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* * * * * (4.63 - 187votes)

Afterschool War Activities

Alt Names: alt Afterschool Military Activityalt 방과 후 전쟁활동 (하일권)
Author: Ha Il-Kwon
Artist: Ha Il-Kwon
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenTragedy TragedyWebtoon Webtoon[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
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Topic [SPOILERS] Current Chapter Discussion New Window svines85
  • 122 Replies


This chapter contains my biggest factor to like this manhwa.

The realness (is that even a word?)


Not the cells obviously, but the emotion and the reaction..

I get the same feeling from it. At first, I couldn't really distinguish most of the characters, although the chart came in handy for that. Now that I know the characters a bit better, I am really enjoying the way their interactions, thoughts, and feelings are depicted. Since the students are now bound together by their common plight and becoming more effective as soldiers, a lot of parts have started to remind me of well-done war movies or shows, such as Band of Brothers or The Thin Red Line. Or Tae Guk Gi or Joint Security Area, if you want more Korean examples.

the uglier you are the faster you die....well.......at least for the girls.....


Very cool, thanks a lot for the new chapter Supreme Cream!!

This chapter contains my biggest factor to like this manhwa.

The realness (is that even a word?)


Not the cells obviously, but the emotion and the reaction..

This is such a good manhwa, getting really intense!

Awesome, thanks a lot SCS!!!

A cliffhanger again -_-

Bora is awesome.


Bora is awesome.

Lol, I know she won't like the afro kid, but could you just imagine? LOL, the plot twist that would be!

it'd be like onani master kurosawa, except in that the afro kid is actually a really great dude

Lol, I know she won't like the afro kid, but could you just imagine? LOL, the plot twist that would be!

In just this chapter Nara had more expressions than she'd had since the first chapter...
Also, does it look like Bora saved Aeseol partly for Youngshin's sake?


It's going to drive me crazy over who it is that Nara likes now. And Bora either likes



And thank you SCS! Great work as always!

Hilarious, great new chapter, thanks a lot SCS!!


Didn't expect Nara to like someone. Good thing she turned him down though. If she accepted, he would die next day :D And what is with Bora? She is acting like the mother of aesol... I wonder why and hope there is a specific reason we will learn later.
In just this chapter Nara had more expressions than she'd had since the first chapter...
Also, does it look like Bora saved Aeseol partly for Youngshin's sake?

... someone should add the yuri tag.

Willain:  I've been operating under the assumption that the Cells aren't sentient, or at least not as sentient as a human.  All of their actions are largely automatic, Instinctual.  That's why the Cells focus on Full Frontal Assaults, they have no survival instinct. Their Wave tactics is less communication as we would understand it, and closer to how a Flock of Birds can travel mostly together.


Why i assume that they have some form of intelligence is because the sargeant said so in chapter 26. That their intelligence is quite low is a given, their senseless tactics are mediocre at best. That they have some form of metabolism can be deduced from chapter 4 where they tell us that the medium cells multiplicate in the mountainous regions by taking up nourishment in some fashion.

If their actions are instincts or not is to soon to say. The only time we have seen a medium cell reproduce is after the boy who was pushed were killed and they speculated that the small cell was formed after the medium cell consumed the blood.
If that was a reaction or a choice is hard to tell.


The wave tactics do point at some kind of communication and sentience though. Without sentience they would not focus the attack in waves and would rather send the small cells in as they were formed. And to focus the attack they need to attack at the same time which requires a signal of some sort, hive mentality is one option. The assaults can be explained by the small cells reacting to some kind of stimuli though.


Their division is also automatic, a response to stress or the situation, and Pre-Programming as I think the Cells are Entirely Artificial Organisms.  The Larger Cells are only Larger so they were able to travel through Space with a single trajectory and more fully withstand any random impacts that might have occurred, or collision with the micro-particles that permeate the vacuum.  Larger Cells are not "Formed" or "Grown" like an organism.  They were shipped out full size and gradually fracture into smaller cells to actually get stuff done.  They have no metabolism.


These assumptions only hold true if they indeed are artificial lifeforms. But even then they probably would need some kind of metabolism as dividing, levitating and tentacle forming and use all should require the cells to use energy in some form or another.
Unless they come prefabricated with humongous amounts of energy (which is a possibility given the explosions) the most efficient way to hurl them into space and then function autonomously would be to have some kind of energy collection.

Hey, Red-hair-Glasses, don't screw it up for for Nara and Black-hair-Muscle. If BhM does confess before dawn, he'll be destined to die anyway, so let him do it-- No, wait. If he doesn't do it, does he get to live?

He's placed himself in a coffin by expressing his intent. To seal the coffin he has to either 1) actually confess to her, 2)write a letter in regards to his feelings(If something happens to me, give this to her), or 3) reconfirming his intentions in the middle of the fight(How can i confess if I don't make it through this fight?!).

Of course, Ha could do two of the three and be trolling us too by not letting him die, just to keep us on our toes, or megatroll us by having the girl die instead.

No one is safe in this series

Hey, Red-hair-Glasses, don't screw it up for for Nara and Black-hair-Muscle. If BhM does confess before dawn, he'll be destined to die anyway, so let him do it-- No, wait. If he doesn't do it, does he get to live?

As you were, then, RhG. I don't want anyone to die again this soon.

PS. The Active/KIA/MIA/etc list that's been at the end of the chapters for a while, super useful. Please bring it back.


That said, I say the expected deaths are at least a boy and 2 girls. A dozen injured.


Also, having teenage-ish-ers target plumb purple spheres in a forest (the mountain's slope is green, right?), in the dark of dawn, and be close enough to accurately shoot at the medium-spheres' offshoots, and maintain safe distance for grenade use and a clear line-of-sight for rocket launches is... not a pretty plan.

Unless the cells themselves are a sentient alien race, they're only scouts. Any civilization advanced enough to manufacture such a weapon and send it across space accurately would certainly be able to estimate our capability for war. A single helicopter would be able to destroy as many ground-borne cells as it has ammunition for. Strictly speaking, the cells aren't going to annihilate anything - even children with a few weeks of training can hold them off. This tells me that the cells are scouts, to observe humankind's potential for war. This way, the Enemy can send the least expensive force necessary to conquer the planet. 


The other, more amusing option is that the cells are living organisms themselves, somehow able to throw themselves through space with pinpoint accuracy towards the next life-supporting planet, where they gobble up anything they can before dividing and hurling themselves towards new lands. It's romantic, in its own unique way...

"I'm going to confess my feelings right before the big mission. What could Possibly go wrong?" Kimchi's going to be in an awesome position to console her afterwards, if she says yes.



Should we start taking bets on just HOW badly this operation is going to go?


We need some over/under odds on how many kids are gonna eat it.

I'm going to bet that the only reason that they will be 'dismissed' if the mission is a success, is that if it doesn't succeed, as a whole, the entire nation is screwed to hell anyway. And it's a great way to boost morale for a suicide mission.

Should we start taking bets on just HOW badly this operation is going to go?


We need some over/under odds on how many kids are gonna eat it.

@Willain:  I've been operating under the assumption that the Cells aren't sentient, or at least not as sentient as a human.  All of their actions are largely automatic, Instinctual.  That's why the Cells focus on Full Frontal Assaults, they have no survival instinct. Their Wave tactics is less communication as we would understand it, and closer to how a Flock of Birds can travel mostly together.


Their division is also automatic, a response to stress or the situation, and Pre-Programming as I think the Cells are Entirely Artificial Organisms.  The Larger Cells are only Larger so they were able to travel through Space with a single trajectory and more fully withstand any random impacts that might have occurred, or collision with the micro-particles that permeate the vacuum.  Larger Cells are not "Formed" or "Grown" like an organism.  They were shipped out full size and gradually fracture into smaller cells to actually get stuff done.  They have no metabolism.


The Cells were sent to Earth without supervision, or with a single craft that's still out of humanities reach, sent to do as much damage as possible, to reduce the Human Population to more.... Manageable Levels.  After all, transporting an Army through Space would be a massive undertaking, the Logistics would be insane.  Invading another Continent can be hard enough as it is.  On the other hand, shooting hundreds of thousands of non-sentient, non-living things in the general direction of a Planet and then following up with a smaller 'mop-up' force is much easier.


The Cells aren't the Invasion.  They're just the Vanguard Force, the next level of Guided Missiles.

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