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Zettai Karen Children

Alt Names: alt Absolutely Lovely Childrenalt 絶対可憐チルドレン
Author: Shiina Takashi
Artist: Shiina Takashi
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: It's the 21st century, and the number of ESPers continues to increase. They are active in the military, diplomacy, politics, and in other places. They hold the key for global competition. A country that controls ESP can control the world! However individuals who posses higher than Level 4 are less than 3% of the population. There are only three Level 7 people who have government contracts. These three are Kaoru, Aoi, and Shiho, ten-year old girls, who work for B.A.B.E.L. With the guidance of Kouichi, a twenty-year old genius, they catch criminals and evil ESPers.


> Zettai Karen Children: THE UNLIMITED - Hyoubu Kyousuke
>Courtesy of Zettai Karen Children -THE UNLIMITED- Hyoubu Kyousuke - WANDERER
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Boo, these chapters are mostly terrible. Something needs to happen soon.
Really though, Shiho could easily find Minamoto with psychometry. Since, you know, that is what she does. Plot plops!

As far as i know psychometry does work with touching something that belonged to minamoto, but even that wouldn't really show where currently is. What's more director could easily hide all things that belonged to minamoto. 

Boo, these chapters are mostly terrible. Something needs to happen soon.
Really though, Shiho could easily find Minamoto with psychometry. Since, you know, that is what she does. Plot plops!

I haven't read this since the obnoxious kid Sakaki shows up and steal the spotlight from Minamoto since his personality and behaviour somehow managed to make me irritated on subsconscious level =_=" And after so long I want to resume reading it and then I see comments that Shiho is seemingly attracted to this kid? Ugh.. I know it's illogical but I don't want to see any one of the trio ended up with someone like Sakaki...


Oh wait just realized I mistaken the name of the kid, it's Matsukaze? So who's this Sakaki guy? I can't remember which one is Sakaki O.o ... Is it the clown playboy who's often with Minamoto...? ._. No Shiho, don't.

hell no tanizaki. you, kiritsubo and magi can join together as karen ojisantachi instead

oh wow, now even magi fell to it. basically gilliam now have moles on each side.

What's going on Fujiko!?

I'm just gonna naively sit here and believe she's doing this to make it seem like she's gone off the rails, for the sake of some super secret, convoluted plan. 

I think she's probably somewhat under their control but it isn't entirely under their jurisdiction for what she does. For example; she was probably ordered to 'get rid' of Minamoto but it was up to her on how she followed those orders.

I'm going to guess the area she sent them to will be pretty crucial. Perhaps a problem esper resides there who can help them out.

What's going on Fujiko!?

I'm just gonna naively sit here and believe she's doing this to make it seem like she's gone off the rails, for the sake of some super secret, convoluted plan. 

Exactly my thoughts. Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't there chapter about their future where shiho was with sakaki? I don't have anything against him, but he seems like a playboy character (at least in the past ). And call me faggot or what-not but i don't want any of those girls to be with guys with such behaviour.

Faggot? Nope, those girls are far younger than the guys, and yeah Sakaki has some personality problems, they shouldn't end up with any of them. And Shiho is too much best girl material to end up with a clown.

holy hell. i thought it's another one of fujiko's 'act evil' random antique but it seems like the shit is hitting the fan for real this time.

This might be an unpopular opinion but I really miss the harem antics. Especially since the start of the HS arc, Aoi and Shiho has been nothing but background characters lately. And it seems like the author is shipping Shiho with Sakaki but thank god Yuuri was with them in this chapter, she took a shred of weight off my shoulders.

Exactly my thoughts. Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't there chapter about their future where shiho was with sakaki? I don't have anything against him, but he seems like a playboy character (at least in the past ). And call me faggot or what-not but i don't want any of those girls to be with guys with such behaviour.

This might be an unpopular opinion but I really miss the harem antics. Especially since the start of the HS arc, Aoi and Shiho has been nothing but background characters lately. And it seems like the author is shipping Shiho with Sakaki but thank god Yuuri was with them in this chapter, she took a shred of weight off my shoulders.

Maybe the author don't remember it, maybe he's plotting us not remembering it either, but Carrie (the pink haired girl from comerica) ended up as an astronaut, and Minamoto is going to space so...if by chance what i suspect end up happening, the children will clear Fujiko from black phantom control even if they have to brainwash her just to stop that 1 year date mission :P

Yeesh, this is still ongoing? I could've sworn the series was wrapping itself up a year ago.

Okay first of all a 20 year gap is automatically "mid life crisis" because you deem it so? There are as many reasons for a 20 year gap as stars in the sky. What if it was a 35 year old woman with a 55 year old man.  Maybe they just fell in love  in a bar somewhere. The gap isn't nearly as important as you get older. It's more dependent on when and where.

No, but when a 40- or 50-something suddenly starts pouring attention on a girl young enough to be his daughter, 98 times out of 100 it's because he was suddenly confronted with the fact that he is no longer young, and wants to deny that fact by acting just how he acted when he was 18 or so.  Generally these types break off their marriages and start dating much younger people, take up high-risk hobbies like motorbike riding or hang gliding, and generally start spending money on trivialities.  It is quite unsightly, you know.


And comparing a person whom you know and care for as a student to a stalker who is a complete stranger in most cases and tends to do incredibly unsettling things while never ACTUALLY revealing who they are until it's too late is entirely different. This case is more like a student teacher relationship where the student is constantly fawning over the teacher. The teacher may feel some attraction to the student for many reasons (looks/ personality/ intelligence) but will not do anything over it because they are the teacher and that is their student. Most students grow out of that puppy love stage but, in some cases the student grows up and becomes an adult then eventually dates/ marries the teacher. It's not entirely common but it's not like it never happens either.


Oh, I've met teachers who married ex-students... one married six times, all former students.  I thought it was creepy then, too.  But what you said before was, "if she tells him she loves him every day for six years, and he knows she means it, then there is no way he won't love her back."  You can be certain that when a stalker tells you they love you, they are dead serious.  So, by that logic, after six years of stalking, you would certainly love them back, wouldn't you?  Of course not, because loving someone is entirely more complex than that.


And yes Minamoto does have the caretaker feelings but, he also has been seen having feelings that as a "teacher" he shouldn't have ( for example in the whole "A Demon in the eye" story arc where seeing the more adult versions of them got him flustered) He is a type that if aggressively pursued is more likely to relent so you have to take that into account.  So in a sense it is "breaking" him down it's trying to make him stop seeing her as a "student" but as an "equal".


That's definitely Kaoru's objective, and it may or may not be working — that depends on how the author wants to end this series — but right now he is still very much their father.  He may have been flustered by the girls' adult appearances, but that was partly because he wasn't used to those shapes; back then the girs were very much children, and besides, he knew that they weren't really the children, but nurse-san.  That certainly weirded him out, but he is under no self-imposed moral restriction regarding her as he is with the Children.




Now commenting on chapter 436: Damnit Hyoubu! Wear some pants to bed, will you? No one wants to see your geriatric ass...

Fujiko! It's been a while!

Actually, what happened to her again? I can't even remember at this point.

Ten year gap is barely OK if the youngest of the pair is above 25. If he's 46 and she's 26, then I'd call it a midlife crisis and tell him to knock it off, and don't even think about buying a red convertible sports car, either.  That sh*t is just about as cringe-worthy as chuunibyou.
And yes, Hyoubu is very creepy.  Has always been.  His big sister, the director, is, too, but not quite as much of a master as he is.

If he does fall in love with her, it's because the plot demands it, not because she "broke" him by telling him he was her final objective.  If that nonsense worked, stalkers would be a lot more successful in the long run.


In any case, Minamoto still clearly has feelings for the three which are more similar to a mother's, wondering whether they are eating well and whatnot.

Okay first of all a 20 year gap is automatically "mid life crisis" because you deem it so? There are as many reasons for a 20 year gap as stars in the sky. What if it was a 35 year old woman with a 55 year old man.  Maybe they just fell in love  in a bar somewhere. The gap isn't nearly as important as you get older. It's more dependent on when and where.

And comparing a person whom you know and care for as a student to a stalker who is a complete stranger in most cases and tends to do incredibly unsettling things while never ACTUALLY revealing who they are until it's too late is entirely different. This case is more like a student teacher relationship where the student is constantly fawning over the teacher. The teacher may feel some attraction to the student for many reasons (looks/ personality/ intelligence) but will not do anything over it because they are the teacher and that is their student. Most students grow out of that puppy love stage but, in some cases the student grows up and becomes an adult then eventually dates/ marries the teacher. It's not entirely common but it's not like it never happens either.


And yes Minamoto does have the caretaker feelings but, he also has been seen having feelings that as a "teacher" he shouldn't have ( for example in the whole "A Demon in the eye" story arc where seeing the more adult versions of them got him flustered) He is a type that if aggressively pursued is more likely to relent so you have to take that into account.  So in a sense it is "breaking" him down it's trying to make him stop seeing her as a "student" but as an "equal".

Okay first of all. A ten year age gap is gross? Then that must mean a 20 year age gap is a travesty except you know if she was 26 and he was 46 no one would be saying shit about it right now would they? And if your talking about creepy please remember that Hyoubu is roughly EIGHTY YEARS OLD! So yeah please don't give me some crap about 10 years being a big deal when you're all hot to trot over a geriatric.

Ten year gap is barely OK if the youngest of the pair is above 25. If he's 46 and she's 26, then I'd call it a midlife crisis and tell him to knock it off, and don't even think about buying a red convertible sports car, either.  That sh*t is just about as cringe-worthy as chuunibyou.
And yes, Hyoubu is very creepy.  Has always been.  His big sister, the director, is, too, but not quite as much of a master as he is.

Second of all he didn't fall in love with her when she was 10. He fell in love with her as she CONSTANTLY began to basically say she was madly in love with him. It didn't help that when in the hypno world she basically said her love for him then was insanely greater than when she was just a young girl and was basically savoring that emotion for him like a fine wine. I'm sorry if a girl is constantly letting you know that YOU ARE HER FINAL OBJECTIVE. After 6 years child or not she's going to break you unless you can't actually feel romantic feelings period. Especially when you know that every time she says "I love you" you know she means it with her whole heart.

If he does fall in love with her, it's because the plot demands it, not because she "broke" him by telling him he was her final objective.  If that nonsense worked, stalkers would be a lot more successful in the long run.


In any case, Minamoto still clearly has feelings for the three which are more similar to a mother's, wondering whether they are eating well and whatnot.

Hello everyone!! Sorry for being disappeared for so long we´ll be putting the left chapters soon :) and maybe another surprise ;)

As whiny as Gilliam usually is, this chapter was actually pretty entertaining. Though I think Theodore just became the best character in Black Phantom. Or maybe it's just me.

Hello everyone!! Sorry for being disappeared for so long we´ll be putting the left chapters soon :) and maybe another surprise ;) 

Wow, way to completely kill a really good lesbian ship, in favor of a really gross hetro ship. Minamoto's 26. Kaoru's 16. Yeah. Good job falling for that 10 year old you raised. That's not creepy at all. Also, this manga needs more Hyoubu and PANDRA. AND A LOT MORE ANDY HINOMIYA!!

Okay first of all. A ten year age gap is gross? Then that must mean a 20 year age gap is a travesty except you know if she was 26 and he was 46 no one would be saying shit about it right now would they? And if your talking about creepy please remember that Hyoubu is roughly EIGHTY YEARS OLD! So yeah please don't give me some crap about 10 years being a big deal when you're all hot to trot over a geriatric.

Second of all he didn't fall in love with her when she was 10. He fell in love with her as she CONSTANTLY began to basically say she was madly in love with him. It didn't help that when in the hypno world she basically said her love for him then was insanely greater than when she was just a young girl and was basically savoring that emotion for him like a fine wine. I'm sorry if a girl is constantly letting you know that YOU ARE HER FINAL OBJECTIVE. After 6 years child or not she's going to break you unless you can't actually feel romantic feelings period. Especially when you know that every time she says "I love you" you know she means it with her whole heart.

Third, don't get me wrong I love the Yuri idea. But, as they explain most likely the obsession with Kaoru is more based on the fact that she wants the people who saved her to be happy. Because remember she kinda has an odd obsession with ALL of the children it's just more predominant with Kaoru. (Though it's also because it feels like every single member of Black Phantom develops an otaku-esque quirk after being freed)

Finally, you should be HAPPY that they even bother to show Andy at ALL in the main manga. How many times do they make a spin off anime for a manga and actually decide to solidify it as CANON in the books? I mean I wonder if you even have to use more than a single hand to count them. As far as PANDRA goes, I think they show quite a bit of the various members of PANDRA in the story. But we should remember that this manga is called ZETTAI KAREN CHILDREN. I like PANDRA but, I kinda get pissed off when I have to read 10-15 chapters of backstory for the antagonist without any coverage of the main characters at all.  Yes I know it helps to flesh out some details but, it doesn't stop me from being all "...and this information is important to us why?" I mean it would be nice to see more Aoi and Shiho arcs too. Also think of poor Naomi who I think has been in supplement format for months now. So before we start showing PANDRA some love I think there are a few other nice characters who deserve the spotlight more if we're gonna be asking for it.

Silly good guys don't you know by now that Black Phantom would really REALLY like to kill Minamoto? I mean he's screwed them over from the beginning because well.. he basically made "The Children" into what they are today. Yes Feather jumped in during the middle part but, that's only because Minamoto was in THAT timeline too again creating The Children.  Seriously if you want to kill the Hydra you better start aiming for the head.

I think you mean telekinesis not telepathy

A high level Telepath can possibly control the teleporter, read their thoughts, and use their own powers against them like Prof. X

I meant both, I started with Telepathy, then I went to Psychokinesis. Both are OP powers in their own right

Thanks for the chapter!
My God, why does Shiho keep staring at Sakaki that way?! Stop making it look like he's the one, dammit!

Isn't it obvious what happened, Sakaki was the unwitting Trojan horse because of Matsukaze's pet turtle. It started with Matsukaze, went to Sakaki and then jumped to Fujiko. The investigation was correct but the timing was just unfortunate

Thanks for the chapter!

My God, why does Shiho keep staring at Sakaki that way?! Stop making it look like he's the one, dammit!

11-18 then 2-10.  The black square on the top of the page on both pages 10 and 11 that have the captions are always on the beginning and final pages.


Sorry i made a mistake with the name of the pages xd in the v2 is corrected 

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