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* * * * - (4.47 - 47votes)

The Legendary Musings of Professor Munakata

Alt Names: alt Las legendarias reflexiones del Profesor Munakataalt Munakata Kyōju Denkikōalt Munakata Kyouju Denkikou
Author: Hoshino Yukinobu
Artist: Hoshino Yukinobu
Genres: Fantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Munakata is an anthropology professor who studies the relationship between folklore or fairy tales and real historical events. He believes that many of these stories that most presume to be entirely fictional are actually based on real events. This manga tells the story of Professor Munakata as he follows the clues left from both the imaginary world of fairy tales and the real world historical evidence.

This manga is highly educational and entertaining at the same time. The connections between the history of the land and the implications it has on the fairy tales are extremely intriguing. It is a breath of fresh air if all you read are the typical genres and want some diversity.

Sequel: http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/the-case-records-of-professor-munakata-r17393
Spin-off: http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/kamunabi-r17392
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Anthropology! Yey. :>

That cover is manly as all fuck. 

Do you have a release schedule? I'd hate to see only a couple chapters of it to get it dropped, I still miss Master Keaton.

Well... yeah. A lot of folklore IS history. Depending on which region/religion/culture you're talking about, folklore was always used as a means of passing down history because something/someone wouldn't allow it to be passed down "properly".


The most obvious example would be the Spanish Inquisition in Europe. If you were caught with "heretical" texts; you, your family and anyone identified as co-conspirators were DEAD. LITERALLY DEAD. But if you masked it as "folklore", you might be able to con you way out of being burned alive..


That's not what the manga is about, though. This manga is talking about a phenomenon known as "global folklores", in which many cultures seem to share very similar folklores that can be traced historically to an originating point. The case example of this is the tale of Cinderella, which has been scientifically traced back to China. 


The other famous example is the Flood Myth, which Middle East version can be traced back to the age of Sumer and Akkad. In this case, though, it's probable that practically every culture has a flood myth simply because all sedentary cultures that formed near rivers would have been flooded catastrophically at some point in their history. 


The current arc of the manga talks about the Myth of the Seven Sisters, and posits a historical background for it. The Myth of the Seven Sisters is very interesting because it is extremely widespread amongst very divergent cultures (Australian Aborigines, for instance, share it with the Greeks) and almost always connected to the Pleiades constellation. 

Well, people really like to left us with a cliffhanger aren't they? Please stop being sadistic... LOL

Well... yeah. A lot of folklore IS history. Depending on which region/religion/culture you're talking about, folklore was always used as a means of passing down history because something/someone wouldn't allow it to be passed down "properly".


The most obvious example would be the Spanish Inquisition in Europe. If you were caught with "heretical" texts; you, your family and anyone identified as co-conspirators were DEAD. LITERALLY DEAD. But if you masked it as "folklore", you might be able to con you way out of being burned alive..

Ok, that's it - I'll grow a mustache and resume my master degree (History).

Loved the description, going to the real thing now.

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