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Chuugoku Yome Nikki

Alt Names: alt A Chinese Wife and an Otaku Husbandalt 中国嫁日記alt Chinese Wife Diaryalt Chuugoku Yomenikki
Author: Inoue Junichi
Artist: Inoue Junichi
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: This is a diary-style 4koma manga that depicts the daily life and observations of the 40 year old author, who married a 26 year old Chinese girl. The author immediately states that this manga-style blog was meant to show the quirky and interesting nature of his young wife. He is an extremely stereotypical "otaku" (Japanese nerd), while she is a Chinese girl enjoying and learning the Japanese culture.

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I've been told this as well, as rural communities that are sustained by agriculture need the extra hands. 


That's not actually true. The laws related to the One-Child Policy are universal in China. However, in rural communities the laws are applied differently.


1. Members of minority groups (many of whom live in villages) are alloted more than one child depending on the quota assigned to their particular "nationality", usually 2 or 3. Particularly tiny minorities (such as the Bonan with only 17,000 members) may even be completely exempted. This is technically the ONLY legal exemption to the OCP.


2. In villages, the officials in charge of enforcing the laws usually turn a blind eye when a second child is born to a family who can't pay the fine. However, a third child may result in the law being upheld and a fine demanded.


3. Also in villages, officials sometimes make a special exemption for near-extinct clan surnames. That is, if a clan is in danger of losing their surname from having all-female descendants in the final generation, they're exempted until a son is born to a member of the family who can then inherit the family's surname. This is a nod to tradition. Many villages in China are named after the founding clan which usually forms the majority - if not the entirety - of the village's population. It would be a damned shame if the "Sun family village" no longer has a Sun in it.


4. People born and raised in rural communities who leave their original community technically can't hold permanent residence in their new location due to the hukou system, so in theory they should eventually return to their original homes. If they get married while away from home and a child is born, they're supposed to report that child to the home district civil registration office. This in theory means that the existence of a second child and so forth will be known to the government and fines must be paid. However, the loophole here is that if such a couple doesn't take permanent residence anywhere but keeps moving around, they can simply register their children where they're born. Even in modern China, it's pretty damn hard to keep track of the family relationships of over a billion people, so the government doesn't even try. This means many domestic migrants can have plenty of kids simply by moving around and raising their kids on the go (which is easy thanks to the Chinese national education system).


Note that 2, 3, and 4 are all achieved through the expediency of officials turning a blind eye to violations of the law or the people in question exploiting loopholes in the system. The law itself doesn't allow such exemptions.


The reason I said Yue's family may be scofflaws is because their situation is closest to 2. Since the allowance is one extra child, the fact that the family has three daughters means daddy should have been fined at some point.

A native Chinese told me that law only applies to Chinese who live in the city. Chinese can also pay a huge fine to have another child.  

I've been told this as well, as rural communities that are sustained by agriculture need the extra hands. 

If you want to see Chinese people fight, wait for the check to come for a meal at a restaurant. The polite thing to do is to pay for the entire thing, but it's "impolite" to have someone pay for your meal. Arguments over a check often take over ten minutes and I've even seen people get into fistfights over it. I'm actually kinda surprised that Japanese people split the check. I thought they'd do the same thing, since they're more polite than us Chinese.

As a chinese guy, this, fking this. The fights over the bills are scary.

I just realized that Yue's family must be scofflaws. They have three daughters in contravention of the One Child Policy. In special cases families with a daughter are allowed to "try again" to get a male child, but never twice.

A native Chinese told me that law only applies to Chinese who live in the city. Chinese can also pay a huge fine to have another child.  

I just realized that Yue's family must be scofflaws. They have three daughters in contravention of the One Child Policy. In special cases families with a daughter are allowed to "try again" to get a male child, but never twice.

RL Miss Wang?

Ooh, that's news to me. I thought that Danbooru was 



How wrong I was.

The explicit pictures aside, 'tis a pretty good place to find fun 4-koma or comic strips I believe.

If you want to see Chinese people fight, wait for the check to come for a meal at a restaurant. The polite thing to do is to pay for the entire thing, but it's "impolite" to have someone pay for your meal. Arguments over a check often take over ten minutes and I've even seen people get into fistfights over it. I'm actually kinda surprised that Japanese people split the check. I thought they'd do the same thing, since they're more polite than us Chinese.

Dayum, dat Wang-sensei romance and all, she sounds pretty cool as well. But 30 texts a day would make me crazy.

An author self-insert author's own real life story on Batoto! Interesting.


And the drawing is cute and funny. Definitely follow.

After I read the 16th page, I googled "China Smile"....

i really like this because, you get a small view of life. and its intresting as well as fun. can't help but smile while reading this.

I really love this 4-koma. Being Chinese, I can understand and relate to some (not all, since I don't live in Japan and didn't live in China very long) of the things she's doing. The art and characters are so fun to read. I hope someone translates more!

I am neither Chinese nor Japanese, but scanlating manga makes me aware with many Japanese culture, especially the tissue incident lol

I really love this 4-koma. Being Chinese, I can understand and relate to some (not all, since I don't live in Japan and didn't live in China very long) of the things she's doing. The art and characters are so fun to read. I hope someone translates more!

That hairstyle... she reminds me of Ogiue from Genshiken. Cannot Unsee.

After reading this, I am convinced this is the best thing since sliced bread.

I remember finding this in Japan. I think I bought a couple volumes and brought them back with me. They were amusing reads at the time. Nice to see someone translating them here!

Oh I remember this. Most of this is already translated on Danbooru.

Ooh, that's news to me. I thought that Danbooru was 



How wrong I was.

Haha I loved the fact that she didn't know how to be angry because her vocabulary wasn't good enough to go on an angry rant.



Oh I remember this. Most of this is already translated on Danbooru.



If anyone feels like translating

Shougei asked me to upload it, so... here we go! Enjoy chapter 1 of CNY—Chuugoku Yome Nikki.


Did you know that the actual meaning of the title is "Chinese Wife Diary"?



If anyone feels like translating

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