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Gunka no Baltzar

Alt Names: alt Baltzar Militarismusalt Bernd Balzeralt 軍靴のバルツァーalt Gunka no Baltzeralt Gunka no Balzer
Author: Nakajima Michitsune
Artist: Nakajima Michitsune
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHistorical HistoricalSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Glory is won over the roar of cannon fire. Peace exists simply as a time to prepare for the next battle. In a nation with superb military power, Bernd Baltzar advanced quickly through the ranks. However, his career now takes a sudden turn when he is reassigned to being the military advisor in a neighboring allied nation with little military power and a lack of civilian support of firearms. Will Major Baltzar be able to win the hearts and minds of both the soldiers and civilians in this country?
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Haha! Thx for the update EGS.

After this battle, Balzer has realized the deadly of modern warfare. Barbed wire and sand bag, trench and machine gun emplacement will stop any infantry stupid enough to charge straight at them.

Perhaps; but a field officer is nowhere near the level needed to institute army-wide changes, which is the sad part.

That's good. When SCS told me that they dropped it I was worried. Thanks to some brave individuals: Benj, AgentE, Ell, Olga, Aka, martikuki, Kusunuki-chan, and Kanra, we get art.


Thank you.

Page 47...this needs to be a spinoff. seriously.

After this battle, Balzer has realized the deadly of modern warfare. Barbed wire and sand bag, trench and machine gun emplacement will stop any infantry stupid enough to charge straight at them.

Calvary trapped by barbed wire and then got fired on multiple directions with heavy machine guns and rifles.


God, that is not a battle, that is a masscare.

This is war!! son!! if they don't use a barbed wire, it will be them that got their asses masacred.......


Zero Casuality in battle is EPIC!!!....


and now we know why is horse cavalry became obsolete in modern warfare


next time hollbeck just have to bring



Calvary trapped by barbed wire and then got fired on multiple directions with heavy machine guns and rifles.


God, that is not a battle, that is a masscare.


That's the point. I enjoy it actually.

Calvary trapped by barbed wire and then got fired on multiple directions with heavy machine guns and rifles.


God, that is not a battle, that is a masscare.

Thanks for the release, this manga is great and it looks like things are heating up even more!

Sigh, this site is dying...

When you give an inch they take an arm

Hah, I must thank the DMCA for getting me to read this great series.

I predict that they use the volley gun on the enemy cavalry on that one bridge that wasn't blown. They use the infantry and everyone else as bait, wait until the enemy pursue across the bridge, and then counter-ambush the ambushers by pulling out the volley gun and mowing down the cavalry that are funneled through the bridge. This eliminates the problems of the enemy cavalry flanking them or out-maneuvering them through having the cavalry funneled and trapped. At least, that's what I am assuming from the foreshadowing.

If that happens, the series is dead. Its an open bridge, if the ambushers charge/pursue an infantry unit, they'd obviously take heavy losses from the narrow terrain.

I predict that they use the volley gun on the enemy cavalry on that one bridge that wasn't blown. They use the infantry and everyone else as bait, wait until the enemy pursue across the bridge, and then counter-ambush the ambushers by pulling out the volley gun and mowing down the cavalry that are funneled through the bridge. This eliminates the problems of the enemy cavalry flanking them or out-maneuvering them through having the cavalry funneled and trapped. At least, that's what I am assuming from the foreshadowing.

Sigh, this site is dying...


Sad panda.


The only good news is that the DCMA requests come out on a per chapter basis, so we still have a shot at seeing the new chapters as they come out :)

Previous chapters ddl:
hail freedom

Finally a new chapter. Been waiting long for this.

What happened to all the chapters?


Here you go.



What happened to all the chapters?



In other words, if the damn things were supposed to be ornamental, Lancers wouldn't have been bringing them to the actual battlefield - which they did! Partly because their superiors were idiots and partly because they themselves were dinosaurs stuck in the ways of a bygone era. Don't confuse usefulness for usage. Yes, the lance was damn useless even by the late 19th century, but it didn't mean Lancers stopped trying to use them.


FYI, the US Army still considered swords to be standard issue equipment for NCOs and they are (sometimes) brought to the front.


Your entire argument is based on what "should" have been done based on the standard issue kit at the time. If the CO says to drop all but your armor, lance and sword for an interception mission, fuck your standard equipment kit; drop everything except your armor, lance and sword.

Brb, gonna play Napoleon: Total war. That evil genuus guys plan is propably to drawn Weissen in a war against the empire, and then make sure Weissen wins, you know, by sabotage from the inside.

War... war never changes.

That Liebknecht guy is planning something grim again,and it seems it's about the value of both armies.

Balzer is a rad commander, and I think he's far nicer than what everyone thinks he is.

This story is soooo epic. This is seriously one of my favorite series.

Huge thanks to the scanlators for bringing us this brilliant find!

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