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* * * * * (4.69 - 144votes)

Kasane (MATSUURA Daruma)

Alt Names: alt 累 ──かさね──alt 累 深红累之渊alt 累(かさね)alt Kasane - La Voleuse de visagesalt Once Againalt Касане
Author: Matsuura Daruma
Artist: Matsuura Daruma
Genres: Award Winning Award WinningDrama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Beautiful people are loved and revered. They have everything they desire right at their fingertips...
Even if that beauty is a complete illusion.

Before Kasane's mother died, she was given a special tube of lipstick from her mother. She was told that if times ever got really really hard, she should wear the lipstick and kiss whatever she really desires.

But is this keepsake a blessing? Or a curse?

@darumaym (Author Twitter)
http://evening.moae.jp/lineup/266 (Official site)

Now available in English digitally from Kodansha USA!
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Does anyone know when the next chapter is going to be released?

... Smut and ecchi?


Nah. Just racy covers. It's drama mostly with a bit of the supernatural/psych angle. I wish people couldn't randomly edit the genre tags when they read a handful of chapters.

... Smut and ecchi?

PinkStarBePink are you still around? Since you have interest in the series, would you like to do the cleaning for chapters and I'll just knock out the script? I've got the time for that, otherwise mine will be ver.0 for expediency sake.

I wonder if she'll kill Niina for her face...



You are right, I reread chapter 02 and Kasane never laughed or screamed after the incision, so the retraction did not happen. It's not a true Glasgow smile.


Still, look at chapter 03, page 18. Kasane didn't receive immediate, or proper, cosmetic surgery in the wake of the incision, so part of it might have healed by second intention, or if by first intention, the lines of scarring don't follow the direction of the muscular fibres, meaning that the connective tissue gets in the way significantly. We can see the lines of scarring perpendicular to the original incision, so the stitching job looks very crude. If she had received cutting-edge cosmetic surgery right after the incision happened, she might have a shot at a full recovery, but old scars are a much tougher challenge.


I don't know Tommy Flanagan, or if his is a true Glasgow smile despite what Wikipedia says. The photo doesn't show the scars extending all the way to the lips. And in any case, women have it tougher in show business: her face would be the focus of all the attention, she would make magazine covers and all. And as opposed to men, she cannot grow a beard over it.


And in any case, you touched upon something very important: we cannot reduce mouth sizes.


But you are right, it's best to employ suspension of disbelief and just accept that only magic could work. It's just that the only reason I see for the incision incident is to add realism, creating a situation where cosmetic surgery wouldn't help much.

What she has isn't a Glasgow smile, it's just a relatively clean incision which could be fixed. What makes a Glasgow smile do it's deep tissue damage isn't the cut - it's the beating that happens after until the face contracts, contorts and rips through the muscle starting from the incision in a raged line.


Even so it's possible to repair quite a bit of the visible damage just look at Tommy Flannigan.



What's left is a scar that could easily be concealed with makeup for both the stage and film if they wanted to.


As for the rest of her face, I can't say plastic surgery would or wouldn't be an option since the author has been very careful to never let us see it completely. I'd guess that her wide reptilian mouth might not be easily fixed though her eyes are already quite lovely. Her nose must be an unsightly horror but that's one of the easiest things to fix with surgery.


Still, if she was fixable by anything BUT magic we wouldn't have this awesome manga to read so I'm pretty much ok without worrying abou it too much.

About cosmetic surgery, the author was very clever. There is one feature in Kasane's face which, as far as I know, is still beyond the reach of even the most advanced techniques.


Her Glasgow half-smile. It's there to stay, no matter what she does.


The pictures shown in the link below are mostly of surgery that corrects bone. That's relatively simple, you just need to break the bone, remove the excess, glue everything together in the desired position and let it regrow. The rest was essentially adipose tissue removal and skin stretching on strategic places.


But a Glasgow smile damages muscle in a very delicate area, in which the muscular fibres are going in several different directions to accomplish subtle movements with very little bone support. Besides, the scar of a Glasgow smile - and any scar, really - is fibrous, connective tissue. Both muscle and connective tissue have much more modest regenerative properties than bone or skin. And that's not considering the possibility that the injury that generated the smile damaged nerve branches in the area.


And her aunt only has access to the money because she's Kasane's legal guardian. Once Kasane is a legal adult the money will be her's.

Waiting until then could be too long, bullying has led to suicide more than once, and for a lot less. In Japan, you're not recognized as an adult until you are 20 years of age, and she's still in middle school, that's an eternity for kids.


There's also the obvious plot device of the aunt trying to kill kasane to get the inheritance for herself that could always come into play.

well, there is only so much you can achieve with plastic surgery. Also, the aunt has her thumb on the money and she doesnt seem to be very interested in sharing it with her.


And her aunt only has access to the money because she's Kasane's legal guardian. Once Kasane is a legal adult the money will be her's.

Sorry, I've been busy with work and Boku Girl exploding in popularity. Ironically enough I was going to be finishing Ch6 and 7 here this weekend at the con I was at, so seeing this release is coincidental timing.


Frankly speaking: I could provide regular translations for this just fine if I had a competent cleaner to step forward. Doing it all by myself I just don't have time for. Unfortunately, 90% of the people that step forward for this stuff end up having no experience and can't do a proper job it seems =\


PS: Her name is Fuchi Sukeyo, not Fuji Sugeyo.

I could help out with cleaning if you're looking for a cleaner :) 

One thing I don't understand is why she needs to take someone else's face to be pretty. Why not get plastic surgery instead? Her mother left her her fortune so she'd easily be able to afford it. It'd be a lot less hassle than taking someone else's identity.

well, there is only so much you can achieve with plastic surgery. Also, the aunt has her thumb on the money and she doesnt seem to be very interested in sharing it with her.

One thing I don't understand is why she needs to take someone else's face to be pretty. Why not get plastic surgery instead? Her mother left her her fortune so she'd easily be able to afford it. It'd be a lot less hassle than taking someone else's identity.

Read the Chinese raws up to chapter 30. Finally understood what PinkStar was talking about ^^ If you understand Chinese here are the raws: http://www.dm9.com/manhua-lei/ Alternatively you could google the name of this comic in Chinese: 累 深红累之渊
That girl isn't as bad as I thought.. She's mean, but she's not as shallow as I expected. Kasane is an interesting character, oh boy.. I wonder if she'll get better or more insane.

They're not hard to clean per se, it's just the blacks have a lot of noise to manually clean unless you level the crap out of the pages. And with how dark/shadowy the art tone is in Kasane, I feel it loses too much detail with a quick clean. The compromise I'll do is release a "v0" with adequate touchups and see if a good cleaner steps up in the future I can give the PSDs for a full cleaning. That way people can read the story still.


I think I'm somewhere around Ch30. My subscription ran out like 2 issues ago, and I was hoping to buy them through NicoNico, but my CC doesn't work with them for some reason. I was told about another site that sells the ebook of them though, so I'll go with that. It's literally 1/4 the cost to get the ebook rather than continue the subscription, even if the raws will only be 1080px height. The other bonus is they won't need to be cleaned other than for redraws and bubbles.

Haha, well good luck!

I suck at cleaning, so can't really help you there though lmao



They're not hard to clean per se, it's just the blacks have a lot of noise to manually clean unless you level the crap out of the pages. And with how dark/shadowy the art tone is in Kasane, I feel it loses too much detail with a quick clean. The compromise I'll do is release a "v0" with adequate touchups and see if a good cleaner steps up in the future I can give the PSDs for a full cleaning. That way people can read the story still.


I think I'm somewhere around Ch30. My subscription ran out like 2 issues ago, and I was hoping to buy them through NicoNico, but my CC doesn't work with them for some reason. I was told about another site that sells the ebook of them though, so I'll go with that. It's literally 1/4 the cost to get the ebook rather than continue the subscription, even if the raws will only be 1080px height. The other bonus is they won't need to be cleaned other than for redraws and bubbles.

There's no reason to apologize at all. I totally realize I haven't updated it in a long time and wouldn't blame you to think. I've been primarily working on Boku Girl with Boku no Manga scans since January along with a few other misc things. Good to see other people enjoy it as well. How far have you read the story btw?

I'm on chapter 31. How far are you?


Also, I have no idea how bad the scans you have are, but given that you said they take forever to clean, if they're virtually illegible + you don't mind releasing lower-quality chapters, Mangaumaru has Korean raws you might be able to use. TBH Your scanlations are a million times better, but given that I've seen raws filled with ink bleeding through the pages and gratuitous watermarks turn into HQ releases, I can't comment on the scans themselves.


A fair warning, though: Mangaumaru doesn't show if you have adblocker on.




Edit: Actually assuming you're also more or less as caught up as I am, let me finally say some somewhat spoilerific things I probably shouldn't be saying because i can /shot

Trying to make it as ambiguous as possible though.




By the way, why's this series labelled tragedy? Anyone know for sure how it's going to end? (I'm not asking for spoilers, just adjectives. Like happy, sad, etc.)


OT, but I want both Nogiku and Kasane to be happy, but I probably would stop being so fond of the series if either of them attains happiness +/ achieves their goals. It's hard to explain, but ugh.

Omg lol awkward. I thought you dropped it, because MU said seizon was inactive and crap.

+ It's been like half a year

I'm done with c10. You can do the rest.

As for the name, oops, that's my bad.


Edit2: Screwed up on chapter 10.

Page 12 (i think?) shows up twice.

The dL link has it fixed, but I have no idea how to reupload to batoto lmao.



There's no reason to apologize at all. I totally realize I haven't updated it in a long time and wouldn't blame you to think. I've been primarily working on Boku Girl with Boku no Manga scans since January along with a few other misc things. Good to see other people enjoy it as well. How far have you read the story btw?





Sorry, I've been busy with work and Boku Girl exploding in popularity. Ironically enough I was going to be finishing Ch6 and 7 here this weekend at the con I was at, so seeing this release is coincidental timing.


Frankly speaking: I could provide regular translations for this just fine if I had a competent cleaner to step forward. Doing it all by myself I just don't have time for. Unfortunately, 90% of the people that step forward for this stuff end up having no experience and can't do a proper job it seems =\


PS: Her name is Fuchi Sukeyo, not Fuji Sugeyo.


Omg lol awkward. I thought you dropped it, because MU said seizon was inactive and crap.

+ It's been like half a year

I'm done with c10. You can do the rest.

As for the name, oops, that's my bad.


Edit2: Screwed up on chapter 10.

Page 12 (i think?) shows up twice.

The dL link has it fixed, but I have no idea how to reupload to batoto lmao.


"Abandon her name and her face"???


Is it just me..... for some reason,



That is the implication, yes. Hence why Kasane's mother had the lipstick to give to her. The dialogue says:


Your mother threw away her real name and face in 1981. She was around your same age of eighteen.

However, she wasn't yet "Fuchi Sukeyo" at the time. It took a second transformation before she finally became "Fuchi Sukeyo."

The wait was far too long. Honestly every day I looked forward to this updating. Waiting paid off! Thanks for the update!

Sorry, I've been busy with work and Boku Girl exploding in popularity. Ironically enough I was going to be finishing Ch6 and 7 here this weekend at the con I was at, so seeing this release is coincidental timing.


Frankly speaking: I could provide regular translations for this just fine if I had a competent cleaner to step forward. Doing it all by myself I just don't have time for. Unfortunately, 90% of the people that step forward for this stuff end up having no experience and can't do a proper job it seems =\


PS: Her name is Fuchi Sukeyo, not Fuji Sugeyo.

Thanks for all the new chapters, great to see it being translated again.
to make the plot work :P

That's true x].

"Abandon her name and her face"???
Is it just me..... for some reason,




Dialogue is kinda vague and nonsensical, but that's what the dialogue in the scans I used were like, so.



+ There's a not-so-funny joke I really want to crack regarding Nina, but it has to wait until chapter twenty-something.


The wait was far too long. Honestly every day I looked forward to this updating. Waiting paid off! Thanks for the update!

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