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Anti-Magic Academy “The 35th Test Platoon”

Alt Names: alt Antimagic Academy - 35th Test Platoonalt 対魔道学園35試験小隊alt Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutaialt Taimadou Gakuen Sanjuugo Shiken Shoutai
Author: Yanagimi Touki
Artist: Hanao Sutarou
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremRomance RomanceShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Welcome to the 35th Test Platoon of the Taimadou Gakuen, or "Antimagic Academy". The academy is home to squads that hunt down and kill, destroy, or otherwise render harmless magical practitioners and artifacts. The 35th Test Platoon is a band of misfits who don't seem to fit in anywhere else. Each member is a specialist with a focus on a different aspect of operations. The squad may become the greatest team ever, but first they must overcome their greatest obstacle: each other...

You can read the Light Novel translation here
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so this is publish in a shounen magazine?? cuz with that kind of graphics is kinda...

Man not even Nazis had an academy where 15 years old saw melted people in barrels and tortured children.

No one expect the japanese inquisition.

He probably over-did the bandaging since she would stop talking once he stopped bandaging.

"Necrophilia"??  Really??  I'm guessing he was originally going for "necromancy".  The translator needs a dictionary...or the writer, whomever placed that in the manga. :P


Yes it's "necrophilia". Or, rather, "nekurofiria" (in furigana). Blame the author/publisher. When it's pronounced like that, there's usually a reason. So in time to come there may actually BE necrophiliac witches. Or, perhaps that's what the witch-hunters disparagingly call the kind of witch that works magic with dead bodies. Or maybe it's a play on words with other uses of -philia (e.g., hemophilia)


All I can say is that it wasn't a mistranslation and hopefully the author will have it make sense later.

...well, it would be perfect scene at the end...without that bulging leg of her...

Her leg looks like a corn dog lol

The guy has some serious skills with bandages.


Jun 29 2013 04:11 PM

Wait, so shes gonna leave it like that?

But CSR had better females so ;/


this one will still get better ...

I get a good feeling from it ...

for anyone who don't want to see earlier retardness, just wait until 10 - 20 chapter get released, the retardness should be reduced significantly ...


another example ...

S.N.Shanna ... ZnT ... Dragon Crisis ...

Chrome Shelled Regios ... R+V ...

etc, etc ... plenty of example to the point I can predict the "base structure" of it ...


(to be honest, I use this method for any "unbearable retard" manga which have BAD starting but with the one I can predict it can become better ... the bad thing about this method is ... well, you can't get follow discussion since you don't read it ...)

"Necrophilia"??  Really??  I'm guessing he was originally going for "necromancy".  The translator needs a dictionary...or the writer, whomever placed that in the manga. :P


I thought the same think when I first read other manga named Necrophilia of Darkside Sister, when I asked if anyone thought that the title seemed kinda odd, one person commented that the literal meaning of the word was something like love or attachment for the dead, so either the authors of this and that manga used that word trying to express that or maybe they don´t know the difference between Necromancy and Necrophilia(as a sexual practice), anyway as many have pointed before I also think that this seems to be more like a mistake on the author´s part rather than some kind of tricky wordplay. Thanks for your work Japanzai 


"Necrophilia"??  Really??  I'm guessing he was originally going for "necromancy".  The translator needs a dictionary...or the writer, whomever placed that in the manga. :P


Don't think they would get far with the other two included...

As it stands so far, I don't like her.

well, at least MC plays it cool when capturing her heart.

Gotta admit... I was just skimming this chapter... but some words, "necrophilia" being one, just tend to make stop and say "wuuut???"

I'm still waiting for some MC badassery.

"Duo"? Did the author just threw the other two girls out of the pic?

MC done good this chapter. The Full Retard Brigade may yet be redeemable.

That was indeed one huge bandage. o_o

A nice, short segue chapter. Also nice to see him actually act like a leader

That moment...


ch1. I noticed Ouka is the principal's daughter-in-law. How does that work again? They're using a married girl as heroine?

Ouka is the principal's stepdaughter.

married to her mother...


Lol, A married heroine would be refreshingly new

i dislike manga where the mc gets kicked about left and right.

This MC obviously has some potential, we just haven't seen it yet. Besides, there is already a prominent character that fulfills the Badass Quota.

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