 5 stories in which angels are actively evil?



I like it.


EDIT: Saw the raws. Niiice. I'm following this.


Thanks for the chapter, I am really liking this manga so far.

Obligatory translator comment:

Though though though!!! I'm sorry, I just needed to correct you.

The evil angel troupe is still interesting to me. It is like the "too nice" type thing. The angels believe they are nice and kind, but in truth they are more demonic than demons themselves. Kind of how certain people with mental problems appear to be. Or even kids who act kind but do very mean things to innocent animals.


Well, if ya go the biblical route, angels are Yahweh's lackies. And Yahweh is an evil monster, whereas Satan's lackies are demons, and Satan is more of a morally neutral fella.

-reads raws-
.... still good, still good.
Grimdark shounens eh? This is gonna be fun.

-Chapter 2-

Whump. There it is.
pretty cool, but it seems like it's still just getting off the ground. hope to see it come into its full potential.

Though though though!!! I'm sorry, I just needed to correct you.

There was nothing to "correct". It is an intentional shortening. I use it, too. Although, I throw an apostrophe on the end to indicate that it has been contracted.

seriously, the 'evil angels' trope is so overused. the whole thing has become mainstream. i won't even be surprised if in a few years, people of a new generation won't see angels as good and the demons' enemy. it's more likely they'll see them as the demons' evil, beautiful, but more secretive cousin. closet perverts basically.


still tho, even tho it's overused and cliche, it's still interesting and there's alot of truth in it too. sometimes, the beautiful ones are the most treacherous and that the winners are the ones who shape and bend the stories that the current generation know as history.

Though though though!!! I'm sorry, I just needed to correct you.

The evil angel troupe is still interesting to me. It is like the "too nice" type thing. The angels believe they are nice and kind, but in truth they are more demonic than demons themselves. Kind of how certain people with mental problems appear to be. Or even kids who act kind but do very mean things to innocent animals.


Thanks for the chapter, and dat fkin demon.

seriously, the 'evil angels' trope is so overused. the whole thing has become mainstream. i won't even be surprised if in a few years, people of a new generation won't see angels as good and the demons' enemy. it's more likely they'll see them as the demons' evil, beautiful, but more secretive cousin. closet perverts basically.


still tho, even tho it's overused and cliche, it's still interesting and there's alot of truth in it too. sometimes, the beautiful ones are the most treacherous and that the winners are the ones who shape and bend the stories that the current generation know as history.


Korean RAWs:

Sadly, the plot is easy to guess, especially after the 2nd chapter. I looked at the link which had up to chapter 8 and it was exactly what I expected.  Not saying this will be a bad story, but don't expect anything amazing or revolutionary.

What link ?

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