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* * * * * (4.68 - 169votes)

Gunka no Baltzar

Alt Names: alt Baltzar Militarismusalt Bernd Balzeralt 軍靴のバルツァーalt Gunka no Baltzeralt Gunka no Balzer
Author: Nakajima Michitsune
Artist: Nakajima Michitsune
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHistorical HistoricalSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Glory is won over the roar of cannon fire. Peace exists simply as a time to prepare for the next battle. In a nation with superb military power, Bernd Baltzar advanced quickly through the ranks. However, his career now takes a sudden turn when he is reassigned to being the military advisor in a neighboring allied nation with little military power and a lack of civilian support of firearms. Will Major Baltzar be able to win the hearts and minds of both the soldiers and civilians in this country?
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... Was that a boner or a knee?

Boner, hinted at when the villagers said to hide the young girls.


Also fuck this new villain guy, they're gonna gouge out your eyes and fill the sockets with sawdust when they get a hold of you, guy.
... Was that a boner or a knee?

Oh shit oh shit oh shit! Too bad they didn't bring the ultra heavy/useless Gatling gun. Seems like it'd be useful against a Calvary charge.

So they have antibiotics since they can cure Syphilis


I think a guy called Jin went back in time to the 1850s in Japan and introduced penicillin before Fleming~ Just a hop, skip and a jump from there to Prussia. Alternatively, you could imagine that they didn't really 'cure' it, but just had what they considered a treatment - they did talk about the medieval mercury treatment after all.


And anyway, it's not really clear when this manga is supposed to "be" - it is fantasy after all, so, for all the research tidbits and historical allusions to Prussia's mid-19th century context, I think we've all realised that Mititsune-sensei intends to draw what he thinks is fun and interesting, not chronologically accurate.


Just to add to the anachronisms over Kar98 invention dates (thanks for that info TeaCeremony!), shooting line tactics, available medicines, country names (I mean the Erzreich Republic has an Empress, that seems more suspicious than Weissen vs Weiber to me...), even the dodgy parallels with the career of Gerhard von Sharnhorst (he was a successful military teacher sent by Prussia to the Hanover military academy before Hanover was annexed in 1866 and later returned to Prussia to become one of its great generals - advertising for fan fiction poem here)...


Seems interesting.

edit : I'm sorry, I was wrong, This IS interesting.

A virgin of the saber?

THERE IS A REMEDY ~unsheathes the D~

Adding onto this, its an 1890s setting. You can tell because of the introduction of the bolt action rifle which resembles the Kar98 which was used until WW2. However the most telling sign is the chapter where they embark on the rail carriages after arriving in Weiben. Particularly note the carriages the Wieber soldiers are embarking on (where the guy notes they are like baggage). The open topped carriage is actually what lower class people rode on in the 1890s (a 3rd class if you will, 2nd had a roof and 1st had enclosed walls). So adding those 2 up you can conclude this manga is set around the 1890s period +/- a few years.

Except that one picture dates the period to 1862, kinda settles the question

Lol, the side story is hilarious :)



So they have antibiotics since they can cure Syphilis
*insert Obamacare joke here*

My interpretation was that Weissen, Balzer's country, is supposed to be Prussia, since it's referred to as 'militarised' by the other nations, is implied to be one of the more powerful nations, and it's in the northern part of not-Germany. This would mean that Erzreich, the powerful southern rival, is the Austrian Empire. Baselland is a bit less direct, but judging by its size and position between the two it's probably the Kingdom of Bavaria. This would be supported by the uniform colours in the cover illustrations; Balzer wears a colour close to Prussian blue, whereas the Baselland infantry wear the lighter blue favoured by Bavaria.


It's not a perfect fit, mind, since Baselland's lack of railways is a major plot point, whereas in reality the first german country to implement a railroad was Bavaria, and there are plenty of other discrepancies, but it's the best approximation I can come up with

Adding onto this, its an 1890s setting. You can tell because of the introduction of the bolt action rifle which resembles the Kar98 which was used until WW2. However the most telling sign is the chapter where they embark on the rail carriages after arriving in Weiben. Particularly note the carriages the Wieber soldiers are embarking on (where the guy notes they are like baggage). The open topped carriage is actually what lower class people rode on in the 1890s (a 3rd class if you will, 2nd had a roof and 1st had enclosed walls). So adding those 2 up you can conclude this manga is set around the 1890s period +/- a few years.




Well played, Balzer. Well played. :D



This chapter... very unexpected. 

An update? Really? For me? You shouldn't have sir...

excellent art, immersive story, intriguing premise, great protagonist.



Cannot Agree more.

So...I'm a little confused. If the historical setting is in a fictional realm in a time before German unification, than why is the government referred to as the Weiber? Since that government wasn't established till Bismarck united north and south. Unless Weiber is the Weimarch Republic, and the country below is like Austria. Making that Empire country similar to Russia, or Hungary? The Weiber country certainly i'snt Prussia, although I'm a bit disappointed that it's not. Frederick the Great is one of my more favorite figure heads after all. Instead we get the Kaiser.

My interpretation was that Weissen, Balzer's country, is supposed to be Prussia, since it's referred to as 'militarised' by the other nations, is implied to be one of the more powerful nations, and it's in the northern part of not-Germany. This would mean that Erzreich, the powerful southern rival, is the Austrian Empire. Baselland is a bit less direct, but judging by its size and position between the two it's probably the Kingdom of Bavaria. This would be supported by the uniform colours in the cover illustrations; Balzer wears a colour close to Prussian blue, whereas the Baselland infantry wear the lighter blue favoured by Bavaria.


It's not a perfect fit, mind, since Baselland's lack of railways is a major plot point, whereas in reality the first german country to implement a railroad was Bavaria, and there are plenty of other discrepancies, but it's the best approximation I can come up with.

excellent art, immersive story, intriguing premise, great protagonist.



So...I'm a little confused. If the historical setting is in a fictional realm in a time before German unification, than why is the government referred to as the Weiber? Since that government wasn't established till Bismarck united north and south. Unless Weiber is the Weimarch Republic, and the country below is like Austria. Making that Empire country similar to Russia, or Hungary? The Weiber country certainly i'snt Prussia, although I'm a bit disappointed that it's not. Frederick the Great is one of my more favorite figure heads after all. Instead we get the Kaiser.


Anyone know if there's any manga surrounding Louis XIV? His story is an interesting one.

This is very legitimate. It was worth not sleeping to read. At least, I'll say that now. :)

No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.


But planning too far ahead is a common (and fatal) error for many tacticians. Its easier to assume that your plan will work out (mostly) perfectly and thus arraign yourself to carry out said plans; than it is to assume that your plan will fail at any given point and be prepared to carry out contingency plans.

It's ironic because by assuming that your plan will fail and prepare a plan B is just like planning even further ahead...  A tactitian has to know how to improvise, or he can't be called a tactitian if not it will be like: "okay here's the plan, read it, any questions? No, okay, now bye I'm off to spent my vacation". So yeah I don't think planning too far ahead is an error, but you have to know how to cope with the situation when things turn bad. But at the same time there are so many variables that a human can't always fully control, plus you can simply be outsmart by your opponent, and It has nothing to do with planning too far ahead.

Balzar thinks too far ahead. It's a little dangerous and I'm sure it was written to give some suspense to the reader, but trying to anticipate breaking the enemy's morale is a gamble.

No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.


But planning too far ahead is a common (and fatal) error for many tacticians. Its easier to assume that your plan will work out (mostly) perfectly and thus arraign yourself to carry out said plans; than it is to assume that your plan will fail at any given point and be prepared to carry out contingency plans.

Balzar thinks too far ahead. It's a little dangerous and I'm sure it was written to give some suspense to the reader, but trying to anticipate breaking the enemy's morale is a gamble.

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