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Saito-kun wa Esper Rashii

Alt Names: alt サイトーくんは超能力者らしいalt Rumor says that Saito is an ESPERalt Saito-kun wa Chounouryokusha Rashiialt 斋藤君的超能力情结?
Author: Imigi Muru
Artist: Imigi Muru
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Saitou, a rather arrogant kid, announces his super power to his class on the first day of high school. He imagines that it will make all the girls swoon, and he'll be crazily popular. Unfortunately, his ability to bend a spoon looks more like a cheap trick than a super power, and everyone laughs in his face. Soon he learns that he is not the only kid with superpowers at the school, and there is even a Super Powers Research Club. He soon finds himself dragged into the society of a friendly invincible girl, a violent telekinetic girl, and a mind-reader. Rather than being swooned over, Saitou appears to have the least impressive ability of the group! Is there any way for him to get the happy high school life he was hoping for?
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there eyes at the end were awesome.

His son didn't stand up after all of that and his only laughing 

he will have to get his brain checked or is he gay?

so he keeps spoons "there"......

That's why it's for bending only

so he keeps spoons "there"......

Also this is just me, but I feel the tags don't fit for some reason, I don't know, maybe the tanks are uncensored?


These are from the tanks. I do disagree with some of the tags. I wouldn't really include Drama, Harem, or Mystery. It's pretty much a pure comedy series.

And I don't think this one was axed. You've got to realize that Konobi started near the end of 2012 (probably in December). I'm not 100% certain when it started serialization, but it was probably the first or second issue of 2013. So for almost the entirety of Saito volume 4, Imigi Muru was writing and drawing two series. Instead of it being cancelled, he most likely ended Saito by choice so he could focus on Konobi.


I haven't actually read the last few chapters yet, but everything seems wrapped up. There's not even anything to really explain. I hope no one was expecting the Esper powers to be explained or anything. They're pretty much just a vehicle for jokes.

Because odds are better that it got the axe. The manga industry is very competitive, so it's difficult for an individual (not well-known) author to get his work serialized. Therefore, it's easy to assume that most mangaka would prefer (and aim) to have a long-running "shounenshit" work that guarantees an income rather than try and get multiple shorter works published.

Of course, this is just speculation.

Point being though is that unless you've already read the entire series and know for a fact that it's a "complete story" (and unrushed), it's better to automatically assume that a shorter series just got the axe.

You are right for the most part. I'm sure every mangaka wants to at least exceed 7 volumes while giving it an end they are happy with. Thing is that if an ending is really rushed with many things left unexplained especially in a world with more than "just school", it means it is most likely axed or the mangaka gave up. However that is not really the case for this series in a way since the world is literally just this one school that for some reason has random espers. You could say that this is like a start to something that never really came to being. So far all we got was start-up with them gaining members and trying to combat the weird Kaichou who can't even be called a main antagonist since Saito is far more diabolical than he is(lol). So on that basis, it is quite easy to come to the conclusion that it was axed. However it could also be that the author was just testing waters and not really planning to make it into something big. I mean, I know he is a unique MC but it is kinda a thing for an MC to be at a certain level of likability in Japan. Even MCs that we absolutely loath for other reasons, do have more likability than Saito.


Also this is just me, but I feel the tags don't fit for some reason, I don't know, maybe the tanks are uncensored?

I don't understand why people automatically assume that short mangas got the axe. Most manga on average only last 3-10 volumes, normally. If it's a complete story, why would it need to drag on like a shounenshit?

Because odds are better that it got the axe. The manga industry is very competitive, so it's difficult for an individual (not well-known) author to get his work serialized. Therefore, it's easy to assume that most mangaka would prefer (and aim) to have a long-running "shounenshit" work that guarantees an income rather than try and get multiple shorter works published.

Of course, this is just speculation.

Point being though is that unless you've already read the entire series and know for a fact that it's a "complete story" (and unrushed), it's better to automatically assume that a shorter series just got the axe.

I find myself wondering how long before this turns into a Battle Manga.  I mean the girls in the club are serious combat potential, even the telepath,  


and while Saito's power seems useless on the surface I've seen plenty of other series where the MC has a "useless" power that ends up being a major Ace once he figures out how to use it creatively.  I think we have even seen a hint of that in the way he drew Lightning to himself.


To me this series feels like it's in set up mode.  Like the author needs a certain number of characters introduced before unleashing the Big Bads

Man I am the total opposite I totally like this dude. I think its because only so many MC hes not just "too nice" and he has teenage like sexdrive, its so frustrating when MC ignore erotica  its just more hard to believe then the superpowers lo.ol

I don't understand why people automatically assume that short mangas got the axe. Most manga on average only last 3-10 volumes, normally. If it's a complete story, why would it need to drag on like a shounenshit?

Too bad it got axed though.

 yea i just checked. Seems it got axed after volume 4

Too bad it got axed though.

alakazam was struck by thunderbolt!!

Did anyone else guess what was the prez looking with such awe?

Then the trio fallen in love with big black ***** and totally forgot why they were there in the first place.

Years of NTR destroyed the innocence in even the most normal story for me.


We are two persons of one mind.


Oh god! And I thinking it was only me... Now I don't know if I'm sad or not fot not being alone. This seriously made me thought of stopping reading NTR-doujinshi for life...

I won't stop though. 

Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul could only be considered "weak" for the short time he was a human.  The moment he became a ghoul he was already relatively strong and about 10 chapters in he was well respected/feared even in other districts.  If you consider that an intolerable weak MC, the problem lies with you, not the author




Saito's not anywhere near the same context, his weakness is largely relative and serves a purpose (to entertain and amuse). Also, no good people die as a result of it and there are a distinct lack of characters who require their heads to be twisted 270 degrees.

You can't run from heaven son.

Nerfing Zeus Ultimate pls.

Oh my....shower-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?129295052

Then the trio fallen in love with big black ***** and totally forgot why they were there in the first place.

Years of NTR destroyed the innocence in even the most normal story for me...

Somebody somewhere is probably already writting a hentai doujinshi about it.

Jajaja damn salto, she was so cuuute when she got jelaous

Then the trio fallen in love with big black ***** and totally forgot why they were there in the first place.

Years of NTR destroyed the innocence in even the most normal story for me...

there's two sides to the coin my friends. I know many can't wait for it in fakku.

Then the trio fallen in love with big black ***** and totally forgot why they were there in the first place.

Years of NTR destroyed the innocence in even the most normal story for me...

We are two persons of one mind.

Whelp, looks like they found him. Mystery solved. 

Then the trio fallen in love with big black ***** and totally forgot why they were there in the first place.

Years of NTR destroyed the innocence in even the most normal story for me...

Chapter 21 just made me love this manga even more. I can't stop laughing! This is too good!

shame the end is near :(

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