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* * * * * (4.5 - 115votes)

Otogi Taisen Fantasma

Alt Names: alt 御伽大戦 ファンタズマalt Otogi Taisen Fantasumaalt Otogi Taisen Phantasma
Author: Yoshimura Hideaki
Artist: Yoshimura Hideaki
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Yamada Tarou is living a regular life, until the death of the father he never sees catapults him into the role of the 13th King of the holy Phantasma kingdom. Now that he's king, Tarou has become the target of assassins, and all he has on his side is a mistress, Princess Kaguya, whose goal is to make Tarou a worthy king.
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as harem manga is have potential


sadly i get used to read too much new skilled draw mangas, that reading this feel like a amateur at first time on drawing >_>

yeah man need more girls in the harem!

hmm first sleeping beauty then cinderella. Since they are adding the disney princesses how long until we get kairi?

What? Huh? They belong to Disney? The internet never ceases to amaze me.

7 dwarves? now why isn't snow white there to join the harem?


Also, I feel bad for the mob character, it's like "oh you won't be showing up here any more you're just here for a quick fanservice shot"

not "it's like"


mangaka shamelessly admitted it

Hi, I'm the typesetter for Otogi Taisen Phantasma on CXC Scans. We'll be releasing chapter 4 and 5 very soon. Stay tuned.


yeah, this is a good manga ...

it would be nice if it get more update often ... *x* ...

I wish this was more regular


7 dwarves? now why isn't snow white there to join the harem?


Also, I feel bad for the mob character, it's like "oh you won't be showing up here any more you're just here for a quick fanservice shot"

So....do the Seven Dwarves come in a package if you obtain Snow White?

Aw crap!! I'm losing interest after ch.3 I want the MC to remain disinterested. Now I get the feeling he's going to take the typical shounen "character growth" route, wanting to train and shit.
Seven dwarves turned into freaking storm troopers

His transformation looks like a Persona.

hmm first sleeping beauty then cinderella. Since they are adding the disney princesses how long until we get kairi?

Yea, because the author totally wasn't basing this off of the source material... <.<

The mangaka sure likes his evil brother plots. Let's see if this one lasts longer than 20 chapters like their previous one. It's already up to chapter 11 so it's a crap shoot at this point.

Does she count as a 'Disney' Princess, or a Square-Enix Princess?


just take the middle and says "Kingdom Heart" ? =3= ?

hmm first sleeping beauty then cinderella. Since they are adding the disney princesses how long until we get kairi?


Does she count as a 'Disney' Princess, or a Square-Enix Princess?

hmm first sleeping beauty then cinderella. Since they are adding the disney princesses how long until we get kairi?

FInally!!! An Update!!!!!!!!!






disney's cinderella 74 minutes,, guess minus the op/ed credits its around 70 minutes haha


anyway "those who have" attitude is ashikabi of the east vs ashikabi of the north all over again.

Wow,it's been so long I've forgotten that I even followed this.
What's this manga about again?

My bet is on sleeping beauty

We already have her - that's Ibara.


What's next?Snow princess?

My bet is on sleeping beauty

This is pretty generic, but I like Kaguya so I'll follow it for now.


Everyone knows that in the end he will still do it, he's just whining while still going to do it. Why would we want another generic MC? there are tons like him already.

when is ch.3 coming out.

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