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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.58 - 36votes)

Simple Thinking About Blood Type

Alt Names: alt A Simple Study of Blood Typealt Blood Typealt 혈액형에 관한 간단한 고찰alt Ketsuekigata-kun!
Author: Park Dongsun
Artist: Park Dongsun
Genres: Comedy ComedyPsychological PsychologicalSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Have you ever wondered why Koreans ask you about your blood type? It’s not because they want to know what to do in case you happen to be in an accident (although it really is vital information), but it’s because there is a underlying belief that blood types affect personalities and character in the way an astrological sign may.

Another hugely successful webtoon, it has packed all the existing stereotypes of each blood type and more into a hilarious series. Strangely enough, there are many which are so darn true it’s kind of uncanny. Much funnier when you know your own blood type.

Original webtoon: http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=316914
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hahaha my blood type is O , and i guess there's some similarities , i'm a little bit impulsive and i'm always late to my appointments, but well that's too vague xD
Yeah, I know. :P I think the comic would be more interesting if I knew my blood type, though, just to see any similarities (and differences)...

I have no clue what my blood type might be.

Based on the comic, the closest possibility would be A.

Though that might be a case of the Barnum effect.

Remember the pink part of each chapter~

I have no clue what my blood type might be.

Based on the comic, the closest possibility would be A.

Though that might be a case of the Barnum effect.

I am making mistakes all over the place today....

I made a horrible one with mangaupdates.... I usually click the down arrow key with my keyboard to select Bento Scans and my computer not read it this time... With me not usually reading that I make a big mistake.... I am gonna be in corner of shame for a few hours...

Yay! Thanks Bento Scans!

it was rhetorical lol. and 1st person to rate gave it 1 star when i commented.

haha! I realized that after I typed all that up xD


LOl the test, can't stop rereading it and laughing!!

Wow that test, lol, good job kids.

My blood type is AB

Just because people rated it already doesn't mean they can't change their rating. The question is how does batoto collect the ratings? Do they have only one vote per member (in which a member can change it whenever they can by revoting) or do they collect repeated votes by members as well?
But to answer your question, it depends on how members rate the story (whether they wait for more chapters or til the end to rate) For me, I rate based on avail chapters and if there are so few like we have here, it's just a feeling towards the story after having read the available chapters. some stories just start off bad/terribly in which case the story gets a bad rating for now whereas others are mediocre or, in this case, considerably stellar. But I suppose your question is more rhetorical considering the current rating is 3.8.....

it was rhetorical lol. and 1st person to rate gave it 1 star when i commented.

I am still questioning how people rate manga (manhwa and manhua) based on the 1st few chapters

Just because people rated it already doesn't mean they can't change their rating. The question is how does batoto collect the ratings? Do they have only one vote per member (in which a member can change it whenever they can by revoting) or do they collect repeated votes by members as well?


But to answer your question, it depends on how members rate the story (whether they wait for more chapters or til the end to rate) For me, I rate based on avail chapters and if there are so few like we have here, it's just a feeling towards the story after having read the available chapters. some stories just start off bad/terribly in which case the story gets a bad rating for now whereas others are mediocre or, in this case, considerably stellar. But I suppose your question is more rhetorical considering the current rating is 3.8.....

I hope for you, readers, that this doesn't get taken down (NAVER!!!!!!!!)

Well if anything it will still be on bento's site.

Well, they must have lied when they said I was type O. Clearly I must be AB.

I hope for you, readers, that this doesn't get taken down (NAVER!!!!!!!!)

I am still questioning how people rate manga (manhwa and manhua) based on the 1st few chapters

It was originally korean and had a japanese spin off which ended up having an anime

this was korean? but this was an anime in japan wasnt it?

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