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* * * * * (4.6 - 226votes)

Amari Mawari

Alt Names: alt Around Amarialt あまりまわりalt 亚麻理的日常alt 아마리 마와리
Author: Kuroda Bb
Artist: Kuroda Bb
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Guy has some "precious book" with some "wonderful pictures" that he can't show to anyone.... The reason being, most of his college friends can't really understand his "tendencies".

Of course, we wouldn't have a story if the guy didn't go through some life changing encounters (all thanks to that very same book).
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Topic Thus, I reviewed Amari Mawari New Window Swifft
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Who has the right to complain when since ancient ages families (especially royal or nobles) sent off their daughters to be wed when they were about 13 years old. The girls were considered marriageable when they had their first period.

It's funny how people think it's inappropriate or illegal when in fact they could have ancestors who also got married at early teen years.

Of all the possible arguments you could have used, this is not a good one.

I mean, speaking strictly from a physical sense, sure, but people today are brought up in a culture that sets different boundaries. There are a whole bunch of traditions out there that are stupid by today's standards.


There are plenty of OTHER reasons why there's nothing wrong with a 13 year old girl getting into a relationship with a slightly older guy in an imaginary Japanese comic book, but you can just scroll down a bit for my last comment on that.

tldr; different cultures work in different ways and minimum age of consent in Japan is 13, dating does not equal sex and people can wait, and finally: it's fantasy, not reality, so who cares anyway?



Call me a villain, call me a hater, but I really hope this blows up and ends with nothing happening.
The SoL is just too comfy to destroy with "subtle lolicon undertones"  (as if the cover art wasn't enough already :P). I just want my fluff, dammit. :/

Morality discussions aside, however, I actually agree with this.

This is a super fluffy slice of life and I don't know if I'd like it with a full-on romance plot pushed in there.

I have to much chocolate for today

Who has the right to complain when since ancient ages families (especially royal or nobles) sent off their daughters to be wed when they were about 13 years old. The girls were considered marriageable when they had their first period.

It's funny how people think it's inappropriate or illegal when in fact they could have ancestors who also got married at early teen years.

As them ancestors would say "You gotta put them birthing hips to work as  soon as possible."

Are you suggesting that marrying a thirteen year old is fine morally on the grounds that in ancient times thirteen year olds had their marriages arranged for them?


Early 1900's is "ancient" now? And thats without considering that its still a common practice today.

well, this just turned my heart rate up to 11.

Who has the right to complain when since ancient ages families (especially royal or nobles) sent off their daughters to be wed when they were about 13 years old. The girls were considered marriageable when they had their first period.

It's funny how people think it's inappropriate or illegal when in fact they could have ancestors who also got married at early teen years.

Are you suggesting that marrying a thirteen year old is fine morally on the grounds that in ancient times thirteen year olds had their marriages arranged for them?

Who has the right to complain when since ancient ages families (especially royal or nobles) sent off their daughters to be wed when they were about 13 years old. The girls were considered marriageable when they had their first period.

It's funny how people think it's inappropriate or illegal when in fact they could have ancestors who also got married at early teen years.

Call me a villain, call me a hater, but I really hope this blows up and ends with nothing happening.
The SoL is just too comfy to destroy with "subtle lolicon undertones"  (as if the cover art wasn't enough already :P). I just want my fluff, dammit. :/

Am I the only one whose favourite girl is Nozo ? :(
She's cute, and I always love how she overreact.

She is completely useless and empty-headed... but only wears a Y shirt and socks.

Let's call it a draw.

I still don't understand why people complain about things being "illegal" and "pedophilia" when reading media that comes from a different culture with different moral guidelines.

1) It's a country where the legal age of consent is ~13 (though generally that requires the parents to verify the relationship as sincere, otherwise the age is typically 18, but it can and does happen earlier).

2) A romantic relationship does not have to mean sex happens, and a thing called "waiting" exists. A 25 year old guy can date a 14 year old girl, and as long as they wait a few years to do the nasty there's nothing illegal about it. Bit of an odd age gap, yet nobody complains if it's 50 and 35.

And 3) it's a manga, for crying out loud. Fantasy. Not real. If something creeps you out that's perfectly fine, but there's no reason to force your views of taboo on it. I don't like KissXSis because incest is weird to me, but I don't go in the comments and complain about how nasty it is, I just don't read it.




I know nobody's really making a big stink about it in here, but I felt the need to get that off my chest regardless.


It's like our society's gotten to the point where if something's arbitrarily labeled as morally wrong in most cases, anything that resembles it is disgusting and terrible; but if there's a manga or any other kind of media where the main character is a serial killer - an actual, objectively wrong act - nobody goes "but that's illegal!"

but "hug" is a japanese slang for sex

I doubt himari would know a slang

Am I the only one whose favourite girl is Nozo ? :(


She's cute, and I always love how she overreact.

I already stated how Iike her since she appeared.





YOU MUST STAY PUR- oh you just want hugs ok.

but "hug" is a japanese slang for sex

.... I Just Love HaruxAmari...

I don't care Kyouka, she's very maddening. And i feel that Haru feels something for Amari, he's going to discover this feelings.



You're not a bad guy. Don't become a pedophile.

It's not too late for the Kyouka ship! The Amari ship may have taken the lead, but there's a high change it will go toward the imouto route instead of the lover route!

Kyouka ship have been hit! Abandon the ship!

Sad days SS Kyouka sunk before any development

Am I the only one whose favourite girl is Nozo ? :(


She's cute, and I always love how she overreact.






YOU MUST STAY PUR- oh you just want hugs ok.

Hmm, I think that Haru likes Amari, though it is only a little bit. He didn't need to escape reality when he, briefly, thought that Kyoka was cute and charming.

I doubt her confession is misunderstanding since she doesn't really understand what love is 

More like she understands it, but doesn't understand what she should do with a person she loves. Kyoka, the one she looks to for guidance, hasn't bothered to explain anything about love, so Amari figures that you just hug the person you love, nothing else.


In other words, it's all Kyoka's fault that Amari is sweet and innocent to a fault.

I do not mind the random SoL moments in this manga, obviously the author needs to milk it a little bit to get his paychecks.  That's fine.  I would like to see some more solid development on Haru's end though.  We know that Amari has SOMETHING for Haru.. whether it's love or not remains to be seen at this time.  And I fully believe that Kyouka is harboring some feelings for him as well, she's just more mature and able to stash them away better, since her mind is so heavily focused on Amari that she doesn't want anything to get in the way of that.  However, Haru has not had much in the way of development in his feelings for either one.  He has had good, almost semi-intimate interactions with both of them (although more with Amari), and yet we have seen no indication that he might be leaning one way or the other.  It's still all about the animals to him.  I'm not saying that I want him to develop some feelings to sort out in the near future, but I would like for him to start showing a bit more obvious attraction to one or both, even if he doesn't realize it himself.


By the way, I'm still totally shipping Kyouka.

Yeah, those mature feelings that Kyoka has for Haru, those are called DISLIKE, CONTEMPT and DISTRUST. Face it, she hates his guts because Amari likes him. Even if all Amari felt for Haru was friendship, which this chapter completely disproved, Kyoka would hate him simply because he's a guy that Amari likes.


Now anyone can see that she knows Haru is not as bad as she initially believed, but she in no way harbors anything for him that is remotely romantic, other than a very slight interest, but nowhere near enough to even call it 'like.' Maybe, with a few more chapters, she may come to like him, but as it stands now, she dislikes him and, at most, considers him a person she knows, not even an acquaintance.


IF they do wind up together, which I highly doubt, it will more than likely be out of jealousy rather than love.


But, more than likely, this is one of those 'and things kept going on like alaways' ending manga, meaning there will be no real resolution, just a hint that nothing changes in the end.

Woah wtf just happened in Ch 27, I'm getting whiplash.


And where's Kyouka...

Thanks for the chapter ^^

Will it be more regular from now on?

Haru x Kyouka please.......
I don't want any himawari youchien or jodomo no jikan all over again

Sorry for double post, but... Himawari Youchien is like Kodomo no Jikan? Adding it to the list XD

Also, Haru X Amari all the way. I want it to be that cute little romance that doesn't really go anywhere in the span of the series except for the ending, but is filled with HNNNNNGGGG...!!!

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