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Billionaire Girl

Alt Names: alt น้องหนูพันล้านalt 亿万富豪少女alt ビリオネアガールalt Миллиардерша
Author: Hasekura Isuna
Artist: Katsura Asuka
Genres: Drama DramaRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Takato Kei is just an ordinary college student, training for an ordinary life, when he falls into a strange and appealing part-time job. He’s been hired to tutor a teenage girl at home for 10,000 yen an hour! The girl in question, Fujioka Yukari, is not a high school student, but a highly successful day trader who has already amassed 170 billion yen! Despite her money and her beautiful apartment, Kei can’t help feeling like there’s a certain loneliness about the cute teenage girl. She even seems embarrassed of her career, as if her obsession with the stock market and the vast amount of time she spends moving stocks makes her an otaku. Kei may be just the person she needs to help her break out of her isolated lifestyle and acquire the one thing money can’t buy– happiness.
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<!-- Start of wall --> Only inconsistencies I've seen involve initial funds to buy stock and her age. I am quite ignorant of stocks and what not, but what little I have seen requires you to buy/sell stock in groups of 100's? or something along those lines. If one share is $15 x 100 = $1500. The age factor comes into play since, at least here, minors can not buy, sell, trade, manage or even have a brokerage account. <!-- End of wall -->
All that aside, it's still an interesting read.

You don't need to trade in blocks (100s) going through the typical brokerage account. Those companies are trading enough volume that you can buy any qty you want in most cases and they'll have you covered. Like if one client wants 80 shares and you want 20, they'll just split up a block of 100 for you (it could be any number of buyer and seller combos with varying quantities). Otherwise you have to deal with the qty someone is willing to sell like in the case of obscure not often traded stocks. The qtys sold (available) are basically based on how much each share is worth. BRK.A does not often sell in blocks of 100 I assure you, it is 1 or 2 shares at a time typically.

Ha, picking up this series is so timely considering I just initiated an extended forward put spread position today!

Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.

But frankly I think Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.

Depositing 100 million yen?!

Think of it like this




this is like that story with the nail and the war, it was like, a nail was missing, therefore a horseshoe was missing, because of that a horse couldnt be ridden, because of that, a horseman wasnt able to participate in the battle, and because the horseman was gone, they lost the battle, and because they lost the battle, they lost the war. so all because a nail was missing, they lost the war.


well, at least thats how i remember it.

TL;DR: The author made a crap job of researching stock trading, you learn nothing but false facts. I do enjoy the premise though.


//Someone that studies economy.


So, I skimmed this manga because of the comment above -- as an actual investment banker there isn't that much inconsistency here aside from how much money she would need to start with. But in that regard it's absurd, like any fantasy / sci-fi setting, but the author actually seems to have a good basic understanding of the markets and is actually using screen captures of proper trading terminals -- in particular, for options trading which is what she's doing here, not stock trading.


EDIT: After reading more about this .. this seems even MORE implausible because she never invests on credit or uses leverage.  The somewhat spoiler-ish nuance about this means that the author is already suggesting a "lose all your money and be in debt" plot isn't coming.  And .. after reading the last chapter, I'm very confused at what the author is getting at .. if she doesn't use leverage, is afraid of losing all her money .. she should be smart enough to 1) diversify her holdings and 2) cash out maybe 50% into safe long-term assets.  The analogy about the cloak and "losing all her money" doesn't actually apply here..  :huh:

I love the female lead... she's so devious in a sort of airheaded way. The guy is officially spoken for now as she can basically make him her pet and get away with it thanks to all her money. (Even then... a cute wealthy girl.... yeah what heterosexual male would pass that up?) Plus theres the whole "upturned puppy eyes" which the second she learns that she can use it to get what she wants from him... yeah he's property.


On another note about the economic situations.... No one except for you actually cares if something is wrong. And if you don't like it... simple solution STOP READING. As others have already pointed out the stock market is just being used as a "literary device" it is not meant for infomative value only for entertainment. It's like the cars exploding after being shot with a gun... IT DOESN'T REALLY HAPPEN THAT WAY. Yet I never hear people saying "Oh that shot hitting a car couldn't possibly have made it explode in that way it completely violates the laws of physics..." when they walk out of the movie theater. So either enjoy it and keep reading or don't but, quit expecting exact measures of realism from a fictional story. Slice of life just means that it's got a normal mundane setting.. no supernatural powers, no magic, no monsters. It doesn't mean "completely non fiction and based on nothing but 100% realistic facts"

I think that a realistic story has is own interest. You tends to expect things to match your knowledge when a story talk about a field that you know, like there ain't much accuracy about what hackers can do. It's not because it is not accurate that you won't enjoy the story, but you may appreciate more stories about fields that you don't know much about ^^


I kinda like this quote tbh. Anyways, thanks for the double chapter release!

There are people who relish on making a shitload of money. They got the same of fulfillment as a physicist who solve a quantum theory, or a hacker who crack a high-profile firewall, or a musician who compose a beautiful song, or a murderer who's killed a lot, etc... For them, making money IS the hobby.


The problem with this girl is that, she's clearly passionate about her job, but for some plot-induced reason, she's ashamed of it. Hell, it's not like she's selling drugs, or selling her bodies for a living (and I know people who are actually proud of those kinds of career)


Fuck all else that was just said. Did you just say you know people who sell drugs and body parts?


Edit: Oh wait... Bodies, not body parts... Haha... Scratch what I said.

<!-- Start of wall --> Only inconsistencies I've seen involve initial funds to buy stock and her age. I am quite ignorant of stocks and what not, but what little I have seen requires you to buy/sell stock in groups of 100's? or something along those lines. If one share is $15 x 100 = $1500. The age factor comes into play since, at least here, minors can not buy, sell, trade, manage or even have a brokerage account. <!-- End of wall -->


All that aside, it's still an interesting read.

I had to put this on my "pile of garbage list". The inaccurately portrayal of stock trading is ruining my enjoyment of it. I would´ve let it slide if this was pure made up fantasy, that none of this could happen in the real world, but as it being labeled slice of life and suppose to mirror the real world.......I hate it.


TL;DR: The author made a crap job of researching stock trading, you learn nothing but false facts. I do enjoy the premise though.


//Someone that studies economy.


>Assuming all readers will take economical life lessons based off this manga just because it has stocks in it


Sir, I shake my head at you in disappointment.

I bet the guy manages to lose 170 Billions in the end, making them both broke xD

Can we take a break from all these 'wall of words' and simply appreciate how adorable this Manga is?

The problem with this girl is that, she's clearly passionate about her job, but for some plot-induced reason, she's ashamed of it. Hell, it's not like she's selling drugs, or selling her bodies for a living (and I know people who are actually proud of those kinds of career)

If you delve into Japanese history, you find that there is or was a stigma about making money through trade or exchange, as opposed to by the sweat off your back. Day Trading is considered by some to be a variation on gambling with huge stakes, and looking at it that way could be considered the dirtiest extreme of making money without producing anything of material value.

That said, mercantile institutions produce a different sort of value, bringing the goods to the consumers. The stock market also has a valid reason for existence. Both institutions have corruption gnawing around their fringes, but that's true of almost everything created by human beings.

I had to put this on my "pile of garbage list". The inaccurately portrayal of stock trading is ruining my enjoyment of it. I would´ve let it slide if this was pure made up fantasy, that none of this could happen in the real world, but as it being labeled slice of life and suppose to mirror the real world.......I hate it.


TL;DR: The author made a crap job of researching stock trading, you learn nothing but false facts. I do enjoy the premise though.


//Someone that studies economy.

Stop reading the manga and join the stock market. Once you've been burnt badly enough, come back here for the wish-fulfillment

And the school was just an idea, there's also just doing "fun things" for the rest of her life. The issue is that she has no hobbies and know no one. 


Quite frankly although I see a lot of ultra rich individuals that keep at it until the day they die, it's not something I would personally do.


I grew up in a pretty rich household but my mother always said this.


"You work to live, you don't live to work." I guess it's just my outlook on it.


Why make that much money that you can't even find the time to spend it?


There are people who relish on making a shitload of money. They got the same of fulfillment as a physicist who solve a quantum theory, or a hacker who crack a high-profile firewall, or a musician who compose a beautiful song, or a murderer who's killed a lot, etc... For them, making money IS the hobby.


The problem with this girl is that, she's clearly passionate about her job, but for some plot-induced reason, she's ashamed of it. Hell, it's not like she's selling drugs, or selling her bodies for a living (and I know people who are actually proud of those kinds of career)

So anyone know where I can find one of these insanely wealthy, hot, socially inept babes which needs my help to re-integrate with society? I would appreciate a PM, and I am available at all hours.



Thanks a lot Kumori! 


I saw that edit you made.

Thanks a lot Kumori! 

Hmm what she could do instead of using all of her capital to day trade with is to store 100b away in the various banks in various countries. This way she has a safety net or she should just stop day trading with 170b and start over at a smaller amount. Less risk and less gains, but it's better then losing everything. Plus this is doable since she already has such an obscene amount of money anyways.

I had to put this on my "pile of garbage list". The inaccurately portrayal of stock trading is ruining my enjoyment of it. I would´ve let it slide if this was pure made up fantasy, that none of this could happen in the real world, but as it being labeled slice of life and suppose to mirror the real world.......I hate it.


//Someone that studies economy.

Everytime I read comments like these I really wish Batoto had a "dislike" feature or at least an ignore list where I can dump this kind of moronic posters.

I love the female lead... she's so devious in a sort of airheaded way. The guy is officially spoken for now as she can basically make him her pet and get away with it thanks to all her money. (Even then... a cute wealthy girl.... yeah what heterosexual male would pass that up?) Plus theres the whole "upturned puppy eyes" which the second she learns that she can use it to get what she wants from him... yeah he's property.


On another note about the economic situations.... No one except for you actually cares if something is wrong. And if you don't like it... simple solution STOP READING. As others have already pointed out the stock market is just being used as a "literary device" it is not meant for infomative value only for entertainment. It's like the cars exploding after being shot with a gun... IT DOESN'T REALLY HAPPEN THAT WAY. Yet I never hear people saying "Oh that shot hitting a car couldn't possibly have made it explode in that way it completely violates the laws of physics..." when they walk out of the movie theater. So either enjoy it and keep reading or don't but, quit expecting exact measures of realism from a fictional story. Slice of life just means that it's got a normal mundane setting.. no supernatural powers, no magic, no monsters. It doesn't mean "completely non fiction and based on nothing but 100% realistic facts"

Depositing 100 million yen?!

Indeed some just don't get it a manga is just a fiction it's not really based of something.

I had to put this on my "pile of garbage list". The inaccurately portrayal of stock trading is ruining my enjoyment of it. I would´ve let it slide if this was pure made up fantasy, that none of this could happen in the real world, but as it being labeled slice of life and suppose to mirror the real world.......I hate it.


TL;DR: The author made a crap job of researching stock trading, you learn nothing but false facts. I do enjoy the premise though.


//Someone that studies economy.



I also study the economy and I would like to know what you are talking about. Nothing has been so bad that it has made the series less enjoyable. The money she makes is a plot vehicle anyway, the point of this manga is to watch her develop a romantic relationship with the main character and develop on her own.

Besides, some economics topics will take a LOT more than a few manga chapters to explain. You would literally lose your entire audience attempting to explain a FOREX carry trade or the politics of debt issuance.

I had to put this on my "pile of garbage list". The inaccurately portrayal of stock trading is ruining my enjoyment of it. I would´ve let it slide if this was pure made up fantasy, that none of this could happen in the real world, but as it being labeled slice of life and suppose to mirror the real world.......I hate it.


TL;DR: The author made a crap job of researching stock trading, you learn nothing but false facts. I do enjoy the premise though.


//Someone that studies economy.

im sorry but, who the hell cares about stock trading shit? and most of us dont even know a thing about it, i can see ur point if u study economy though, but i think you are overreacting, this is a manga lol

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