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* * * * - (4.5 - 202votes)

Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!

Alt Names: alt 听爸爸的话alt パパのいうことを聞きなさいalt Listen To Me, Girls. I am Your Father!alt Listen to What Papa Says!alt Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!
Author: Matsu Tomohiro
Artist: Takemura Youhei
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The story is about the daily life of a college freshman in the Literature Department of Tama University. He and his sister grew up on their own together after their parent's departure, but he decided to start living by himself when she got married to a man with two daughters from previous marriages.

Shocked by their marriage, he attempted to distance himself from the family, leaving home before his sister gave birth to the man's third child. Approximately 3 years later he was asked by his sister to visit and babysit the girls...

While he was looking after the girls, the plane which their parents were on went missing. He decided to take with him his three nieces (aged 14, 10 and 3 years old), resulting in the four of them sharing his tiny apartment.

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So heartwarming. T_T
Shed some man tears a little.
@Cydric I know right stupid onions.
Damn...OnionsPosted Image
Bi-monthly actually can mean both "every two weeks" and "every two months". In this particular case though, it means "every two months". Papakiki switched magazine from Jump Square to SQ. Jump Square is monthly, SQ is bimonthly... that means sower releases from now on. Fear not though... first chapter on SQ is already out so, it won't be that long before our next release. The one after that though...
I just caught up...I need moar!
Fcking spin-offs, i want the main story...
This is such a nice heart warming story. Two thumbs up for me.
This is some really good stuff. It goes from hilarious to heart-wrenching within a few pages. It deals with very real issues and shows the best side of everyone that works through them. I hope there will be some more chapters soon!
SO AMAZING! I feel inspired to do better in life.
light novels r amazing...even the mangas based on them r amazing , kikou shoujo and papa no iukoto , u guys should have a read at baka tsuki , 2 volumes r out .
Sure, Cantelope, sure. Lemme see how long it takes you to write a decent fifteen page essay on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Switch to liberal arts major or business, then all the time you need to spend studying disappears!
I already wondered at which times he was studying lol. If he wants to care for them he should quit and get a full-time job. That would be the more realistic approach, but this one takes the moe-approach, so...
Suddenly, I want to go for Segawa x Raika Pairing
... whatever
I seriously didn't know that chests are so damn fun.
@Sratis the anime is a bit different from the manga
If you are wondering which to read and not read and not watch, it doesn't matter reading the spin offs at the same time and watching the anime. There's slight differences in all of them. The main premise is similar. That's pretty much it. The twists happens at slightly different times and environments.

I also sneaked a peek @ the light novel yesterday because I was trying to find whether the recent anime episode was in the light novel, but I couldn't locate it. Instead, I found what was similar to ch7 but a bit different.

The only 'spoiler' there will be is if you know the ending to the whole story (which idk +_+ ). Otherwise, the little details makes the difference between the LN, anime, main manga, and the spin offs.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!! >_<

why does it have to be a mensual !!! ToT
This manga is heart warming and funny at the same time. BTW, Yuuta's a great onii-chan lol.
I didn't read the manga cause there is the Anime running !!!
man.. i wish my nieces were like hina
reading this is giving me cavaties, its just too sweet.
Damn the quality of manga has really increased the last few years.
OMG, Hina is just too cute!

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